Letting go is an act of surrender. To surrender is to forego resistance and allow the flow. To do this one must choose to take a leap of faith. This develops trust. Trust opens up the multi dimensional moment to improvisation. Conscious improvisation reveals a panoply of Celestial gifts from which to choose. Release attachment and the Universe rewards.

As you can see there are many phases in the process of letting go. Thus, it is an art, subject to personalization at any place in the process. Letting go delivers higher vibrational options to your altar of awareness. What you choose is in your hands. Knowing all of this will jump start your flexible and still flowing living in the Now.

Ultimately, letting go is a choice made. The fluidity of that choice is fed by building the muscles of letting go. In a world that teaches us to hold on and cling to what was, this is no easy task. Fear keeps us resistant and steers us to not want to expand, grow, evolve…or let go of the illusion of comfort in the current permutation of “what is”. We have grown to be comfortable with stress and fearing the future by using the past to justify hesitancy to act in a life affirming way.

So be it…for now. Consider the simple monkey trap of a jar and a banana. The jar is wide enough for the monkey to put his hand in to secure the banana. When he clutches it the hand widens and can not be pulled out, unless he releases the banana. The monkey typically does not let go. Easy peazy. We are not taught to trust letting go. The lure of the familiar traps us in the arms of limited thinking which delivers limited forms and results.

In a world of constant change letting go is essential to allow unfolding and expansion. Resisting the change is a recipe for constriction, which leads to blockage of the flow which leads to dis-ease and the manifestations of conditions that typically point to the blockage…but we do not connect the dots very often.

Until these times. We are being pushed to let go more and more. The forms we have relied upon as cultures, families, and individuals are becoming shaky at best. The new Aquarian energies are forcing higher vibrational energies into and around all of us. Our personal pot is being stirred with vigor and the shit is hitting the proverbial fan.

Here is a companion perspective from my earlier book, Living in De Light:

It would appear that this dimension is about holding on. From the moment we incarnate we are under the familial, social, and cultural pressure to resist change and keep things the way they are or were. In a dimension that is built upon vibration, change is a constant. Can you see the conflict here?

We have been bequeathed with a knowing that when we let go of resistance and allow ourselves to flow the real magic happens. The more we choose this as our primary action the more the dimension reveals. In this non-attached state we open to the greater and higher vibrations that gift us the magnificent expanse of this world we live in. When our inner energies are about release, the stress falls away and the inner flow is allowed to cleanse and clear old frequencies, raising our vibration. This, in turn, opens us to dimensional contact with guides, teachers, and the kingdoms. The senses are opened to allow more vibration. We connect with all life in a very different manner. Without resistance, we are in a trusting space that beautifies relationships.

Yet, the willingness to surrender in the moment when the outer is pushing hard to the point that we feel like we will disintegrate, is challenging at first glance. But, it is the step of faith, that there is more than meets the eye, that allows us to discover what was there all the time…peace. We are creatures of habit. To choose surrender is to go counter to the established momentum. That is part of the gift. To step into the unknown when all the programming calls for the same old response of holding on to keep what we have.

Surrender is a sign of weakness according to traditional doctrine, that we have been conquered by another, and will now become prisoner to a new way that is not our choosing. Fearing annihilation, we give up, not in the spirit of flow and expansion, but in collapse. The belief about surrender must change. We learn to let go by letting go every chance we get. The moment we do the invisible wings and hands are there to catch us and lift us over our perceived limitations. The Universe has got our back…always has. It is in our hearts to flow with life. We know in every cell that the vibrating nature of who we are and where we live is requiring that we flow with the changing moment. Life reveals itself in a dance and orchestration conducted by our Higher Self, which only has our best interest in mind, our fulfillment of our Divine, celestial mission claimed at the decision to incarnate. Remembering is stimulated by letting go. There is nothing to hold on to…and that leap gives us the wings to soar.

In this holy moment we have the choice to resist or let go. Know that you are taken care of…we have a Guardian Angel for Heaven’s Sake…and it is a given that he/she shall intervene on our behalf at the slightest sign of danger…unless we have chosen to leave…but that is another gift to talk about. Quit resisting the flow us life. Surrender to the greater Truth of who you are and have always been. It is the key to the Kingdom. Jump…now!

Session Action Three: The Art of Letting Go