Oneness is not so much a direct human to human unification as it is a human to Source integration. As all are an expression of Source then all are connected to one another, autonomous to some degree, but experiencing a more expanded and profound connection that will dissolve the need to separate. As many seek a partner to establish a relationship that will last and keep one from feeling lonely and without value we shall see the growing energetic immersion that unites us in ways not even seen yet…only hinted at. In that unified frequency we have such a deeper connection. It is not a fear based one at all, but, rather, is based on the immersion into the frequency of Big Love. That vibration has not been a part of human life for thousands of years, though present in a Celestial way in the early days of life on earth. We are, essentially, waking up to our beautiful expanded family that is free of dysfunction.

The Oneness is empowering, expansive, intimate, inspiring, safe, comfortable, creative, infinite…and requires only that you be you. When we arrive en masse in this state we shall be incapable of lower frequency emotions for very long, and will almost immediately, be able to clear and reestablish a more loving higher frequency that will function and sustain incredibly well. So, how to facilitate this? We are still in the early stages so let’s ask Spirit to make some suggestions about how to assist in ushering in this Divine state:

  1. From this moment forward affirm and act from your interconnected state. No act by another can create an attitude of separation if you choose to stay in alignment and immersed in the One. Rather, see the act as a clearing process and be the witness for their cleansing and waking up.
  2. Daily intend and anticipate opportunities to expand your understanding and experience of the Oneness
  3. Consciously interface with all around you, animate and inanimate. Seed love and respect in all you do. Bless your computer and your electronic devices, your car, your home, the weather, the passerby, the world situation. Know that all is well, no matter the form. Visualize that knowing infiltrating out to immerse with all who come into your own energetic sphere.
  4. Choose to communicate as if it is simple. Just do it. Talk to Source. Talk to the kingdoms. Talk with others in the silence and work to establish a palatable connection.
  5. Affirm the Oneness with all you meet, verbally or as thought. Phrases like “ You and I are One with the Whole of Life”. “In unification we are”. “I see you”. “Namaste”. “ Connected through the heart we are”. “Welcome back. SO good to be with you again”.
  6. Interface with Nature. Develop and massage the connection with the trees, the water, the fire, the air, the Earth. Do so by attention, focus, acknowledgement, and affirmation.
  7. Imagine the threads of connection, filaments of energy that flow between you and all others. Consciously send messages of love and respect out along those cords with no expectation. Do it 7 times a day to knowns and unknowns.

Simply open to doing what comes to you. Once you engage the intention to explore and expand the Oneness, opportunities will flood in and to you. Do your best to engage every single one. Share the experiences with the rest of us via the blog. Even if there is nothing, make it up. That is a powerful tool as well. We are building a new world that is founded in and on the universal faith that permeates all forms of life.

This section was pulled from one of the five support subtopics of earlier Living As If sessions, specifically, Celestial Design: Source. In the year that has passed since it was written the feelings of Oneness have become more common place. I am finding that a growing sense of unification is ramping up. I look for connections now just to see if they are there. I send out thoughts to strangers and notice if they respond. I stand next to the trees, whisper to the Earth and ask for guidance. I make sounds that bring forth a pair of bunnies in the forest. I have very little fear. I trust the forms of the moments so much more. And if I do not then the feeling passes very quickly.

I look out at the world and seem to see, at least with “civilized humans” that the Oneness is but a dreamy future based wish…or so it seems. The institutions that did most of the work to build in separation into daily inner and outer life are in a state of struggle or transition. The news keeps spewing fear but more and more people with awareness are stopping the addiction to TV and to fear. They turn away to connection with one another, with animals, with themselves. All over established churches are facing reducing congregations as many are hearing and acting upon the call of the Natural World to connect with Source.

I look up at the night sky more. I always look to see the hawk when she calls. I spend more time watching the sunset. I seek out the silence more and more. I see a growing number of shows on Netflix and Amazon that are presenting expanding views of life and humans. Psychic and intuitive capacities are becoming common place in these shows and you can hear so many people engaging conversation about their expanded capacities. The youth are organizing their energies slowly but surely and, in the time to come, will collectively activate the global remembering of their true design. The abuse in the workplace and towards women, and men, is being called into the public awareness. The level of tolerance and ignoring is reducing rapidly and perpetrators are being called to accountability.

Oneness has an interesting way of waking up. It is like a slow energetic movement that is infiltrating cells and souls one by one, calling forth the best of each to rise out of the collective ignorance. And so many, so very many, are hearing that call and rising to step first beyond their own worn beliefs and patterns to reactivate the real remembering. Is that compassion and empathy I see in the eyes of a growing number of open hearts and minds?

I guess it could have happened in a flash. That would have been Hollywood like. But I think that huge numbers could not have handled that surge and would have essentially vaporized. Rather, the slow rising and spiraling of the Oneness frequency has moved like a church mouse to touch the activation point in the hearts of the unaware first. One by one…of course…One By One! Into the Oneness!

The Oneness lives in this Now moment. It is a choice made in the right here right now that amplifies the movement. This is you and me in our separate and precious moments of living, choosing unity first…and trust…and willingness…and Love. It’s not like we knew the way. We had to live a billion nows to find the steps to lead us home. We are well on our way…even if it looks like it is going to Hell in a hand basket. Turn off Fox News…just do it…and you will hear the first strains of togetherness, the Source flowing through you and me and all…together again…as it was…in the beginning…welcome home, traveler…

You and I are One with the Whole of Life

All are in a Union with the Holy Light

Every single Thought every Word and Form

In the Heart of God, Eternally Borne.

Copyright 2000. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights reserved.

Session Action Six: It’s All Just Really ONE Life… and It’s Right Now