Though this is called by many the New Age, it is more the Age of Remembering.  Souls are waking up to what they have always known and stimulating consciousness and unconsciousness to access the dream that lurks beneath the actions past. The inner knowing is taking seed and pushing through the toxic energetic debris to grow inner light. That light is expanding with each conscious breath, each new bit of information that resonates, each choice to do the different thing, each recognition of discernment used to shatter an old and worthless paradigm.

As the wisdom washes over the past the past dissolves into the future and embraces the now to reveal the Akashic panorama of infinite possibility in a vista void of time and space. All you have ever been and will ever be is contained in the multidimensionality of your own DNA, waiting for acknowledgment, waiting for acceptance, waiting for the first steps into action, to ignite your wholeness and bless you again with your true design.
In this session we explore and expand our wisdom of the Akash to access the capacity to create that which we desire, a life of conscious wholeness, living freely in the multidimensional soup of the All That Is. The more we learn the closer we are to home.

You are surrounded by a Light that is brighter than you can fathom, and it protects you now and will all of your life. It is a light you carry inside of you…and we put it there. Take our love and light and fear not. Accept the honor bestowed upon you in these times and celebrate what you have done and are about to do. All living things on Earth know you by name…all living things know you by name! Including the rocks! There is a light inside you that took thousands of year to create, and we did it together, for we are One.

Today is a holy day, anointed and remembered and recorded in the stars. It is the day when the humans opened themselves to ancestral communication and allowed us to pour our love and honor into your hearts and minds and souls.
      Kahuna Kalei’iliahi

Nature of the Akash

● Akash is derived from the Sanskrit word Akasha, which has been described as space, sky, and ether in an elemental as well as metaphysical sense. It also represents mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence.

● Akash is an quantum energy that represents “all that is”, and also the potentials of everything that can be, things that are potentially unrealized. It is a sacred library that you pick up and hold through all of your planetary experience.

● There is a system that relates birth, life, and death  through the Akash. It impacts each in specific, powerful ways, relying on predispositions based on energy. The potentials of who you will meet on the planet are known before you arrive. The karmic attributes that will influence this incarnation are all understood. Synchronicities are in place. You pick your parents and they pick you. No accidents. All elements to steer you towards completion of purpose are set in place. And then you  consciously forget upon incarnating, until these times.

● No one comes here to suffer, rather, we come to remember who we are in the environment of duality, embracing emotion, and learning how to find the piece of God within that we are.

● You have always been and that information, like a chronicle, a diary, is contained in the akash, to which you do have access any time you desire, provided you are  a particular vibration  based on the conscious letting go of limiting paradigms, toxic energy reservoirs of the past, and an openness to learning and applying Truth that will come to you.

● Birth is a portal between linearity and multidimensionality. Being born is not easy. The first thing you do is split apart. Not all of the piece of God you are gets transferred to the human body. Some of it continues to reside on the other side of the veil. You become singular, 3D. Your Higher Self stays as the liaison between Earthly life and your Divine Knowing, guiding you to remembering, and reuniting. Pieces of your core split off to become your guides. This is why they align with your true frequency and your name.

● The Akash is used to set and seed your intentions and purpose for incarnation as it contains the infinite variations aligned to the collective history and evolution of you.

● Your Akash is contained in your DNA, at least the access portal is there. Your Divinity is not lost, nor is the truth of your being, but you do misplace it…

● At birth, there is a crystalline structure activated in the Cave of Creation. The Earth knows you are back/or have arrived for the first time. The crystalline structure is the essence of all your lifetimes waiting for the next one. Everything you have learned spiritual is imbued in it, as is everything you have learned the hard way. It transfers to your DNA layers 7 and 8. You have access to it all when you are ready.

● Prior to 1987 your Akash was linked to the dispensation of Karma and supporting the paradigm of the Karmic Cycle, successive lives of awareness, compensation, and applied learning. With the Harmonic Convergence the possibility of voiding karma was introduced because of the new frequencies washing us. Essentially, this allows old souls primarily, to stop the karmic cycle specifically or in general, allowing them to exercise free will choice to continue raising frequency to reawaken the Divine.

● The Akash contains time capsules filled with spiritual wisdom awaiting release, which comes when the collective vibration reaches a certain higher frequency. These capsules were put into place on Earth by the Pleiadians, our spiritual parents. Capsules are in the Crystalline Grid as well as your own DNA. Though there reasons are many, a primary one is to see if humanity can create an ascended planet.

● To access the Akash one must consciously believe in it. It is a frequency of consciousness that is the key to revealing its properties, information, and tools. It is not how much knowledge and experience is in your Akash, but how much you allow yourself to believe it.

● The Akash is a system that helps to drive humans into situations of learning and solution. Your way home must be discovered, and the Akash contains all the maps necessary to guide you there. It can never be erased and you live with it every day. It can be enhanced, understood, and changed to create your evolutionary process.

