The Solar Plexus Chakra is the Will Center. This is the realm of the activation of the intention into action necessary to manifest as form. It is the place of actualizing the spoken word. It is infused with the frequency of the heart, empowered by the substance of the Earth via the Root Chakra, showered with the Celestial frequencies of the Crown Chakra, given wings by the Third Eye Visioning, impassioned by the Sacral Chakra…and delivered straight into the altar of That I Am at your feet.

Without the will your intention is a wispy, amorphous dream that cannot find form…calling for the energy to be put into motion it seeks the substance of the Source to coalesce into the full expression of the vision. This action of will must be initiated by your conscious choice. It cannot be activated from beyond for that would interfere with your own creative capacity to form the life that aligns you with your incarnate template.

The Solar Plexus is your seat of power, the place where ideas are infused en masse from the backside. It is where you apply discernment to select the correct action for now. In the field of that decision you move with refined focus to direct the Cosmic forces to manifest forms that harmonize the intention.

If this center is weak then you succumb to self criticism and inflict judgmental barbs that diversify the energy necessary to focus enough to secure the cooperation of the will. You tread water and lose momentum and become distracted from purpose. Once this happens then you start to second guess and resist your own decisions, choosing to question validity to eventually drop the ball. This typically ignites anger that turns inward and spills onto those around us. If the anger is not cleared to reveal the sustaining wounds underneath then you retreat to your own citadel and fortify the walls with stories that attempt to put your own self in a good light…but soon reveal that they are the first of many self inflicted wounds designed to punish…and you spin your wheels and stew.

Activating and nourishing the will is a whole body process. You need your whole self to fortify the structure that houses the awareness to willful action mechanism. One thing leads to another. Action follows action as the will center engages new input to do the next thing.

It is in the will center that we connect to the now moment. We jettison the past influences and release any tendency to what if the future. In other words we stand at the point of conscious creation, autonomous and simultaneously fed by the infinite and ever present conduit of the Higher Self channeling and feeding directly from Source.

Choosing to let go, to surrender, to not resist are willful actions that are needed to separate from the beliefs in limitation. All of these hone your capacity to trust the moment to deliver the best thing for you right now. This is the precious point of freedom where you align with and flow with the personal Cosmic directives meant just for you. Ask, “How does it get better than this?” And watch what unfolds. The Universal marching orders to coagulate the resonant frequencies to put your intention into formed substance are called into action.

One primary personal turning point is the capacity to exercise will to let go of the past. Here is an essay that addresses that:

The past does not determine the present or the future…unless we choose to make it so. It would seem that as a result of all the programming via family, community, society, and culture that this is simply not true. Most believe that the past guarantees the present and the future, that we are victims of the choices and mistakes made prior to the now. Certainly there is influence…but, a guarantee…no!

The moment is the point of choice where all possibilities exist. In each expansive moment we can jettison the past and choose a new pathway and way of being. We are that powerful. The load is made heavy by the energetic debris we carry of our past choices, however. This unprocessed energetic memory influences our clarity and ability to see, even consider, alternatives to patterns and routine beliefs. It appears, from this perspective, and, under this influence, that the past just keeps repeating.

When a leaf moves down the mountain stream it often gets caught in an eddy and goes round and round until it is either released by the influx of more water, or it gradually ends up prisoner to the familiar trapped area. And since there is movement in the eddy it feels like there is progress. It is just the same familiar, and gradually comfortable place. All the while the infinite possibility flows by in the unencumbered main channel.

The past is an eddy. It is known, familiar, and it seems like it is moving. It is seductive, it is known. Surely, there is information there…information that requires examination and adjustment before it is applied to the now. This is the gift: that we are given a host of experiences from which to learn from and adjust our next step. For it is only in the now that life is lived and the future is set into motion. We pull from these experiences to give wisdom and clarity to decide in this moment the path we desire.

