Control is the game we have been sold incarnation after incarnation. It has been bought and sold in a myriad of forms only to end up in the inevitable realization that life simply cannot be controlled. People used to buy absolution from the Catholic Church and think they would guarantee an afterlife of higher privilege and comfort. We know how that worked out…

Daily we are bombarded with offers to improve upon our lot, move ahead of the pack, get rich quick, lose the pounds at last, find our soul mate, kick a habit, get healthy, grow back hair, become more desirable and better in bed, own the stock market, live the life of our dreams…on and on we are seduced into thinking we can control the flow of life. Can you say futility?

Ultimately this all comes down to doing one thing… resisting. Life flows on effortlessly and responds to our deepest inner connections, beliefs, actions, thoughts, and words to give us in form that frequency. And, sadly, most resist that truth. Instead, they hop on and off and on and off the treadmill of self improvement, resisting the inner truth that we are already whole. Look around…see the results, in your life and in the life of those around us. Pushing against the river is useless…so is resisting our own design.

Have you ever been at the beach and tried to dam up an entering small stream? You put rocks and sticks and dirt and sand and whatever you can find to limit the flow of that water. And given a little time, the water finds a way and breaks through. So, too, the truth of your being. No matter how much you disagree, resist, turn away, ignore, replace…you will always return to your design, even though you are likely not aware of it yet. It is flowing in, through, and out of you, taking you home inch by inch, moment by moment. And, what do most do? Resist…

Why? Because we have been taught to think that controlling is a better thing, a safer thing, a cooler thing…the way it has always been. We control our own actions by ignoring the inner callings and signs. We attempt to control others by vibe, command, or action. We keep the same ol’ by ignoring the revelations in thought and form that come incessantly through our moments of living. We do our best to steer life in the direction we want it to go…while all the while, life serves up juicy offerings of the oh, so much more. Ignore and divert and resist…because we want to stay comfortable to enjoy the four walls we have built along with all the tools and toys we have stocked it with.

And, again, all the while, life flows richly and with incredible beauty outside of our personal citadel. We become window shoppers and look out at life passing by…wishin’ and a-hopin’ that something will come and make it better and take it all away. This Cosmos is bound by the Laws of Reciprocity and As Within, So Without. We get what we give. When we resist we get resistance in so many different forms. Why? First it is simply the law in action, but secondly, it is our own Higher Self in cahoots with the Source bringing us the variety of experiences to help us fulfill our intentions and Highest Good. In a nutshell, everything that arrives at your own altar of awareness was created just for you to use to wake up and rediscover the true You.

But, you would rather resist and blame the world with pointing fingers that divorce you from any sense of personal responsibility. It is so much easier if life just happens to us…victims one and all…put the blinders on and then hang out in the pool of resistance, celebrating how clever and aware and advanced you are.

OK, have at it! Life flows on. The moments filled with infinite possibility and invitation to remember who you are pass by in an ever marching parade. Resist and you get nothing…ever…except what you have already. And, sadly, for some , that is enough…or so it seems.

Resistance results in resisting. It feels powerful in a way…because it feels in control. The cost of control is a loss of expanded experience and a limited connection with the great panorama of life on Earth and all that that entails. Some find fault with others and self…that is resistance to reclaiming the true self. Some tell others how to be…that is resistance to waking up. Some feel sorry for their condition…that is resistance to letting go of the shackles one has rented. Some bemoan the stress in their lives…and never do anything about it, choosing rather to ride the temporary rush of adrenaline that seeds fear into the cells. Resist waking up by medicating, buying and amassing stuff, eating, becoming addicted to sex, drugs, rock and roll, living the life of crime, manipulation, power, and narcissism, pleasing others, resenting others, not feeling, not crying, claiming boredom, giving up and going through the emotions.

Every one of these things is resisting claiming the truth of your own design as an expression of the I Am That I Am. That is foolish…short sided…ignorant…impossible in the long run. The Universe has even intervened in these Aquarian times to get you to force a wake up. You are being jump started and smacked around to shatter the personal facade of beliefs and patterns. And still many resist. Geeeezzzz!

Resistance is futile. There you are still with your thumb in the hole in the dam, when all around you is the water that the rest of the collapsed dam released. And there you are, loyal to your own ignorance, treating it like a precious child. Resisting…the reawakening of You.  

With resistance, pressure builds, and often leads to explosions/crimes of passion/breakdowns…

So, the invitation is to begin to think in the flowing terms of conscious allowance. Activate discernment to embrace the forms of the moments and open to the permutations of possibility is what is being called for here…and to this, we shall turn in another session action.

For now, look at how you resist the flowing life. Where do you draw your lines? Where do you push back? Where do you protect your self from the dreaded what if’s? Where do you swallow your emotions? Where do you choose to get numb? Where do you return to magical thinking and ignore the facts of the moment? How much do you say “yes” in your life? How are you in front of others? How are you when you don’t know an answer? Be curious and explore.

As a final note here: let’s look briefly at the word, “no”. At first blush it sounds like resistance. In a knee jerk reaction (often activated by internal energetic debris) it certainly is resistance and may be even self-preservation. But when it is called forth as a tool to support discernment and informed choice it is an expression of flow. Gathering information and accessing the facts allows a choice to be clear. Taking action on that kind of choice invites life in at a higher frequency.

In contrast, resistance is often reactionary and almost automatic. So, my friend, you choose how you want to embrace your moments…one imprisons and one frees. Seems pretty simple to me.

Session Action Two: The Futility of Resistance