sludge and debris to discover the remnants of the future. Like Intoxicated mud wrestlers slipping and sliding into the long misplaced capacity to stand on our own feet, we start to get the picture and a long dormant sound pushes out from the belly up through the heart area into the throat and out in an explosions of…laughter! Yes, laughter, because when one sips the first elegance of waking up the child rises with a delicious openness to drench the moment with unabashed joy. For that is the life we were bequeathed all along. Take it…dammit! Take it! And let’s get living…

Without the chains of misinformation and the way it was (n’t) we are free to remember just how cool life and Earth and the Cosmos truly are. Take dreams, for instance. Through the judgmental lens of flawed humans and limited being it’s easy to see that things that are natural vehicles for Celestial expansion in both directions, inner and outer, have been turned against us. The dream is overanalyzed and mocked and criticized and misinterpreted. In this session we shall look at the power of the human expanded design to embrace this dream state capacity and finally free ourselves from the tendrils of one dimensional living. Free, at last! Thank God, Almighty, we are free at last!

And don’t you think you have wallowed long enough in the one life to live drivel? And the uninformed controller bees who boohoo the idea of past lives and reincarnation and karma are fast reaching the place where they will have to stay inside and watch the parade of human life waking up into full glory dancing by out on the street that leads to everywhere. And once and for all we shall jettison the man made cord of control through the misuse of the karmic principle. Let’s open to what that is all about and clear up the manipulation of the religious czars…who perpetrate the charade of how the rest are supposed to live while they exploit…and point fingers…and judge…and hold the hall pass to heaven or hell over you…enough. The best part of waking up is turning a back on those who are prisoner to one life…to then waltz through the dimensions consciously and incarnate again conscious of who we are and have always been. We shall look into this one below.

For thousands of years the ones who have had the prime connection have been those who never turned their backs, minds, and hearts on the Earth mother, Gaia. The symbiotic relationship is a foundational design component of the human in the physical. Curious how those who maintained that loving and nurturing connection have been the indigenous, the uncivilized, the pagan cultures who never lost the sight and the relationship with the big picture. And who was decimated and branded and ostracized and burned at the stake and forced into camps and erased?…these very same ones. The invention of evil so willingly perpetrated by the media and entertainment industry did its best to sequester the Light…not gonna happen. The time of that deceit is fast fading. And the Earth, that very Source provider is becoming the new church, pulling people out of the Sunday indoctrination rituals, into the natural world where hearts open and cells are fed and the energy field is cleared, balanced, and reactivated in higher frequency. There is certainly magick afoot, yes, that very same frequency and activity that has been cast out from the walled garden for so long. What is most beautiful is that they are not trying to get back…for they see the falsehood, the lies, and have no interest. It is the ones who have been deceived for so long who are waking up to the natural world and the ease with which life can be lived with honor, dignity, cooperation, compassion, love, and community. And they are leaving the walled facade in droves.

We will begin to see some of the Cosmic Magick that is peppering this Earth dimension preparing us fro expansion in to the fourth and the fifth and the sixth dimensions where we shall Integrate the expanded self and live consciously free of any and all notions or devotions to limitation. Living as if has brought us to the doorway of the grand design. Good faith is always rewarded with the truth.

Session Action

Time, Space, Dimension…
One More Big Look

Session Action

More About Conscious Dreaming Techniques

Session Action

The Akash…a Primer on the Infinite You and Me

Session Action

Conscious Dream Work…Sure, You Can Do That!

Session Action

Dreams…just another Reality

Session Action

It’s All Just Really
ONE Life…Right Now!

Session Action

The Dismantling of Karma…and not a moment too soon!

Session Action

A First Look at Cosmick

By now you must realize that we are just beginning to grasp the bigger meaning of Nothing Is As It Seems. This Celestial Holodeck dimension on this living, loving being, Gaia, is here for you and me simply to assist us in experiencing the ethereal journey of remembering our actual infinite design while wandering around in a somewhat limited form, the physical body. Despite the best efforts of the lower vibrational ones who just want to control, we are climbing out of the collective mind based exile to rediscover that there are no such things as limitations, unless we throw them down in front of our own self and then act like they mean something. It is fast opening up as the time of oh, so much more. Science fiction is becoming fact, despite the best efforts of institutions to keep the absurd smokescreen blinding us to our Divine Beauty.

Once we began to explore dimensions and saw that this is not a flatscape, we opened the inner door to reclaiming expansion. The vertical structure of the Now moment provides infinite variation for us to experience…and so we do. And once you say yes to your true design the Light begins to hit the fan and form explodes out in glorious manifestations of high frequency oscillation that delight the senses and realign the rubick’s cube of body, emotion, mind, and spirit. And for the first time since the Pleiadian pioneers deposited seeds of the eventual expanded human being into the fertile caves of Lemuria, we, those very same humans are getting the first glimpses of the keys to the kingdom. But, we are so used to suffering and doubting and sabotaging and believing we are little more than slug slime that we keep dropping the keys in the mud…fumbling and fishing through the past

 Course Launch Point

Click Title to Access Support Materials Being Developed Separately

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Copyright 2018. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved

Access Session 11A

Block Two Session 11: Dreams, Past Lives, and Celestial Magick