Sound and Vibration Cymatics

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Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid. Different patterns emerge in the excitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency.

On July 8, 1680, Robert Hooke was able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates. Hooke ran a bow along the edge of a glass plate covered with flour, and saw the nodal patterns emerge.

In 1787, Ernst Chladni repeated the work of Robert Hooke and published "Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges" ("Discoveries in the Theory of Sound"). In this book, Chladni describes the patterns seen by placing sand on metal plates which are made to vibrate by stroking the edge of the plate with a bow.

Throughout the 1960s, up until his death in 1972, Swiss medical doctor and Anthroposophist, Hans Jenny took a methodological and exhaustive approach to documenting Cymatic phenomena. He coined the term "Cymatics" in his 1967 book, Kymatik (translated Cymatics). Inspired by systems theory and the work of Ernst Chladni, Jenny delved deeply into the many types of periodic phenomena but especially the visual display of sound. He pioneered the use of laboratory grown piezoelectric crystals, which were quite costly at that time. Hooking them up to amplifiers and frequency generators, the crystals functioned as transducers, converting the frequencies into vibrations that were strong enough to set the steel plates into resonance. He made the resultant nodal fields visible by spreading a fine powder lycopodium spores of a club moss, as well as many other methods and materials

The above from Wikipedia

The ramifications of this work are profound and substantiate the beliefs of sound as the manifestor of form. As you view the videos below you will begin to see the divine relationship between frequency and form. The subtlties of both combine to create the diversity found in life. Sound, as a vibrating frequency, alters form, shifting it significantly from pitch to poitch. It easily follows that since all life is in vibration and constantly changing, then life is profoundly impacted by sound.

Please watch all of the videos below as they will give you the visual elements of the changing forms of sounded material. You will also grow the expansive potential in this information to impact the physical world as well as the health and balance of the living being. Enjoy the journey…

Application of Cymatics
for the Sound Alchemist

Sound Healing History l  Contemporary Sound Healers  l  Physics of Sound  l  Esoterics of Sound  l  Cymatics  l  Sacred Geometry  l  Vibration  l  Frequency and Pitch  l  Intervals  l  Scales and Keys  l  Hearing and Listening