According to higher esoteric principle that is rising up in these transformational times, each of us is a frequency of Source in expression, here to experience the vast variety of this magnificent Earth plane, multi-dimensionally. That’s a lot to say, and even a lot more to fathom. There currently is no referent for this because for so very, very long we have been under the influence of believing in and subscribing to the doctrine that we are severely limited human beings.

From this place down under our true design our experience of life is compromised, severely for many. Since 1987, the influx of higher vibrational energy and information has lifted a growing number of incarnates into expanded awareness that they are spiritual beings having a human experience in a physical body. This progressively changes everything, to how one interfaces with their own moments of living to how life shows up.

Every oscillation of new awareness raises ones personal vibration to invite in more information from the inner and the outer and expand the kind of experiences one has. Every living being on the planet has the opportunity to reawaken to the expanded design. And, at any moment, you can look around and see so many shifts and changes in people and in the forms that accompany life in action. The variations of life on Earth seem to be widening as the extremes of change are becoming more visible to everyone (remember we all are “waking up” to the greater knowing, of course, at different rates).

But, what matters most, for now, is our personal relationship with the change, our capacity to allow it, our willingness to embrace it, and our choice to put it into action in our moments of living. This is the formulation ground where we rise into new ways of being, thinking, and living that lead directly to this thing called right livelihood. For once the individual frequency is aligned and functioning according to design, then the relationship to others can be experienced at the higher levels which lead directly into the unification and oneness that is increasingly showing itself in this year 2019.

The Celestial invitation is for You, that unique I Am That I Am Expressing As You, to become You, in all ways and at all times. And, as a result of the journey of the formulation of the Earth plane and it’s inhabitants, humans (and more), we have a lot of undoing and releasing to do. That, as we have already established, has been in process at the hands of the influx of Celestial tough love that has washed the planet since the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but exponentially since 1987. With the crossing of the Galactic threshold in 2012, humanity had collectively raised their vibration enough to neutralize, once and for all, the potentiality of self annihilation (despite what some of the news programs profess and sell).

With the specter of destroying the planet off the table, humanity can turn focus towards  personal and collective reawakening. Look around and see beyond the news, at the incredible shifts in culture, society, business, politics, relationships, technology, on and on. Even though it looks chaotic still, there are pockets of light that are clearly visible and growing rapidly…women’s rights, accountability, connectivity, Earth awareness and care, to name a few. The ground is becoming more fertile. And since the symbiotic Earth reflects the inner state of the human collective, we have direct evidence that clearing and release are taking place.

So, you can see that the change has begun. And on the wings of this sweeping change you and I can turn our attention to fully reawakening and accessing the complete design. It is still primarily an individual task, a personal journey home to That I Am. It is the energy of the individual awakened that feeds the awakened collective (as one wakes up it seeds and feeds the other into visibility). In this way we serve one another in ways that we never could have.

Your remembering you and claiming you is essential to the expansion in progress. No one is less important than the other. Still, however, due to the free will structure of the Earth Plane, individuals must choose to participate or not. There are no right answers here. Many are allowing themselves to succumb to the weight of releasing wounds for the first time and are becoming overwhelmed to the point of just leaving the planet for a restart. Understandable in that with no previous training regarding energy, emotion, body sensations, mental processes, etc, it just seems hopeless. So be it it…again, no penalties for the choice. In fact a do over will allow them to incarnate in a higher frequency free of a whole lot of the energetic burden of personal and collective past.

And , for those who choose to remain, they are spread out over a wide spectrum of awareness, all spiraling forward towards the greater understanding, but at their own pace.

And here you are, being asked to show up for you first. Can you see how this is essential to prepare you for the unification of all that is birthing as we speak? So, let’s see what this looks like.

