A Sampling of Sound HealersSound healers, as a profession, really did not get a start until the later 20th century when, what was previously the domain of shamans, secret mystery schools, family lineage, and alternative healers, opened up, in my opinion, as Universal energy elevated vibrations of the planet and all its citizens. The transition of astrological epochs from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age has opened up the door to a significant shift of how things are. The linear patriarchal model of life based on analysis, control, hierarchy, sequence, intellectuality, and serious lack of emotion, has evolved, since 1987’s Harmonic Convergence especially, into an opening to a new vibration overseen by feminine energy and its heart based flow that embraces rather than rejects. In the spirit of cooperation and compassion and unification enclaves and boundaries of thought and action are falling to reveal connection. This higher vibrational living is only capable of sweeping the planet because of a benevolent Universe coupled with a host of Light Workers who have done their due diligence and worked to reclaim their true inner vibration.
Thus, for humankind, this is an exciting age of transition that embraces the spiritual and the Earthly and all in between to birth a synthesis of the best of the past. New information is rapidly downloading into individuals open enough and at a clear vibration. New modalities, some based on ancient “forgotten” techniques, and some brought forth as innovation, are showing up as quickly as the receivers allow. Enough people have raised their personal vibration through inner work and paradigm shifts to be able to assimilate this new frequency. This is significant because, before the late 1980’s, few had the ability to hold the emerging vibrations. (Picture Raiders of the Lost Ark when the Ark of the Covenant was opened and all those who watched were disintegrated...this is likely what would have occurred on a mass scale if we tried this too soon. But then it did not even enter most minds that it was available. My first experiences with higher vibration were under the watchful eye of a direct descendant of the last Egyptian pharaoh in a Huna training class in 1988. Even then, information was doled out in small doses only after extensive meditative preparation and ritual openings.)
Suffice it to say that this is a remarkable time. That you are even reading this is a testament that you have raised vibration enough to be open and drawn to the new methods of being in this dimension. And, I assure you, I will hold nothing back in sharing new perspectives to shake and shift and further clarify the unfolding nature of things. For you to be an effective Sound Alchemist, you have to be open and versed in the vibrational makeup of things. And those perspectives are being revealed on a daily basis, sometimes just before I type on the keyboard. Glorious times, indeed.
Various individuals, many now published authors, have followed their inner calling and embarked on journeys of learning and working with vibration and sound. What follows is a sampling of the more visible ones and a bit of what they have contributed to the field.
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LEARNING BLOCKS Sound and Vibration l Voice l Chakras l Energy l Singing l Sound Healing Tools l Color l Senses
Music Therapy l Resources l Sound Healing Sessions l Applications
Jonathan Goldman is a pioneer in the sound healer movement in the United States, Jonathan was one of the first to work with harmonics. A teacher, author, musician, and practitioner, Jonathan is also the director of the Sound Healers Association; the original organization dedicated to the education and awareness of sound and music for healing. He is the organizer and host for the annual Sound Healing Intensive, a summer event in Colorado. Visit him at his web site. Listen to a sampling of his creations: |
Don Campbell Don has been a leading expert in the use of classical music, especially Mozart’s, as a tool to positively affect the listener. Campbell is the founder and former director of the Institute for Music, Health, and Education in Boulder, Colorado. He travels the world lecturing and teaching. He has brought music into hospitals and traditional healing centers with great success. He is a musician, songwriter, and author. He has researched and documented the role and uses of music in therapeutic settings, psychology and imagery applications, educational programs and the contemporary and indigenous spiritual traditions. Visit him at his web site. Listen to a sampling of his creations: |
Fabien Maman is a musician, composer, acupuncturist, author, researcher, healer, teacher, “bioenergetician” and martial artist. In 1977, Fabien became an acupuncturist, linking music with acupuncture. He created the now famous system which uses tuning forks instead of needles on acupuncture command points. For nearly 30 years, Fabien has created research and practical applications to balance the body, mind and spirit through the subtle energy fields. He has created more than 30 techniques through his Academy, each of which, took nearly seven years to test and apply. Visit him at his website. Listen to a sampling of his creations: |