Session One: The Nature of Sound and Vibration Sound and Vibration History of Sound Healing, part 2

To understand these unique times in which we find ourselves, when shifts , both inner and outer, are occurring at light speed to humans everywhere, it is necessary that we explore the relationship to sound and its offspring, music, historically over the thousands of years we have been here. Please bear with me as we take a little journey...

Early humans found communication via a spattering of vocal utterances, varying tone and intensity to create common “language”. And, suffice it to say, that was more than enough as we were open to the True Self and its exponentially greater capabilities. Our “cosmic connection” was unencumbered by a trail of experience. Our relationship to Source was transparent and fully available. We actually had all the information necessary to embrace this dimensional playground.

It is my belief that our early days of planetary inhabitation afforded us full access to the blueprint of that which we have always been. However, bequeathed by birthright with emotion and free will in this earth environment, many soon found themselves oscillating away from balance, which, ultimately, introduced varying states of dis-ease. These lower vibration states manifested as an increasingly diminishing clear connection with Source.

This evolved over time into separation and increasing dichotomies resulting in judgement and criticism and polarization, which led to questioning and doubt...which led to a greatly compromised experience of life on earth.

Thus, it follows that the need to communicate on a verbal level increased and the utterances grew in number and complexity. Formal language evolved to fill in the blanks. Degrees of separation grew allowing the emotions of fear and, eventually, anger, to take seed. The cost: a fall from Grace, if you will...translating into a deep disconnect with Source, now a shadowy amorphous memory.

This new vibration was significantly lower than the blueprint. Reduced vibration and the closing connections manifested in the energy bodies, showing up visibly in the physical, as conditions and disease and mortality.

And, thus began the human need for healing, a calling to witness oneself home.

Understand that this took place over a long time. During the de-evolution some individuals kept open their awareness and cosmic connection. Those who had lost theirs flocked to them in an effort to reclaim what was then only a distant cellular memory. They wanted “news from home”.

It is not a far reach that, given this plane with free will, over time, many of those with still open links became revelers in the attention and growing feelings of superiority and power. It may be that power can corrupt, but, vibrationally, their frequency, too, diminished, and they lost their connection. But they acted as if they still had it.

Organizations, formed as religions, may have been established in good intention, but many, over time, lost their heart and fell out of the flow. They were only as true and accurate as the highest vibration of its members.

Now, I understand that this is a curious way to explore sound. However, it is essential, in my belief, to embracing the winding path that has led to this current doorway in 2011, on the cusp of what many are now seeing as the intervention of a benevolent multiverse upon an experiment gone astray. And, in my opinion, to fully utilize the power that is being offered in this course, the foundation, born out of this model, is more than necessary. Essentially, it gives credence to our True Essence. An effective healer will witness his charge back to remembering and reclaiming the original design. And, awareness of the journey before, allows the healer to do the work successfully.

History has been massaged by the players to fit their personal prejudices and agendas, hidden or otherwise. A cultural perspective allows a cultural prejudice to become dogma passed on to its offspring via measured doses of education. Generation after generation of receiving the “way it is” results in an almost cellular belief vibrationally implanted into each new birth. Cellular beliefs offer strong resistance to new information. Look around at the entrenched polarizations in “civilized” cultures as those in previous power tighten the screws to keep things status quo.

Yet, despite this activity, the inspired Light of these times, pouring into this planet, offers new light upon the established forms of human history. We are at a precipitous time when growing numbers are listening with new hearts and resonating with an awakening if awakening from a dream. And, the influx of energies paired with each beings true and ever present deep knowing is bypassing resistance in remarkable ways.

This, essentially, is why sound, as a tool for healing, can now make such a visible impact upon the masses. The frequencies which are bathing all our energy bodies would have caused mass destruction not that long ago. The powerful cleansing work done by so many light workers has paved the way for humanities arrival at this crossroads. Any one called to explore these vibrations and become an active practitioner chose before incarnating to accept the opportunity to make this historical cosmic shift and universal reality. Thank you for showing up at the appointed time...

Take some time now and listen for 10 minutes to this audio file. Allow yourself to let the information just read to infiltrate your cells and rekindle the fire of truth that will further burn away the energetic misinformation of countless lifetimes past. Breathe into every cell and give unquestionable permission to reclaim your Holy Essence.

Page 4

LEARNING BLOCKS     Sound and Vibration  l  Voice  l   Chakras  l  Energy  l  Singing   l  Sound Healing Tools  l  Color   l  Senses     
Music Therapy  l  Resources l  Sound Healing Sessions  l  Applications

Click to access Sound Healing History, part 3

Questions or comments for Mark

Sound Healing History l  Contemporary Sound Healers  l  Physics of Sound  l  Esoterics of Sound  l  Cymatics  l  Sacred Geometry  l  Vibration  l  Frequency and Pitch  l  Intervals  l  Scales and Keys  l  Hearing and Listening