of us…and we went where we went. Currently, two have completely left the course. Another took a corporate job and barely has time to open a page anymore, but says she still applies the awarenesses in her new world. Another’s life took such a turn that she laid waste to the past and finds herself in a completely new life, focusing on the next thing. Another, who had been a co-traveler for over three years has mysteriously just disappeared from contact with the course or with me, hopefully integrating all that has been birthed and laid in her lap. That really just leaves just a couple of us still carrying the torch of the new vibration into the shadows of our daily lives. And those still walking this path have been called to permutations of their life that make this kind of study a luxury best served in small doses.

As for me, the vision of a new way of life based on the true design of you and me, dances around and laughs at me in delight. I slip into alley ways of past patterns and get tossed around until I release what I was called to release…clearer each time. I feel overwhelmed by the scope of what I was called to do. It was monumental, I say…too much to do and to continue to make a living while getting dropped into the threshold of the frontier over and over. I have made adjustments and stretched out the timeline to allow the creation and the integration of the information and the guidance. AT times this felt like giving up, like failure…disappointing to say the least. I feel that I let people down and wonder what I could have done differently. I do my best to apply principle to the moments of living that are laid at my feet and, as I look into the forms of those moments, I wonder what would someone who remembered and now lived by their true design now do…and, over and over, I get called strongly to the paper to start to write. And out of the nothingness comes the next session and the wake up calls that always accompany the delivery…for me.

I am constantly in the dream state in one way or another…because it is so rich and filled with the infinite potential I write about. I reach into the akash and dance in the lifetimes I have been blessed with to bring awareness to those who read these words. I enter realms where the magick plays and dabble and, at times, immerse myself in the water that beckons me. It is a privilege to do the work…and it is a burden as well. The pull of simply wanting to live without stress in a place where I can fully enjoy the gifts of this incarnation into the garden is so very strong. And, often in those most profound moments I get a call that a gig has been canceled, or this place is going in a different direction, or my daughter is challenged by her latest adventure, or I just feel lost and lonesome.

The course keeps calling me back despite all of the gyrations. I feel a presence when I turn my attention to the topic and let the words birth from the nothing into me to be formulated on the “paper”. Perhaps this has always been about just me doing me, in an increasingly aware way. As I step into these more expanded realms and topics it is becoming clear that there is a deeper truth to this. Me doing me…just as you are doing you. The collective illusions are just an agreement about a common playing field. It is not smoke and mirrors, it is energy and vibration and a constant wash of a force called Love. It is all good, as they say these days. Yes, indeed. I have called forth the magick of words and new beliefs and watched as they dismantled the places of confusion and pain only to deposit me on the doorstep of things that stretch my current understanding. And still, I write…as I always will, it seems. And you read, when you find the time and the focus.

The magick is always present in the continuum of the I AM That I Am Living As You And Me. Remembering that reactivates the open heart and eyes of wonder and we dance right back into the realm of the child self, the true design. And we simply enjoy the moment and what it reveals. Innocently we embrace the experience and allow it to feed us and expand us and lead us to where it is going to. We surrender an, in doing so, invite in the oh, so much more. And the Cosmos delivers, over and over and over. Thank you for continuing to walk with me into the revelation…

Session Action

Time, Space, Dimension…
One More Big Look

Session Action

More About Conscious Dreaming Techniques

Session Action

The Akash…a Primer on the Infinite You and Me

Session Action

Conscious Dream Work…Sure, You Can Do That!

Session Action

Dreams…just another Reality

Session Action

It’s All Just Really
ONE Life…Right Now!

Session Action

The Dismantling of Karma…and not a moment too soon!

Session Action

A First Look at Cosmick

It is all right here in the hands of you and me. So much information shared since this course began. So many opportunities to wake up into the dream of the expanded life in the arms of a loving infinity that is not only here to serve us but is the result of us, moment after moment. The way it was is no longer the way it is despite the best efforts to make America great again. The Cosmos has moved on and now offer us the life a-plenty with a smorgasbord that goes as far as the eye can see. And where are you in this?

This course was born out of a pesky feeling in me that there was something important about this statement of nothing is as it seems. I wanted to know if that was true and, if so, what could I do to step into that frequency and live in alignment with it. How about living as if it is already so? Sure…that’s it! A great idea, but how to make that so was the underlying mystery in those beginning moments.

And those that signed on to this journey, the original seven adventurers, felt the call of the deep inner self awakening and heard the whispers of “oh, so much more”. And here we are over a year later, just halfway through this collective experience. Surely, it has had a life of its own and it has impacted each of us in a personal way. Each has been drawn to enter the realm of within and allowed the information and the subsequent realizations to take them where they went. And all along the way it was pulled and tugged at the moments of living, diverting attention, giving reason not to continue, throwing life events around like jacks for each

 Course Launch Point

Click Title to Access Support Materials Being Developed Separately

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Copyright 2018. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved

Access Session 11

Block Two Session 11A: Dreams, Past Lives, and Celestial Magick Applied