How we perceive the world is critical as a determiner of our moment by moment experience. Our perceptions are formed by our current belief system. That belief systems assembles from thoughts and experiences from now back to the point of incarnation, if not before, depending on our incarnational agenda.

Here we are at the point of now, an assemblage of thought, feeling, belief, and action carrying a repository of energetic debris which is made up of the unspoken words , unfelt feelings, and unprocessed energy from the moments of living. And at this particular oscillating frequency we experience and do our life.

The forms of that life are in direct relationship to the amount of energetic debris we carry, the frequency of the thoughts we cycle, the beliefs we clutch in devotion, the feelings stored in cell and tissue in the chakras, the memories fed, our perceived level of safety, the degree to which we are aware, our investment in normalcy and the way it is, the openness of our heart space, the level of Celestial connection we allow, our capacity to live in the moment…this is us from breath to breath.

It is malleable, can be reframed, is impermanent, and highly responsive to the within and without.

If you are aware of this then you can start to see how you can make up your own moments of living. It really is in your hands…

And what does this have to do with right livelihood? Your history and what you have fabricated from your experiences seeds the magnetics that you attract to your own altar of awareness. What you have witnessed and ingested in regards to work, money, productivity, and purpose are contained in the energetics. They project like frequency into the ethers to give you exactly what you hold true…for now. It is for now, because it can change…with awareness, focus, and effort.

Am I being repetitive here? Yes, because of the degree to which we have been mislead about what is important in a life. There is much that has become viewed as just who I Am or just the way things are. That is a sure way to living unfulfilled. And that is not why you are on this Living As If adventure.

It is time to go to the back yard, the part of the house that in many cases has become an unkempt repository, kind of like my neighbor who used to live in Fresno, a not so light filled city. They were drawn to a forested area teaming with natural vibration and peaceful quiet moments. That is what I live in. Open to the forest, a highway for critters of all kinds, a natural world where light and shadow , sky and cloud, play tag with the moving sun every day. Over twenty years I have embraced and celebrated the quiet and the nuances of living at the edge of the forest.

They brought their baggage and their own sense of normal with them. And it does not play well with others. First thing they did was bring in a crew of hellions to take down four healthy trees because they did not want them to fall on the house. The stumps are still there. The forest cried for a year. I had to leave for a week because the sound of the slaughter would not leave the companions of those sacrificed. Then came the fence. In Fresno you have a plot and you wall up and make your own space. That is not Cambria. You can count the number of fences in the whole town on one hand. There is a portal between two trees on the property where I live that faced the open forest behind his property. It has been fenced off. The fence is a foot or two from the trees. In putting the fence in two redwoods were whacked by a hacksaw, opening up what was a covered area to a clear view of growing cement stairs with rocks impressed into the cement…

Wherever a weed lives, it is attacked and eradicated. The soil in their reclaimed from the forest flat space is barren. Just above the flat space is a sloped terrace that could have been anything…it turned into light colored flagstone with sand between each. When a leaf falls the blower comes out. It is a sea of projects that will likely never get all finished because these people just retired. The antidote to boredom is doing….anything…busy work…keep those thoughts away. There will always be a project. Just now on the tail end of a beautiful rain storm that swept through, the blower came on and three leaves were ushered off the gleaming slumped flagstone space. I went out and there he was with ear protectors on attacking the leaves, oblivious to the fact that those around do not have their ear protectors.

OK…enough. We bring who we currently are wherever we go. We form our space according to what we are “used to” even if we yearn to get away from it. Until we turn into the shadow spaces within with enough light and a willingness, we will invite in and experience the same ol’…

Right livelihood comes when we have rediscovered our inner treasure, uncapped what our incarnational yearning was before the progressive whitewash, laid down the distractions and opened up enough heart to hear the guidance that has always been there. In order to reclaim our “purpose” it is useful to do our own weeding. These weeds, unlike the unsightly ones to the man next door, are roadmaps to our own life thus far. They are neon signs to the still held on, revealing places that are begging to be released back into the flow.

This is not a therapeutic dragging through the mud of painful memories kind of cleansing, but rather, a pairing of awareness, choice, and action. It works because in these higher frequency times, the old debris moves quickly simply in response to attention and intention. But first, we have to get reflective. Here are a load of questions to sit with…answer as you will. Most of it is a frequency focus where anything of like vibration is gathered for release.

If you are willing to live outside of what has been then by all means, explore the questions. If you are willing to keep the same old ways, then we have nothing more to talk about…you decide. Then we shall see what unfolds.

