One very big shift is now required. When it is made then the doors and windows of awareness will open wide and reveal to us what we have always know but had forgotten…the Cosmos is limitless…and we are as well. It does not matter anymore what has been, what we have been through, what we have been coerced into believing, what protection we have surrounded ourselves with, what personal beliefs we carry about our value and capacity and mortality. No, all of that has simply been a diversion, a wandering road into the forest for adventure, like a treasure hunt, like a mystery, like the fulfillment of a yearning, like a challenging journey back home.

Yes, once the shackles of time, space, and dimension are removed, then the panorama spirals into view, into relationship, and into experience. The heart opens, the eyes open, the mind opens and then the expanded eternity greets you once again. Stepping into this requires courage because the potential is that nothing will ever be the same, nothing will ever be cloaked in misinformation again, nothing will ever distract you from your personal big picture. Yes, this is the true land of nothing is as it seems. So, are you ready for this? Let’s do this!

It may seem like we have bridged these topics before. That’s because we have. What is different is that we are tying them together. For in isolation they are interesting concepts that push against the forms and systems that have been. They upset the apple cart and create stress as the old ways are revealed for what they are. They leave us in temporary limbo and even offer ways out if that is what we are inclined to choose. We are used to a way of being, a way that has been a loyal servant for a long, long time through many, many incarnations.

The course is called Living As If Already Whole. It requires many leaps of faith just to see what might happen when adopting new awareness, new belief, new action. Twelve expanding sessions into it we have a track record of applications taken. Each of us is on our own path of applying as we choose. Nothing is required, nothing is expected. It is a relationship between you and you. There have been openings. There has been resistance. There have been those who chose to stop the formal journey. There has been the challenge of making space to do the exercises, integrate the information, make the changes, be willing to leave behind the old ways despite the new awareness and experience. And here we, about half way through, at a particularly significant threshold, as it seems. We are about to leave terra firma into an unknown filled with Celestial promise and pure potential. Uncertain? Of course! So am I…

Time is the Fourth Dimensional human construct that tethers the uninformed to an infinite line linking the past and future. Time gives homage to a Now Moment but steels it away at the very point when we arrive at it.Thus, we are forced/illusioned into living in and believing in only past and future…and then are taught to fear both. Escape or be imprisoned by the past choices and experiences. Use the fear and uncertainty to paint a what-if future that often is less than desirable. The collective agreement keeps the dynamic functioning. As long as you believe and subscribe it serves you, as you wish.

In the first and second dimensions below us the time is quite amorphous, able to fit into our construct with almost unimaginable amounts of linear time to make manifest the geological form of the Earth physical as well as introducing and sustaining various other “lower” life forms. In the Forth dimension there is a sped up relationship with the linear time model simply to provide the training wheels necessary to surrender the concept and enter the time is a circle reality of the rest of the dimensions and cosmos in general. In the dream state we experience the quickness of time and the ability to shift and change scenarios and move completely through an experience in the “blink of an eye in REM”. Training wheels, so to speak.

The unfolding informational paradigm is that time is a circle, a sphere where all is active in the Now Moment, an actual infinite experience. Past, future, and present in simultaneous occurrence, accessible in the current breath space. Yes, the way it is and always has been, except for the diversionary playground of the Third D where Earth volunteered services to provide the personal and collective experience for all incarnates. And experience we have. Which, in a round about dance, has all led to the birth of a more expanded expression of the collective Divine Truth.  All exists right now. In that now you are quite capable of suspending the linear journey and experiencing all simultaneously at the center of the sphere. Reach out and touch it to integrate it. DO you want to reconnect with the form, an experience, a memory, a skill, a wounding, a solution, an idea, an inspiration of the past or the future? Then reach out your hand a grab it and allow it to reveal to you its information. Like all of our journeys, your good faith action opens the door and amplifies the occurrence of the capacity to do it. The more you choose to engage the more it reveals and the more reliable it becomes to you. It can become the new habit/thought/belief/action in this instant.

Are you grasping this idea yet? Reach for it, claim it, then act as if by putting “it” into action. No analysis. No reasons to doubt. No needing the safety of a wounded programmed past. Simply you in relationship with Now. You and the infinite bubble sphere moving from Now to Now to Now making manifest form and experience. Constant oscillations, no defined direction, no lack of trust, no lack of willingness, no judgment…just experiencing the constant ever changing power of intention plus action equals experience becomes wisdom. Sit with this as we re-introduce the evolving perspectives on space.

 We have learned to view space as linear as well. It is in direct relationship with time as it takes time to go from point A to point B. When we view it from the physical body perspective  most believe that you cannot be in two places at a time. Thus traveling at an accelerated speed requires a vehicle of sorts. Einstein has shown that if one can travel at the speed of Light then time  is sped up indicating that the faster one goes the less relevant it is. Science has put effort into coming with models for Celestial travel that transcends great, almost unfathomable distances. The idea of a worm hole that is a dimensional tunnel where the laws of physics are lightly attended to, mostly replaced by Celestial Law, has been in circulation for quite some time. Still, no matter how fast one goes it still requires time.

