From a limited perspective one typically interprets from that same plane and feels justified in making sense of the lack of expanded information. And sometimes that action holds true through solution… temporarily. All life is waking up to the conscious knowing of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me…all life….from the core of the Earth through the kingdoms into the plants and animals through humans into the energy fields out throughout the Cosmos straight into the heart of Source. Reality is no longer the limited domain that we have clung to out of loyalty to a weak hope that this was kind of how it is. While deep in the heart of hearts there was a whisper of knowing, a sacred flame, that cradled the greater truth waiting for the time when the host would stir, when the wake up call rattled the silence, when the blinds were thrown open by the personal etheric caretakers within you and within me…that time has come, my friend…

And everything is on the table for review. Think only expansion. Think  only bigger. Think without limits. Think with your open heart.

Tell me you are ready. Tell me you are willing. Tell me you have been waiting for this time since the first incarnation upon the Earth so many eons ago. You knew you were headed for something…but you really had no clue. You had to learn to navigate in the physical and succumb to the dimensional limitations for as long as it took. Lifetime after lifetime of experience with emotions and the physical body and the encyclopedia of limited thinking that so paled from whence you came…you kept coming back. Each time you brought a kernel of remembering, creating a breadcrumb trail that lead back to your first choice to participate in the grand Celestial experiment. A long and winding road of remembering your true design so well that you could consciously apply to your moments of living while still incarnate…

For that is where we are…not all…but that is an ever changing number as the waking up sweeps life into the Light. Dreamy, huh? Yeah…this whole thing seems like a dream. And this, my friend, is where we begin this study…at the simultaneous point of entering and waking up from the dream…remember no time…no space…just the Now Moment

Through a collective amnesia we have wandered over eons of experience through many, many lives, some profound, and some so very mundane, gathering experience and testing out how it all works here in 3D. And though it seemed like we were cast adrift in a vast sea of individual beings with personal agendas, we were blessed with multiple tools of awareness and Celestial contact that kept the greater knowing inside connected with Source just so your identity frequency could surf the waves of lives needed to reach this new shore. And we arrive in this year 2018 connected with one another in ways that are just being revealed…very much like we are when we leave the physical for the anteroom of the current life, clarifying and planning the next human form’s mission while we gather in the foyer of the new life. We arrive anew…remembering more and more of the continuity infinite that binds us to the eternal Celestial sphere.

Dreamy, huh? Yes…but this time it is a conscious dream. We are being given the keys to the rooms that hold the advanced manuals that we only heard about in the whisperings of the ancients. We gain access because we are vibrationally sound, having arrived at the very signature frequency that activates so many systems within, all previously unbeknownst to us.  What a glorious day indeed.

Despite the mystery of the dream state and the many attempts to interpret it and weave it into the dogma already present, we cannot hold back any longer the good, good news about the nature and multi-use capacity of this thing called dream.

Living in human form under the influence of the cultural, familial, and institutional collective agreements we needed a way to step out of that energetic molasses to run free and release the energetic debris. When we shut off the monkey mind and allow the body repose and repair during sleep we also lower the frequency of the brain waves. As they lower through the gamma, to the beta, alpha, theta, and to the delta we create separation from form and sail freely into the Cosmos. We sleep to repair and reconnect. We access information and attend Celestial schools, sit at the feet of Ascended Masters, check in on our personal mission intentions, reconnect with old Celestial friends for inspiration and just to shoot the Cosmic shit…and if we are not clear when we enter sleep then we have to process and clean up energetic debris or problem solve or worry…

In the dream state we serve our Higher Self and connect with Source while we frolic in the 4th dimensional playground, now slipping more freely into the 5th and the 6th as well. Dreams are an essential element of our energetic design, our personal expanded living platform, our supreme healing center, the sandbox for exploring ideas through accessed guidance, the launch point for our inspirations. The dream state has few restrictions but it does have some rules for the road…ways to make it serve you best. We shall explore these as the session continues.

As mentioned, the dream state has an expanded relationship with time and space and dimension. Time is sped up and space has restrictions removed, allowing us to roam dimensionally as we choose (but with awareness). It is a place where we manufacture personal reality in a flash. We move from one scenario to the next. Can you not see that it is a demo of the way it really is?! We get to taste the first freedoms that exist for us by design, accessing tools and skills that remove the training wheels of the 3rd dimension. And as you consciously set up the dream state with conscious engagement you will discover a profound capacity to influence the forms of your current incarnation as well as plant Celestial seeds that magnetize unfoldment with little effort. Remember also that the 4th dimension pales in comparison to the freedom and capacity to flourish in the 5th and beyond.

The waking reality is a representation of the inner influenced by the collective and by the energetic soup of all life on Earth. It is an interweaving of so much energy that it is barely fully yours….unless you consciously seal your own space, a skill necessary in these times of transition and waking up especially. You are under the influence of the 6+ billion humans as well all the forms of technology with their electromagnetic waves…so much is impacting our field that it is very hard to separate from it, let alone shut ourselves out to it/from it.

The dream state allows us to create that separation and reconnect with our Celestial wings to exercise our true design while it waits for you to access it in waking life….keeping fit, keeping the tools, sharp, keeping the unknown known…you get the picture.

In the next action we shall delve into how to consciously integrate into the dream state to make it work with and for us, to expand our connection with all life and the infinite inspiration that is ever present…and oh, so much more.

For now, simply intend to take a journey tonight as you sleep. Leave behind your concerns and ask to be shown something that you will bring back to your waking state in remembrance.  Start here…

Session Action Two: Dreams…Just Another Reality