The Oh so many questions…

What follows here is an extensive list of questions for you to answer with clarity and honesty. Dig deep, for your success in the expansive phases depends highly on your willingness to wring out the wash cloth. Get a cheap notebook and devote it to strictly the questions. This will be your ongoing assignment for the next three weeks. It is deep energetic preparation for the Living As if Already Whole Course. Please do not take this lightly. The firmness of your commitment and the power of your Will Center are on display to all who are aligning to help you. Do not wimp out. Please know that your honesty is the tool of freedom that will terminate the slavery you have been under. You will notice that these random questions oscillate between releasing and intending. It is how they were given. The randomness is connected in a spiraling sequence that moves you to a place you have not touched in quite some time. Oh, and use a pencil or pen and write out the question and the answer, providing all that reveals itself until you feel complete. Then, move on until you have completed every question. As a side process, notice how you are through all of this. Notice any changes of thought, belief, pattern, action, or how life shows up for you…Have fun!

  1. What has drawn you to this course?
  2. What do you hope to get out of it?
  3. What has been in your way in life?
  4. Reflect on your imagination.
  5. Reflect on your sense of wonder.
  6. Reflect on your attitude towards and your experience of change.
  7. Describe in detail the inner and outer components of your most familiar comfort zone.
  8. Compare the depth of your need to fit in with your desire to be different.
  9. How do you handle resistance/roadblocks in your life?
  10. What do you think life is about? Your life?
  11. Reflect on your experience of letting go. What have you let go of? What has been difficult?
  12. How has your past restricted you? To what degree do you hold on to that?
  13. List and expand upon 20 beliefs that have directed your life up until now.
  14. Describe the elements of your perfect life.
  15. Talk about God/Source in your life.
  16. Which sense have you relied upon most, so far?
  17. How powerful do you want to be? Reflect on what that might look/feel like?
  18. What are you afraid of? Make the complete list.
  19. Discuss the current state of anger in your life? How does it play out? What have been the results of your  strategy?
  20. Reflect on your intuitive capacity. Examples and results…
  21. What, if anything, have you not grieved?
  22. How does joy impact your life? What currently brings you joy?
  23. Discuss your willingness to play make believe.
  24. Reflect on how committed you can be to you. What is in the way of that?
  25. Discuss the level of your openness.
  26. To what degree do you claim victimhood?
  27. Talk about your capacity to focus. Your attention span.
  28. Does meditation play a part in your life? Talk about it.
  29. How conscious are you during your day? How so?
  30. Take 5 minutes and be aware. Do a stream of consciousness writing while you do so.
  31. What in your life no longer serves. Annotate each element.
  32. Where are you with etheric beings? Are you willing to have visible relationship with them?
  33. What’s wrong with you? List all your flaws. Explore each entry.
  34. Reflect on peace. Beauty. Trust. Surrender. Judgment.
  35. Talk about your relationship with the Earth and nature.
  36. Reflect on the idea of service. What is your history?
  37. What has had power over you in your life thus far?
  38. List 7 past life incarnations. Flesh out details for each.
  39. How are you with multi-dimensionality? Bi-location? Interstellar travel? Discuss each a bit.
  40. Based on your life thus far what have been your most important lessons?
  41. What used to have meaning but no longer does? Discuss
  42. Write about your life in your Mother’s womb.
  43. Talk about your experience with relationship…people, places, things, animals, spirit, cosmos…
  44. Where are you with extra-terrestrials and life on other planets?
  45. Name 3 constellations that you connect with.
  46. List and explore 20 life events that splintered you.
  47. Reflect on endings in your life and how you handled them.
  48. Reflect on your capacity for adventure. Any restrictions or hesitations? If so list them.
  49. How are you with being nothing at all?
  50. What of your possessions can you not live without? List as many and reflect on why
  51. Reflect on death and life after death.
  52. Reflect on your role in the world. What are you here to do?
  53. List all you have wanted to do or be
  54. List 10 things you currently consider unbelievable. Why?
  55. Reflect on negativity and how it plays in your life
  56. List any compromise/issue you have had physically, from the smallest to the largest.
  57. Reflect on control.
  58. What do you dislike/hate in this world?
  59. Why and how has your life not worked out thus far?
  60. Are you ready for something very different in your life? What makes you say so.

Right Livelihood will reveal itself as you get clear…you are already on the pathway. These questions from the very first days of the Living As If course will open the next door to reveal the bigger picture of what is “right” for you.

Session Action One: Weeding the Back Lot