How often do you stop and take stock, look at who you think you are or have become? How often do you reflect on what you are doing with your moments? Do you see an infinite palette of possibility still laid out before you or is time running out? Are you feeling urgency about your life? On what do you focus? Is your body doing what it has been taught? Decaying? Falling apart? Slowing down? Is that what you wanted? How are you doing with that? Are you still working? Are you at the same job? Do you count the moments each day and wait for closing time? Are you inspired and motivated to show up with a bounce and a yearning to contribute? Where are you, my friend? Yes, where are you in this incarnational continuum? Are you fulfilled? Satisfied? Feeling complete? Or is your bucket list a mile long? And now that you have reached retirement do you have the energy to do all the things you wanted to do, all the things you postponed for whatever reason?

Hey, what is going on here?! What are all these questions? I want to know about right livelihood? I want to discover my purpose and live the way I am supposed to live. I spent a long time doing things to get me here and I want to reap the benefits while I still have time…

It comes down to realizing the experience we have here is based on what we believe about being here. Anything but the expanded truth will deliver a lower frequency of the design and we will fall short of the life we deserve and intended to have. Perhaps this is why there is such fumbling and stumbling and so many people having lives that are less than inspiring, more routine and mundane. Too much misinformation has led to a vast confusion about what it is all about. So, too many settle and go through the motions, finding a swath of experiences that provide varying levels of interest.

And all the while, the truth swirls around us and within us. Right livelihood came from Buddhist traditions as one of the Five Precepts. It grows out of an expanded awareness that most do not access because they are too invested in survival and getting by and doing their work. Finding purpose, you say? What a laugher! I’m just trying to make it through today.

So, to get to Right Livelihood one must recalibrate and embrace new paradigms, the basis of our adventure in Living As If. One must create separation from the limiting beliefs and history that imprisons many to a treadmill of repetitive and dutiful lives. Possible for only the most devoted in the past, the idea is rising along with the energetics of these transformational times. More and more are turning their eyes in a new direction away from tradition and doing as you are told.  They are not creating chaos as much as choosing new lifestyle and nurturing new thinking. Sure, it helps that  new generations are bringing energetic seeds and higher frequency ideas to the weary travelers of the previous generations. Still, even with all the information available, one has to be able and willing to make the decision to turn towards something as expansive as right livelihood.

We shall explore the idea. We shall see what higher frequency information the new ones are bringing in. We shall look at the personal path of clearing and releasing and reprogramming. We shall explore the collective history and application of work. Then we shall revisit purpose through the lens of who we are and what are we doing here. The invitation is to step off the traditional understanding and devotion to the way work is and what is required to keep it in place. This is a most assuredly high frequency choice grounded in information and new experientials that are necessary to ignite the movement needed to reach that fulfillment we came for.

You and I are here for the greater good of the Universal collective and for the I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. Let’s find out how…

Session Action

Weeding the Back Lot

Session Action

Alignment with the Big Picture of Flow

Session Action

A Big Look
at Work

Session Action

Jump Starting the
Will Center

Session Action

Showing Up for You First: A How to Primer

Session Action

Let’s Get Clear on Money

Session Action

What’s This Right Livelihood?

Session Action

A Fulfilling Working

What kind of world do you live in right now? Has it changed since you started on this Living As If Already Whole journey? How far out from this moment are you currently living? How far back down your experiential road do you look? Are you satisfied with your life? Are you unsatisfied with your life? If so, are you willing to do what must be done to transform whatever this is? What do you do with your days? Are you directed? Spontaneous? Driven? Wandering? Carefree? Seeking? Adventurous? List driven?

Questions…taking stock…self examination. Looking at who you think you are, who you have become, what you still want to be. Birthing ideas and perspectives to answer and then reflect upon. How much of you do you invest in the moment before you? How selective is your capacity to engage? Are you still under the influence of learnings based on a limited perspective of who you are? How important is it to fit in? Fit into what? What is your unfinished business? How important is it to you? Why?

When was the last time you really felt something deep within? Where was the sensation located? What were the symptoms of the experience? What did you do with it? Did you hesitate to allow it? Run from it? Jump right in? How are you with tears?

What is your relationship with non human beings? What about humans? Are you critical of those outside of what you think you are? Are you remotely open to the idea of Oneness? How are you with the idea that you are connected with all life, in all the Cosmos…in fact unified with it?

 Course Launch Point

Click Title to Access Support Materials Being Developed Separately

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Copyright 2019. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved

Access Session 12A

Block Three Session 12: Claiming Right Livelihood