The multi-verse is in constant motion. All things contained within that Multi-verse are in oscillating movement flowing from form to form in response to energetic influences that includes the use of intention. Form is the least reliable expression of life in the really big picture.
What humans in the Earth plane have grown to believe in is that form is solid and constant and that change is to be resisted…both are recipes for challenge.
All is in vibration, ever changing. Change is constant and cannot be stopped. In any moment any form is temporary, manufactured from the etheric substance of manna and temporarily aligned to unite in a particular shape…
And yet, we humans see form as the thing, always there unless acted upon by physical force from the outside. That is a convenience. Our physical body is one form we rely on to be constant. Truth is that it is in constant change beneath the surface of the skin, and yet including the skin. Slow changes and adjustments paired with in the moment alterations on cellular level. We just do not pay attention to that.ost do not pay attention to the body , it’s callings, and its communications that are literally in constant action.
If our senses open up, as they do with mind/sense expanding substances, then we get glimpses of the energetics of life, the oscillating particles that make forms. Too often such journeys via the substance are just too much, too overwhelming, and many are simply frightened by the “lack of form”, something to lean on.
So, rather than shock us into awareness, this loving Cosmos is easing us into the expanding vision and experience of the truth underneath all things. That is a beautiful gift that will keep on giving more and more as we open individually and collectively.
So what does all of this have to do with right livelihood? Good question…
It has to do with opening up to the inner and the outer design of things so that we are aligned with them. It is in this place where we discover the flow and all that this means. In the flow we are then able to interface with life and receive the nuances of the moments that are brought to our own altar of awareness. So, let’s look at flow.
The essence of flow is allowing and letting go with no resistance. Resistance is the antitheses of flow. Clinging to a thought, a belief, a way of doing things, an expectation, a wish and a hope…will all restrict the fluidity of the flow. That is limiting and will energetically mask many of the potential that thrives in each moment.
We hold on because of fear. That fear is too often based on false information, worn beliefs, old experiential wounds that leave unprocessed energetic debris, investment in past results, doubt, poor sense of esteem or value, etc… When we have trepidations of imagined future outcomes we cling to a form or way of being, often not seeing the cost of doing so. That choice brings stagnation masking as comfort, safety, protection… the circling of our wagons shuts out the infinite potential, allowing only those possibilities that are reflecting of the beliefs we currently hold. We get what we focus on. Simple…predictable…Universal Law.
When we are intending right livelihood while still clinging to worn forms out of fear we may only get a permutation of that which is poised to shower upon us. The remedy is to obviously surrender to the flow.
When you stop and look at life from the open eyes of knowing and a heart that is willing then you can start to see the places where we stumble, divert, give up, run away, etc. This gives us points of new choice. We still have to make that choice and take action, yes, but we have taken the routine of living in the old way and opened the door to an alternative. This is huge…
Here is a sequence of steps to activate your own flowing:
Once you are immersed in the flow then you see/experience the moments of living differently and you have direct access to the always present big picture. You start to see the alignment of people. Places, and things, to usher in your intentions. You become trusting and well versed in making adjustments and consciously creating your own desires.
From this place it is almost like your own pathway of right livelihood reveals itself to you. You will know it when you see it because it will feel very aligned. The actual steps will unfold one by one based on the step you just took. Living in the arms of the Now will become an unwavering trusting that will allow you to manifest simultaneously with the action.
An important point to remember is that this is a loving Universe that delivers to you nothing but that Love vibration. What you do with that energy creates your personal heaven or hell. That interpretation is based on the retention of the energy of woundings. Knowing this will soon allow you to ignore or bypass diversionary forms and hone your capacity to discern the most aligned pathway.
It is all about flow…no resistance. The Universe will deliver…guaranteed. Just watch for it and grab it in that instant before it transforms…