Life is. It is everywhere and in everything. It is vibration. It is movement and oscillation and constant change. Life is temporary form and it is manifestation in process. Life is responsive and cuddly, potent and destructive (so to speak), delight full, beauty full, unpredictable, direct-able, connected in all forms, self sustaining, infinite, and cannot be defined.

And, believe it or not…this is you. As an integrated and unique expression, you are life in action.

All life stems from Source. No matter how you choose to define Source, let’s just say that it always is. Source feeds and invites and supports and inspires. Source moves each expression of life to seek experience. Source delivers the resources to embrace the form of the current experience. Source is Love and that is the frequency that seeds all life. There is nothing else, no contrast, no opposite force, no lurking demons…just Love in an infinite number of gradations and expressions…coming mostly through you and through me and every other form.

No life form is better than any other. Each is an essential expression of Source in Action that combine and unify to inspire the whole of the Cosmos in all its splendor. Cosmic life is not based on the human model. The human model is one of the expressions of life. The seeming lifeless (stone, Earth, etc) is not so. Levels of consciousness dance in all expressions of life. None is better. The rock is connected to the Source and receives and gives informative communication in a consistent manner. The wind breathes and flows as it washes and caresses anything it comes into contact with. It serves the moment and delivers the vibrational energy to elicit the change called forth by the consciousness of all it interfaces with.

Life must be viewed in the big picture. Personifying life according to one’s own limited field and perspective has been one of the primary ways that humans have remained small (in relation to the All That Is). These times of Oneness that are unfolding are a blessing and a curse to the historical human. The isolated, controlling, self-serving drivel of the misinformed humans is fast fading because the Whole of Life is no longer interested in sustaining such a narrow perspective. We are so much more…always have been. It has been our own perceptions that have kept us in our precious personal eddy, living out the same ol’, same ol’.

And so small Life is making way for the glorious rise of the expanded Big Life that is already filtering into the collective consciousness. Most other forms are already engaged in the symbiotic flow of Life, experience the flowing dance of no limitations in spontaneous bursts of “yes!”. And now it is our turn to thrive. But first, we must clear the palette.

We must jettison the following unnecessary perspectives in order to be receptive to the greater Truth of the Way Things Are by Design.

  1. Life is lived in isolation
  2. One life form is better than another
  3. Death terminates life
  4. One is more powerful than another
  5. There is good and bad…not so…just good in infinite variation
  6. One must protect against the evil of life
  7. Emotion is a questionable thing/experience
  8. Evil exists
  9. Source is made in the image of human
  10. Human has dominion over the Earth
  11. We are alone in the Universe
  12. All alien life is bad
  13. We are personalities with an ego that controls us
  14. We age
  15. We must find our one true mate
  16. Money is power
  17. Creativity is selective
  18. Talent is isolated
  19. Time requires a life is sequence
  20. One must work to become that which they desire
  21. We are born helpless
  22. We are meant for illness and disease
  23. Life is dangerous
  24. Others know better
  25. We have to earn value
  26. The old way is the best/right/only way
  27. The collective agreement of normal must be adhered to
  28. We are limited beings
  29. And, oh so much more

This list seems somewhat familiar. Yes, the Doctrine of Limitations has been explored multiple times. This is a permutation of it. These things are really counter to the Life we are designed for. To step into the life we have inherited with each incarnational opportunity we must look beyond these things to claim the greater panorama that has always been there…

So let’s look at that…

  1. Life is eternal for all expressions. The infinite journey involves innumerable alterations of form and of location to provide for the myriad of experience we are designed for.
  2. Life is abundant in all ways. There is no lack. We have access to all we need to thrive
  3. The Cosmos is built for life in infinite variation
  4. Love is the frequency fabric of all expressions of life
  5. All life is connected and interconnected.
  6. We can communicate on multiple levels with all life forms…and with the very frequency of Life (Source) itself
  7. Life is steeped in information. All beings have direct access to all of that information at any time
  8. Life is a multi dimensional experience capable of manifesting simultaneous expressions of a life form but in different scenarios. Each of these forms can interface with one another in the Now
  9. All life forms are designed for self maintenance and self-determined longevity
  10. The idea of death is a fear based manipulation. The change of form does not terminate a life form essence. The transcendence of form and the rebirth into another is an intricate element of the true design adventure
  11. Humans as life forms are designed to self repair and self perpetuate, repairing anything on any energetic level that is necessary to keep the “car on the road”
  12. In humans, the Mind and the Soul are partners in cahoots with the Higher Self and Source. Each is a permutation that oversees the primary relationship with the Inner Child Self.
  13. The vibration of life in the collective and in the local impacts/influences all of life.
  14. Life is spontaneous and responsive to itself and to the energetic forms around it
  15. Humans have the capacity to make life in the Now as we go
  16. Life is lived fully in the Now, not before or after
  17. The frequency of human thought determines the frequency of the life form that arrives in that Now moment
  18. Life is a fluid circle of giving and receiving. Engage both to thrive
  19. Conscious choice to engage and witness all forms of life is a choice to immerse in the fluidity of Oneness. That choice is a potent activation and affirmation of the Big Picture which will lift you quickly out of your own mundane.
  20. One can ride the leading edge of life by engaging with trust the form of the Now moment
  21. Aligning thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions magnetizes the aligned life to  become available for your choosing
  22. We have the capacity to venture throughout the Cosmos at any time we choose
  23. Self Love is a key component to the full, thriving Life
  24. The dimensional elements of Earth life are  unique to this locale. This adds to the adventure. We can engage any dimension by first accessing the rules of the current playing field. Some, but not all, are interchangeable no matter where we find ourselves
  25. Humans are underdeveloped energetically. The current higher frequency impulses are pushing us to enter our own field of resistance to free the I Am into full expression through us.
  26. Life is unlimited. So are all living beings. Allow that and thrive.
  27. It is all good. In other words the heaven or hell we create is based on how we see, which is a direct result of the energetic debris we still carry that fortifies personal beliefs in limitation. Clear that to allow life to flow in its complete grandeur.
  28. You have been everywhere and done everything already. The learning is not as important as the experience. You are designed as a unique being to experience life uniquely. You are charged to move without hesitation into the next moment calling. This is the life well lived.
  29. Everything always works out for the highest good of all involved. Beware of personal prejudicial interpretations that ultimately serve our still festering wounds (pushing to be cleared). Let go…
  30. Life will lead you to the perfect situation and place and opportunity. Engage fully and drink in all permutations of the now experience.

From this list you can see a more panoramic vision of life. That life is unencumbered by personal debris. In the wisdom of the design we are each self clearing and capable of impeccable self maintenance to allow us to show up to the moment at 100% of the true design that we each are. Your current invitation is to surrender and let go of anything that does not serve this list. Yes, it is the frontier for you and humanity. We are being directed to wake up and it is our best collective interest to trust that and live it beyond what we believe that we are capable of doing. The flowing life will always reveal you to you in ways that you would never previously allow or be open to. These are the times when you are simply being asked to be you authentically 100% of the time. Will you?

These are the basics. You now have all you need to thrive. Take the first step in good faith and trust that you will be guided in your nows to become the magnificence you have been designed to be…just like all beings are designed to be as well. Ah…the good life!

Session Action Four: Life 101