In each moment we are reborn, fresh with infinite possibility. That which has been in no way defines us. Mistakes are tools of awareness and mid course correction. The Multi-verse has bequeathed us with a Magic Slate where you write your experience, learn from it, and then lift the plastic cover to erase it and reveal a clean page of infinite possibility. Our past is a story to draw from, a potential screenplay for a blockbuster hit. Use it to assist you in fully experiencing this treasure of a moment. Remember…it is not who you are or ever have been.

Putting a solid will into action propels us into greater awareness and flow and the acceptance of what is currently present. This acceptance allows us to expand into the realm of the big picture of the moment where we can see more clearly what the form of the moment is about. Here, from a posting in my subscription course, Weekly Gratitudes, is a look at challenges. How we perceive something goes a long way in how we embrace and flow with it rather than resist.

”I give great thanks for the existence of  challenge. I am grateful for the unfolding opportunity to reawaken my inner resources to meet that which has come before me. I am thankful that my Higher Self continues to bring me the best experiences with which to remember who I Truly Am. I accept the challenge with confidence and willingness. And so it is!”

The word on the Celestial Street is that challenge is brought to us by our own Higher Self to assist us in remembering who we are. Within the form of the challenge lies a reflection of our previous thoughts and actions. In other words, that which is before us is a direct result of choices made previously. We get to see very clearly the results of our moments. Talk about immediate feedback!

What a remarkable design…

If we open to this then there lies a blueprint for changing how we show up to our moments as well as a clear path to manifesting the future we desire. Thus, within each perceived challenge lies the golden opportunity to do something different. No wonder new thought practitioners have advocated the replacement of challenge with opportunity. Though it may be a bit cliché, notice how it feels to turn what lies before you impacting your quality of life into the best thing to open you up to being more present and powerful. Just the thought of it is freeing to me…

Rather than choosing overwhelm, you can adopt an attitude of anticipation and adventure. That which has come is the very thing needed to expand into a whole new vibration. It is already obvious and has been discussed that the first appearances of an event are not necessarily what they seem. A well placed breath or a moment of letting the emotional wave move through  will open up vistas to a myriad of other possibilities. The form that appears is indeed, the least the big picture.

Trust that you will not be lead astray. The fear based Piscean Age model was one where life does its thing to us. In this frequency we always have to be on guard, awaiting the inevitable problem that will overrun us. This whole model fed upon itself and perpetuated lower vibrational thinking, belief, and response. No wonder life seemed to be too much too often.

Choosing to see challenge as opportunity will free you from the cultural and familial and personal influence to see it as pain filled first. Sure, stuff happens that surprises us. And of course, we react in alignment with our thinking, belief, and patterns. But it can all be changed. And this is the moment to move in that direction!

Welcome the challenges because they open us up to forgotten inner and outer resources. They call upon the best of us to reveal itself. They are never more than we can truly handle. We just have to overcome the doubt and the fearful response that short circuits our knowing that we have the capacity to deal with it. Every problem is a solution waiting to happen.

Observe first. Then discern what is really going on. Then ask for assistance. Listen and then take action. Make adjustments based upon the results. Call upon the inner skills that are waiting to be utilized. You can do it. There is no doubt in my mind. Be open to creative solution and know that what is best here may not be in your current historical experience or frame of reference. Open up to more. That is what challenge does…opens us up to the greater expression of us. It is a big part of the great adventure. Off you go into the wild blue yonder…

The will center develops quickly when you bring attention through action to it. Action is the propellant for full living. Waiting on life to show up may feel like a safe and easy pathway in the beginning, but it is really a nod to believing in limited living…and likely that is not why you chose this incarnation at this time… exercise your personal power and become very aware, use discernment to make decisions, quit any form of resisting, and put your decision into action to simply see what happens. When you have new information then you can readjust and use the will to reactivate the new strategy. Living is a process…allow it and engage it. Let the fun begin!

Session Action Four: The Activation of Will