Sound and Vibration Esoterics of Sound

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As I shared before, all is vibration. The oscillations of the multiverse are the waves upon the which the sound alchemist draws inspiration, guidance, technique and power. Knowing the physics is one thing...knowing the esoterics, or higher perspectives, is another that helps the alchemist to transcend dimensional boundaries and call in the unseen to support the moment. Nothing is as it seems. This truth opens the cultural, social, and familial doors of limited thinking and experience to reveal endless possibility. Everything is so much more than appears.

So, it is necessary, when one explores the multi-leveled mysteries of sound as spirit and source, one must reawaken the dormant faculty of ride the waves of infinite possibility beyond the boundaries of the taught into the frontier of the inspired. From this moment forward, everything is possible...say it, “I Am open and receptive to the Truth of the All That Is.”

Now, pay attention to everything laid at the altar of your awareness from this point forward, for you have sent out an invitation and declared that the doors are open. And so it is...

Just to get the juices flowing I have included 2011 images from Hubble Telescope for you to experience. Remember, all is vibration...

In the beginning was the Word...and from the primordial fundamental tone of the I AM all has sprung. From the tone and its subsequent harmonics that move, from the realm of heard to the beyond the auditory mechanism, the vibration increases exponentially into the realm of the ultrasonic: radio frequencies, microwaves, infrared, visible (color), ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. Vibration...all in constant motion.

Some perspectives to keep in mind:

The Sound Alchemist has a greater awareness than the appearance of things. Within each object, each person, there is information, a story, a journey. Knowing that the vibration of the cosmos influences all allows the Alchemist to open to the expanse. The song that comes from a client may be broken. Their rhythm can be erratic. Their voice a hollow representation of their true I Am Self. These are clues, invitations to look beyond the veil of information. Calling upon the cosmos to enlighten is powerful medicine. Being receptive and acting upon the impulse is a step of faith. Faith opens new doors, pathways untraveled, and scenes of breathtaking beauty.

The Multiverse is sound, music, rhythm…all of it. We, as humans, are the dancing molecules, the single notes of the divine melody of the moment. This knowing gives us the insight to breathe the vibration into the one before you. Move quickly upon the information received. Trust its authenticity even though it makes no sense. Know that unseen hands orchestrate your performance. The song you birth is a one of a kind, most likely never to be heard again. Give it your best and beyond….for your best is revealed when you walk the edge and say and sing, “yes” to all.

Alchemy transforms appearances into a higher frequency form that serves the highest good of the moment. Become familiar with all of the above statements in the considerations. Let it resonate through your being. Each will unlock a particular bit of information, a technique, an inspiration…relevant to the moment and the client before you. Trust this flow. Ride it without hesitation. This school offers information. It is up to you to call it to use in the moment, rearranged to meet the uniqueness of the one before you.

Sound is everywhere. Know this. Act upon it. Trust it. Ride the wave. Be fully present to the alchemy of the moment.

Sound Healing History l  Contemporary Sound Healers  l  Physics of Sound  l  Esoterics of Sound  l  Cymatics  l  Sacred Geometry  l  Vibration  l  Frequency and Pitch  l  Intervals  l  Scales and Keys  l  Hearing and Listening