The cosmos is informing us that there is only the Now and that all is accessible in this single moment. That is a mighty shift in perspective and belief. How can that be, especially in light of how it has “always been”. And there’s the rub…one must separate completely from how it has been, otherwise the influence is too present. Can you imagine that? And therein is a signpost that is quite relevant to the engagement of the true universe. Having been living with a dumbed down imagination and a weakened sense of wonder it is challenging to lift out of the way it has been because it can not be visualized or even entertained seriously. Not because we can’t, but because we have forgotten how. Imagination must be reawakened and exercised to get it up to frequency speed. Without it we shall not be able to navigate with the eternal framework of the Now Moment.

So, let’s play for a moment….there is space within and there is space without. Both arenas are actually without energetic boundaries per se. Thus there is an infinite capacity within each. And we can go as deeply in either direction as we choose to do. Drink that in. You must first separate from the physical form and see only the energy possibilities. Oscillating matter is ever changing, only taking form in response to an organism setting intention. That magnetic attracts the necessary materials resonant to the form and thus it is…for now. As soon as it is no longer witnessed then it dis-integrates and the matter becomes fluid again, in that it can travel freely completely un-unified…thus no form. The materials separate at the atomic level and search out other intentions to fabricate. There is not a mass  floating around as a chair that will always manifest as chair. The foundational frequencies of form are infused with Love as Love…that is the substance out of which form is temporarily born. In other words, you and I create our Now World out of the “nothing” as we need it…

Space is an illusion. We have been taught of duality and polarity and think that we live between the two in some random pendulum swing. That idea is merely a convenience to give us a definable playground…until we get our dimensional bearings. And that is what is happening quickly. Space forms and un-forms. We create it as we go…yep, hard to grok, isn’t it? Just play with the idea. The consistency of your familiar environment is only so because of repeated witnessing and interfacing…expecting it to be the same. That environment creates a field of energy much like any relationship. We soon start plugging in and there ya go…consistency and familiarity masquerading as reality. Your environment is only doing as it is told by you…and you do not even know it. Is this why two witnesses of the same event see consistently different things. We have this supposed consensus about form and space. Consider the dimensional dance that an object that is misplaced does with us. We can’t find it when it was just right there. We look over the places we have been multiple times. We give up and make another plan and often, there the object is. Never was gone…just made a dimensional shift. When one is wedded to time and space as defined by the norm then that is what they get. But still, all the time the material of oscillating forms is doing it’s own thing while giving us the illusion we have claimed.

Space is as immediate as the Now Moment. We form the aligned space as we focus on the time within that Infinite Now. That space is ever oscillating. That form is ever changing despite what our sense mechanism (already working at minimal capacity) tells us. What do you think Van Gogh saw to put in his paintings? The vibrating world of matter in the the Now Space. He stepped outside the constraints and prejudices of normal. Psychedelics lift us outside of the norm and show us what the senses can do as well as the fluid nature of the Infinite Now. In the dream state we have the capacity to flit about without restrictions present in the waking state…or so it seems. This is what we shall be exploring…that the dream state has always been the invitation to experience a greater expression of our true design. Reality you ask? Go make your own, I say…for this is the threshold we are standing upon.

When we bring in dimension we see that it is the substance that is within the sphere, the unlimited sea of infinite possibility available to us constantly in the Now moment. Dimension is simply made of varying frequency. That frequency has been made into a consistent field by the intentional revisiting of all the I Am That I Ams Expressing As Me that have visited. Agreements for convenience are made and a form keeps replicating itself to serve the collective intention. Know that the Higher Dimensions and realms stand outside of the third dimensional laws of physics. These are unlimited bands of frequency that serve a higher purpose. In a sense there is an evolutionary movement to higher planes as we pursue the journey of coming home to Source. Each dimension gives us something based upon our frequency, our information base, our level of experience, of knowing, of trust, of willingness, of compassion, of gratitude…we receive what we are in the moment when we touch base with the “level” that we are in. The higher dimensions are restrictive only by one’s level of awareness, knowing, and experience. If you are not ready then the experience does not happen, and if it does, it makes no sense, nor does one derive much of the potential of what it contains.

We return to one of our main personal missions: to raise our vibration through conscious action. As we do we are able to surrender the influence and constraints of the time-space model and are free to ascend through the dimensions as quickly as we can assimilate our own grand design.

Enough…it is pulling me into places that we have not created a platform for yet. Let us just let this sit for now and do its internal readjusting and sand blasting. Read this through at least a couple of times. We want to be ready and willing to jump into that glorious abyss.

Session Action One: Time, Space, Dimension… One More Big Look