Awareness is essential as a first wave of conscious change. It can set a foundation that can be built on through choices to take action. That choice to take action will set the result of the awareness, intention, into movement, a movement that will align energy of like resonant frequency to make manifest the forms that are called forth by that clear intention.

In the body’s energetic anatomy the will center is the engine that drives the decision, the action, and the follow through adjustments, leading to success. The will center is contained within the solar plexus chakra, just below the ribcage at the stomach. A weak will center diffuses action and undermines personal power. This will result in being seduced by the lure of the same old way, the comfort zone.

The comfort zone is a deterrent to conscious action and personal change. The will center is instrumental in either maintaining the status quo or in motivating one out of and through the established resistance.

Entering into the arena of right livelihood requires change through conscious action. Typically, most people have a lot of energetic debris to clear and release in addition to worn out limited thinking and beliefs that convince us to stay where we are. Most often, this is in direct contrast to right livelihood. Resistance will not allow the accessing of the whole self, the expanded self, the true self. Remember, the expanded knowing that frees one to reactivate the vision of the well lived life is just on the other side of that resistance.

The will center must be massaged in order to lubricate the engine of action. This will propel the intention into the other chakras where it is processed, augmented, and supported into manifestation. It has to root into the Earth to access power and support. It has to ignite inspiration and passion and creativity in the Sacral Center. It must wash the intention with the Love, compassion, empathy, and gratitude of the Heart Chakra. It must unify with the throat chakra to be spoken into manifestation. The Third Eye must be engaged to clarify the vision and monitor necessary adjustments. And it must access the Crown to maintain the Celestial vibe that solidifies the Holy Triad of Heaven, Heart, and Earth to become fully authentic and in personal alignment with one’s incarnational mission.

So, let’s jump start the will center:

  1. Your awareness is the starting point. Knowing the Solar Plexus is the center allows you to tune in and start paying attention to the communication that is going on consistently
  2. Start to notice when there are sensations as in, tingles, numbness, pain, heat, even unusual sounds coming from the center of your physical self. The center includes the major organs, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder so be aware for information coming from all of them. Likely we only have awareness of the stomach. But as you tune in you can start to notice floating and random pain that is actually one of the organs talking to facilitate release.
  3. When you connect with any activity in the area first simply direct your focus there. Then breath in as you are breathing into the area that is calling. Notice any shifts, release, or movement to another location. As you breathe out intentionally see the area draining down the right leg through the bottom of the right foot into the Earth
  4. Additionally, if you notice a sensation use the voice audibly with the phonetic oh to sound it. Start with a tone at about the pitch of the speaking voice and slowly descend it until you fill a vibration at the area calling. Breathe again and keep focusing the pitch. Look for change and release, or reduction of sensation.
  5. The will center involves making decisions and putting that decision into action. The center is the power center as here is where we can be powerful or powerless, depending on the frequency and the debris from the unexpressed. Any work you do with sound here is clearing elements that robbed you of your power…so, the more you do then the more easily your solid power returns.
  6. The center also is the crucible and storage reservoir for the emotion of anger and its permutations, judgment, criticism, rage, bullying, cowering, etc. If there are physical issues here, lots of stomach issues of indigestion, burning, pain,etc then it is likely there is a strong base of anger wanting to move to clear. Resist and it will only grow in intensity. Move it through safe physical activity and you will find a solid place of balance once again.
  7. Notice when you feel anger or are overly critical or judgmental of self or others. That is a call to attend to the center. The wounds contained in the Sacral Chakra are often the source of the SP activity. Allowing the safe release of anger will often give light to the deeper energetics that are the life experience source. Anger has to be moved through physical action or voiced sound. Tantrums are excellent for releasing as it not only moves the energy and diffuses the adrenaline surge but also brings you to the earth and back into the body fully. Otherwise exercise, throwing, dancing, drumming, etc can be very useful to diffuse.
  8. Once the center starts to balance then you can move towards strengthening the will. The quickest way to do this is to make a decision and consciously follow through right away. Use simple and silly things in the beginning to start the practice. “I am lifting my head up. I walk to the door and open it. I speak my name out loud. “ Get the picture. As you succeed then begin to make the actions more involved: “I stand up, walk to the door, step outside, and do four neck rolls in each direction” This is developing personal integrity between word and action, initially between you and you.
  9. You want to be accountable to your word at all times. This integrity allows your personal vision to reveal itself because you have built the capacity to act upon your decisions.
  10. Speaking of decisions, these are often difficult because of imagined consequences or old fear patterns. The first thing to do is to get all the facts about the two sides of the decision. Then you have a greater chance of making an informed decision. As you get clearer you will begin to pay attention to all the possibilities that lie between the original either or. This is where you can explore compromise and win-win scenarios.You will gain access to the bigger picture and the multi-dimensional possibilities. This is also where you apply the higher order of will in the use of discernment, making higher frequency life affirming decisions based of being fully informed.
  11. Additionally, regarding decisions, know that most decisions are not not necessarily final. The ideal is to decide and then take action. Then you monitor results and make adjustments. Then you put action into the refined decision…on and on until you reach the place where you fell at peace in the result you desire.
  12. Power is an infinite resource that serves life affirming action, not control and abuse. Any tendency to want to power over others is an indication of a reservoir of unprocessed anger, rage, and hurt. Clearing that will rebalance your natural power to support your life choices in the now. In the big picture there is little to be afraid of and protect. Trusting this will allow you to be fully invested in your moments of living.  This is the space where right livelihood can be called forth into form.

You want to have all of your inner resources as a spiritual being in the human physical available to you. That requires clarity, which comes from awareness, focus, decision, and action. Your own “perfect life” is an ongoing work in progress that builds upon each moment and the decisions/actions you take. The Universe is malleable and responds to you and your intentional actions to reflect them back in form. It is a beautiful design that serves the great adventure…as you allow it.

Session Action Three: Jump Starting the Will Center