We have established multiple times that we often face an uphill struggle to put these new paradigms into action in our own moments of living. Stepping out of our safe prison for a walk in the yard is a very big deal to some. Is that you? How do you hold back? Where do you hesitate to engage? Where do you let your past learned prejudices and judgments filter what you see/experience in the now before you?These kinds of things will deliver how life shows up for you. Many are content to follow the norm and live OK at times and basically drift away into the fearful mystery of death. OK…is that you? Is there any tendency for you to sabotage your own living, your own momentum, your own dreams? Do you want to be here at all? Or are you looking to get to your waiting “seat in Heaven”? How much Love is in your world? What happens when you experience crisis and loss? Do you feel? Anything? Or have you become hardened to the deliverance of life in its current form?

My oh my…all these questions! Yes, all these questioned. It is your own day of reckoning. What do you want out of this current incarnation. You chose to be here. You chose to be here at a profound time when you are literally forced to face who you are by design…and by choice. Are those two pieces in alignment? How do you want to live?

My oh my…all these questions? Yes, indeed. This is the way to turn inward and dig through the mess in the inner closets, through the debris of choices made and words unspoken and the wishes and hopes in the corner. Life is responsive, responsive to you and your choices. Universal Law insures this. What you give you get, the outer reflects the inner, you manifest in alignment with your current vibration. Knowing this can give you an inside track to the good life. The challenge is that this information is not shared widely and the evidence suggests that we are in many ways, victim of a life out of our control. And again, according to principle, if that be your belief, then that is what will arrive at your altar of awareness.

The invitation is to be open in all ways: mind, heart, belief, and in embracing change. Knowing that all will oscillate and reflect your current state invites openness, if you are willing to take that leap of faith. And like all of these universal principles, the choice to be open opens the many-roomed mansion of infinite possibility. So, go out and live and see what happens.

In this second section of Session 16, you are invited to go and engage life, in Nature, in the etheric realm, with Source, and with your fellow humans. To choose to engage them all is to be an adventurer. That will invite you into the rich rapids of the unencumbered flow. Here is where the magic happens. Every moment of living has an infinite potential to reveal to you something about you or about the life you are in. Trusting this will become the magnet that keeps giving you the next thing that you are equipped to handle…knowing this allows you to skip the hesitation step and meet the moment with the necessary openness as described above.

When you are fully engaged then you are in what sports calls “the zone”. Time and space slow down. Your capacity within them expands and you are sensorily alive in “psychedelic” ways, so to speak. In this place you have moved into the  multi-dimensional capacity to be fully present to the true reality of energetics and the subsequent power to simultaneously influence the form of the what is before you. Take risks. Reach out to life and invite in the unexpected. Visit the moment and let it determine your next one…choose it and follow the clues/guidance . Go to nature. Reach out into the stars. See the beauty of every human. Connect with the elements and the kingdoms. Start listening and co-living with your own Higher Self and get in on the conscious communication with Source. Isn’t this the promise of living fully that you set in motion by your choice to sign on the incarnational dotted line.

Life Loves You…Love it back!

How do you view life? What is your relationship with life? Are you the main focus of your relationship with life? How do others fit in? What is your relationship with the natural world? The elements? With the Earthly Kingdoms? With etheric beings? With your own guides and teachers? With your own Higher Self? Your Inner Child Self? With Source?

Yes, there are many questions. Life is sweeping and so varied. Our ongoing opportunity is to engage and interact and grow with all of life. That will not happen if you hold a small view of Life. Your connection is proportional to your existing openness. The more you give then the more you will receive. Life feeds itself. This Cosmos, no matter how large and infinite it is, is designed for life, of all kinds, to thrive.That foundational undercurrent of Love assures that there is always a higher frequency current connecting all, even when you are unaware of it, or choose to stay unaware of it.

Life requires living. If you hold your cards to the vest, if your comfort zone has grown to be a personal mansion, if your eyes look for and see the “what is wrong with others”, then you are living small…which is not what you are designed for. Therefore you are at a constant crossroads. Every time you interface with life you are being asked to determine how much you will do so. You are faced with the choice to engage of to avert your energetic gaze. Every time you avert you say no to your own Higher Self who has worked in conjunction and cooperation with the direct Source Connection to make manifest this opportunity for you to live…

Block Three Session 16A: Living in Connected Relationship with All of Life Applied

 Course Launch Point

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Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Session Action

The Illusion of Autonomy

Session Action

Life 101

Session Action

Earth, Her Creatures, and You

Session Action

Connected Relationship: What Is It?

Session Action

A Deeper Look at Oneness

Session Action


Session Action

Guides, Angels, and  Ascended Masters

Session Action

Higher Self
and Source