Showing up for you means that you:

  1. Put self awareness as a priority…which means paying attention to body sensations, thoughts, patterns of actions, forms of your moments to become an expert at how you are functioning at any moment
  2. Live exclusively in the now with the knowledge that you can diffuse and heal the past and set your desired future into manifestation right here
  3. Become comfortable in the knowing that you are a spiritual being and thus have access to all that that entails
  4. Choose to stay clear energetically by daily conscious releasing of any unprocessed experiences, emotions, or words unspoken
  5. Live in Love from the open heart space, thereby refraining from any impulse to judge or criticize another, or yourself.
  6. Choose to always look for the bigger picture knowing that at first blush, nothing is as it seems
  7. Embrace the fluid flow of constant change and finding peace within that knowing
  8. Claim your personal power to make manifest the life of your choosing in form and content
  9. Seek connection and communication with all of life, including the Earth Mother and all her creatures
  10. Believe in and access your extended etheric guides and teachers for support and information
  11. Know that you are so much more than you have been taught to believe. Open to this and invite in a growing flow of new evidence of this
  12. Trust that the forms of your moments are in alignment with the workings of your Higher Self and Inner Child to assist you in remembering and reclaiming your truth

Here are some statements you can start using and speaking out loud daily, at a minimum:

In the moment I am fully capable and willing to respond to that moment, finding the flow so I can move in the unfolding awareness of the gift before me.

I have unlimited access to support, information, new ideas, past lives, future lives, capacities, capabilities, and skills in all of those lives, insight, direction, inspiration, etc. in the now moment when I choose.

I am aware of and consciously choose to access all the earthly kingdoms and communities, as well as all the etheric, non-physical beings. I create relationship and live in expanded ways beyond the walls of previous agreements of limitation. This integration with all of life reveals the magnificent panorama of unified life that is available by design.

I am unlimited and unfettered by previous boundaries in time and space. I can travel in higher frequency ways to other dimensions and other times.

I sustain myself easily with expansive self care that keeps me always in my frequency of balance, centered, with immediate access to all my skills and knowings.

As I am fully connected with the source and expression of each of my emotions, I can meet, experience, and integrate the moment without compromise. I am eager to stand in any form as I am confident in my capacity to flow  with it, learning that which is mine to learn.

As my heart is fully open I can be present in a willing state of unconditional love for anyone who is before me. Sustained by my own self care and love I do not expect or need anything from others to make me OK, better, or Whole. My relationships are gratifying and nurturing. I am capable of being loving, compassionate, empathetic and clear throughout the many stages and permutations of connection with another.

I am in flowing relationship with the abundance and manifestation laws and processes of the multi-dimensional worlds. In my knowing that there is no lack I completely trust that what I require is already there. I am generous and compassionate and freely give and receive to keep the process in motion. I always have what I need.

I am in balance in all my energetic bodies. Complete health is an ongoing process that I maintain by my consist self care and willingness to release any lower frequency energy each day before retiring. I enter rest clear and clean and knowledgeable about the potential learnings and courses I can manifest in the dimensional schools, allowing me to wake refreshed and able to apply and integrate the new teachings.

I trust life and all of its forms. I am not run by fear, but rather know that the forms of the moments are Higher Self orchestrations attracted to bring me to the next level of awareness and understanding. I respond to life, choosing to find the beauty in the moment, the gift that expands me vibrationally.

I engage whole heartedly in creation through song, dance, word, craft, and movement. Unfettered by low self esteem, I allow my self to express like a child who is love, valued, safe, and free.

Trusting my safety, I do hesitate to engage life. I set my frequency boundaries and call upon any assistance necessary to allow me to be fully present in the moment before me. My priority ir to maintain or expand by frequency of vibration, ever leading me to a greater understanding of my True and Whole Self.

I easily and consistently apply my expansive knowledge of my energetic system, creating positive correlation between the expanded chakra system, meridians, energy bodies, and ideal frequency maintenance.

I nourish and nurture my deep, loving, protective relationship with my inner child self, engaging in regular communication and care that honors and celebrates the precious being in me. This allows me to be free of patterns and behaviors that are limiting or non-productive.

I am engaged in work that is fulfilling, fun, and in complete alignment with my intentions and agreed upon incarnational purpose. I am well compensated by the prosperous and abundant relationship I have with all life.

Choose to reactivate your value. That choice will blossom within and without to prepare you for the clarity that will reveal your own right livelihood. Do the work…for your sake.

Session Action Two: Showing Up for You First:  A How to Primer