Sound and Vibration Sacred Geometry

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In the seeming chaos of the Cosmos there is an underlying order that is in constant change. Sounds contradictory. But all is vibration. The movement follows the Cosmic Laws. There is foundation and structure that impacts the chaos and orders it temporarily, in space time (which may appear to be a long, long time). In the structure of the Earthly dimension and beyond there are patterns that show up in many varied forms. This is significant.

For when one begins to pay attention to nature, animal, plant, mineral, human life, and the stars themselves, one begins to become aware of patterns. The more one looks the more one sees them. The geometry of form shows up in organic life and in the natural physical world setting. The forms themselves stir us on a deep level. They are like triggers that remind us of a great interconnectedness. That the spiral form is in the tail of the salamander and in the far distant galaxy blows the mind…better yet, opens the mind to reveal the grand design. The knowing is sacred. And thus, the form is sacred. These repeating forms make up an ancient discipline, Sacred Geometry.

Here is one definition from the Totem Road Blog, The term sacred geometry describes the geometrical laws which create everything in existence. It unites the mind and the heart, spirit and matter, science and spirituality. Everything in nature is made up of patterns, structures, and designs from the smallest atom to the infinite universe. Each of nature's creations reveals to us the nature of that object and its own energetic vibration. Thus every creation has a unique vibratory frequency. The interaction of all the vibratory frequencies found in creation show us the intrinsic unity of the part to the whole.

The general belief behind sacred geometry is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, and cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal knowing of the human condition. It is considered foundational to building sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using 'divine' proportions. Alternatively, sacred geometry based arts may be ephemeral, such as visualization, sand painting and medicine wheels.

Opening to the unification of form and life invites one to embrace life and let down resistance to holding back. Finding commonality in form with nature may be a powerful healing tool that works to balance deep held energies of the past moments of living. Something happens when we gaze at the form of the dandelion orb, decorated with the orb of white seeds; when we see the spiral in the sunflower; when we behold the perfect proportion of the human body design…

Please take the time to view each of the videos below. Through sight and sound they will reawaken the inner knowing that Sacred Geometry promises.

Continue your exploration of the Sacred with these additional videos that will open other doors and dimensions…

Finally, view this video to take the journey inward to re-activate the doorway to integration with the All That Is. It gets a bit esoteric, but, please remember, these ideas are turning on the light within, a light long dormant through lifetimes of having forgotten who you are.

Further Exploration

Basic Shapes

Flower of Life

Mer Ka Ba

Medicine Wheels


Platonic Solids


Water Crystals

Sand Painting

Crop Circles

Sound Alchemy
Sacred Geometry

Sound Healing History l  Contemporary Sound Healers  l  Physics of Sound  l  Esoterics of Sound  l  Cymatics  l  Sacred Geometry  l  Vibration  l  Frequency and Pitch  l  Intervals  l  Scales and Keys  l  Hearing and Listening