As a newborn, we arrive with profound knowledge that is limited to an inner relationship with the Cosmos. The tools for integrating it into the environment of the Earth Plane are, as you know, severely limited. This is part of the design decision that blanketed human incarnation up until these Aquarian times. The physical body, magnificent machine that it is, must develop into its capabilities. There is a much quicker process available to launch the expanded body, but it has been “forgotten” in lieu of the buy in of helplessness and limitation that floods the minds and energy fields of most of humanity, up until these blossoming times.

The infant self is physically dependent on the family caregivers and is quick to adapt to the conditions and their treatment in order to survive. Decisions are made based on learning to rein in the senses to integrate the myriad of events that are inserting themselves. The infant must compromise the design in order to “make sense” and meld with the family of origin. And, most of us have done this many, many times. But, with each new successive generation arriving at higher frequency things are rapidly opening up to usher us back to our personal and collective design template. More on this later.

For now, let’s just say that we learn to cling…and, by this, I mean that we learn to fear and hesitate and mistrust (characteristics that are not a part of our true design). In short, we learn to attach. The body needs touch, so we reach out for care that soon becomes familiar and slightly predictable. We listen for the familiar and lean in that direction. As the eyes focus and hone in on the lower frequency living required still in the Earth plane, we begin to separate and select where we put our attention. The familiar becomes an important survival tool that walks us through much of our moments before the late teen aged separation into personal autonomy living.

For 18 or so years we learn to align with a comfort zone, the energetic wall that keeps the unfamiliar frequencies out and seems to “protect us”. We wash, rinse, and repeat…over and over in a slow moving spiral towards awakening…or, more accurately, reawakening. That’s the way it has been for a long, long time.

And now the Cosmic intervention and energetic activation is making this history shaky and ultimately, less desirable…with the goal of moving us out of any dependency beyond our own self care capacity for conscious universal connection built into the design. We are being groomed for successful flow and balance and the ultimate enjoyment of the Earth life in a completely conscious way…whether we want that or not.

How many times have we underscored, in this course, the primary Universal foundational tenet of “all is vibration”? Hopefully, enough to have you actually believing it. The moment that you do you are on the threshold of releasing the clutch of controlling how life shows up for you. And that, is the doorway to true freedom. Everything, yes everything, is in constant oscillation, changing shape and form based on the complex process of focus, thought, belief, and intention. We do actually create the world we live in, both inside and outside. Impossible you say?! Sure is in light of what we have been taught.

But you are here for the full, wide open dance in this garden world and will no longer settle for a facade of what is. Otherwise you would not be reading this stuff…wouldn’t be attracted at all…would be too busy massaging the same ol” and settling for playing out the victim role of life on Earth…wishin’ and hopin’ but rarely getting. So, crossing the threshold into non-attachment is where your true freedom begins. Are you ready? Willing? Because you surely are able…have been for eons and more.

Non-attachment is balanced living in the vibrating flow of the now moment. One is very aware and experiences the fullness of the Now Moments and has the consciousness to integrate them and interface with them to give birth to the next moment and the forms that align with you. Ultimately, it is effortless, feeding itself with expanded revelations of infinite possibility the more you use it. Bottom line is no resistance…at all. That does not mean ignoring. It means engaging with the knowing that there is a big picture here. There is information brought forth just for you riding on the wings of wisdom of your Higher Self Source Messenger. Paying conscious attention to what is opens the door to non-attachment and fluid living.

To achieve this capacity, you must clear vibrational and energetic debris throughout your energetic bodies. The more you do the closer you are to the design in flow…that sweet spot of fully living You. Returning to the incarnate infant who arrives in pristine frequency with all the information to activate the full design consciously contained within. The moments of living in the human family and environment initiate the tendency to attach. The typical human family and culture provides restrictions that they have learned to believe as true and accept as the way it is. This causes the evolving infant to begin to hold on to and restrict the free expression of energy that is supposed to be released. Doing this builds up reservoirs of lower frequency energy that impact the chakra energetic system, as well as cells and tissue. The continued storage of this energetic debris will contribute to the action of attaching to forms and ways to survive.

For most, this cycle continues. Life events happen at the frequency of the held energetic debris and we resist more, attaching to the rocks in the river instead of letting go and trusting. This will continue as long as we remain unaware and choose to stay “safe”. Life is in no rush here. Your incarnations will continue based on what you learn. Do know, however, that there is much more Cosmic input in these times to lift you out of the perpetual state of resistance. The intensity is magnified and will appear as greater conflict. This is to support you in learning to let go of holding on in fear. Will you? That is in your hands, of course. This information is given to open up a greater willingness to test the waters and hopefully, jump right in to allow celestial assistance.

Non-attachment is the higher frequency alternative to living in chaos. In this way you are able to be more trusting of what enters your in the Now awareness and shows up at your feet. Soon you will see that life affirms you and only gives you what will lift you beyond your own “way it has always been”. It is wonderful to actually be so loved and supported. You and are I are meant to flow in this Earthly plain to experience all of the gifts that are available here.

In these Sessions Actions we shall explore the individual components of non-attachment more, providing exercises to help develop the necessary skills. For now, you are invited to simply reflect on what non-attachment means to you. See where you are attached and what the results of doing so are. Imagine what might happen if you let go of the need to attach to the familiar. At best, you want to open to the idea of living without attachment to anything…for that is the land most desirable…and that is where we are going.

Session Action One: Non-Attachment: A First Look