● Having said that, the Akash is elusive because it responds completely to human free will. It is not in the human brain, but in the DNA. It requires multidimensional communication. It is beyond the 3D workings and belief systems.

● The Akash has drivers which communicate certain feelings about the Akash into your brain, and it allows you to sense something. It gives you experiential, emotional concepts. Currently the Akash, by vibrational frequency, drive survival instincts to the brain.

● But the Akash is realigning the drivers with new energy calibrations that will change the way we experience Akash. Clearing the pineal will remove certain established filters that have contributed to holding us in a collective limiting paradigm. Past lives will diminish their impact as we begin to remember success, love, compassion, and results that come with high thinking. Human Being as will be driven by positive things. Conscious awareness of a compassionate mind will extend life

The Akashic Record

● This is your personal record in the Akash, the place where your Earthly history and more, is stored. There are three places, actually four, where it is kept and consistently updated. Remember this is a multi-dimensional system here. The Cave of Creation, your DNA, and the Crystalline Grid on Gaia are the primary 3. The fourth is a backup system of sorts, kept in the cetaceans, the whales and dolphins.

● Gaia has a Magnetic Grid. Each piece of DNA is surrounded by a magnetic field. The transformation of energetic information between several places that the Akash is stored is possible because of the attributes of magnetics, which is a multi-dimensional energy..

● Every single human soul who comes to Earth makes a difference. The energy of each unique human being modifies the life force of Gaia when that soul arrives. Gaia creates a record, stored as energetic imprint.

● Within your Akashic record are: a multidimensional record of each life; all the energies of accomplishment; all the unfinished business relating to your life lesson; karmic group attributes; all the talents and abilities grown over many lifetimes; all spiritual growth; a quantum record of what you have done and all your potentials to come.

● The Akash is constantly changing potentials based on your choices and moments of living in the Now.

● Two kinds of Akashic Records exist in this quantum timeless state: global and personal. The global one is contained in the Cave of Creation and interfaces with the Crystalline Grid. The crystal is timeless, carrying the core energy of your Higher Self when you are here on the planet. When you are not here the energy of the object is placed upon the Crystalline Grid. In a sense, everyone who has ever lived is still here, within the crystalline.

● Upon incarnating, you activate the crystalline structure and your Higher Self becomes the caretaker while you are here. Crystalline structure is a mineral that has an atomic structure that has long term atomic order. This creates the attribute of memory. This crystalline structure contains sacred life lessons, knowledge, memory, and remembrance. Nothing is wasted, nothing is lost. What you do here stays here

● Successive lives through reincarnation are recorded. The same Higher Self is there for each. Many names, many faces, many experiences, all contained in the structure of the Akash. It stays here and contributes to the energy of all humanity who will follow.

● The grid also contains all the potentials of the lives you may live, helping to posture who you will be the next time around.

● The second kind of Akashic Record is personal, the DNA.  It is for your personal discovery, awareness, karma, and life lessons. This DNA mini-Akashic record is formed in the womb and given at birth. It is the record of who you are and who you have been on Earth, containing the potentials of what you might do, carried within the layers.

● Because time is a circle, all of your lives are with you now because the energies of things you have collected are part of you. You have multiple current lives all at the same time, layers of lifetimes, being all lived in the now. But one is on top of the layers in control, the one currently occupying your body. This one talks to all of the others in the Akashic record.

● By connecting with the Higher Self all of the lives and experience and learnings over 52,000 years become available. You can choose to pick the best parts of each and bring many former attributes forward to use.. Called mining the Akash…more on this later.

● Accessing the DNA portal to the personal Akash reveals what is buried inside to your conscious self. Are you becoming aware of the Shaman inside? Are you starting to acknowledge the old soul personally and privately, that is there? Are you starting to receive talents and skills that have been buried? All things creative are there.And you have intrinsically known it all along. Now you can consciously access it.

The whales and dolphins are the living portions of the grid system. They are the living library containing the history of the Earth’s evolution. All three Akashic systems (DNA, Cave of Creation, and Crystalline Grid) are stored in whales and dolphins. They coordinate and cooperate with the Crystalline Grid. The cetaceans of the Earth are, therefore, the fourth place, and the backup, where your Akashic record exists

There are only two kinds of DNA on the planet which are structured for quantum intellect, the Human Being and the cetacean. If you really looked at dolphin DNA closely, you will also find that they are not from here, like us…cue the Pleiadian music…

This is a primer…there is much to digest. Read this through many times to become familiar. That will be the doorway to the greater understanding contained in your cells and atomic structure.  Yes, there is more…and it shall be revealed later.

Session Action Five: The Akash…a Primer  on the Infinite You and Me