Here is where it gets interesting. Now know that this is just beginning to take shape so it may not be real clear…but do give it a chance. It will require that you hold two possibilities, that seem contradictory, as showing the way it is in potential….simultaneously. OK? Good…

Life is. Life is everything and everywhere. The Cosmos is made for life and made of life. There is no thing that is not filled with life. The expression and form of that life that it holds may be different, but the life it holds is not…it is unified…always has been and always will be.

Take a breathe now and think of butterflies in your hand…no reason…just to allow what was said above to sink in and do some opening up work.

Nothing is as it seems. Said it many times before. Fundamental facts of life. If you allow it to be so. And that may be the determiner of experience…you. Things just are. Doing their thingness. Your observation and interfacing gives you information. You take the information in and have a relationship with it…temporary or long lasting. You do what you do with it depending upon what you carry into the moment: personal history, energetic debris, established patterns, thoughts and thought sequences, beliefs, preferences, emotional baggage, and intentions. All of this gives an interpretive experience of the moment and the form you see/feel (which is based upon experience, awareness, knowledge, wisdom, and personal history.) And underneath what seems to be a logical determiner of experience lies the oscillating randomness of vibrating substance and life force, which can intervene as if by its own hand.

Take a breath and think of ice cream and its pleasant consumption… no reason, just to give you a moment to allow the above to find a waiting place to hang in for a while.

For eons we have been taught to think we are isolated and well defined units of life. Most take this for granted and dance with words like self, personality, ego, character, genetics, family history, etc to help build the walls and fences needed to maintain this idea of autonomy. We use this personal fortress to experience and interpret people, places, and things as well as situations and events. We buttress up our shields to protect us from the appearances of unsafe in the outer. We think we have an inner self but there is really very little tangible evidence. So, most live a life aware of perhaps a half inch above and below the skin. This is where we think, feel, and act from. Cool…right? Well…think about it for a moment.

Sounds like a very limited version of the potential everywhere. And yet, many are perfectly fine with living in that narrow defined spectrum because it is familiar and has our learned signature and the energetic debris that feels like us in an odd way. As an autonomous expression we interface with other autonomous expressions. Settling for normal seems like the best thing to do. Human life in a nutshell. Interesting but kind of going nowhere. We are separate from one another. And we occasionally feel a stronger sense that we are actually connected. Perhaps the union that happens in sexual encounters is a way to step outside of our own walls and experience something more grand for a brief moment. Being inside or having someone inside us feels different and can trigger a deeper sense of unity. Glimpses of something outside of the walls of autonomy…like it is way more important than we have allowed or even entertain yet.

Take a breath and see yourself at the beach walking in the sand with the bright blue sky and sun infusing you with warmth and beauty…no reason just to allow the above to find its home inside of you.

Humans seek relationship, whether they want to admit it or not. We are connected with life. Autonomy is illusion…to a degree. Actually we will not explore the contradiction until the next session action that jumps into Oneness. For now let us realize that we are energetically drawn to one another in an ever oscillating way. Frequency aligns with frequency harmonically and in resonant capacities. We are drawn for the time being to people, places, and things for the experience. The experience may be to gain personal awareness, to learn something, to heal or to be healed, for delight and play, for comfort, for love, for validation, for mission fulfillment, for resolution of conflict, or even just because. The yearning for connection, that lives in all of life, is more powerful than the fear that keeps life isolated and insecure. The worst form of abuse to a human child is abandonment, the treating as if there is simply no value. We really need one another to thrive. Our autonomy is counter productive and serves to seed confusion and doubt and suspicion and judgment more than providing us with a good vibe. It helps to keep us apart…or so it seems. What is really going on here are the woundings seeking expression and clearing, which will lead to connection. Our walls are self serving through habit. We are standing at the parapet looking at the life on the outside wishing and hoping to be a part of it. We want connection but allow the fear to distract us and keep us from releasing the very energetic sources of the fear…which, when released, will lead us out of autonomy into connection. Catch 22…

Take a breath and imagine you are in a loved one’s arms. No reason, just to allow this to sink in. You are not made for alone…sort of.

All life is connected and unified by the multiversal frequency of the primal sound from which Source resonates. An infinite number of individual frequencies make up the unified sound. You are a frequency born of all your moments of living from just before your point of incarnation. That frequency is unrepeatable. As an example consider that we are all a unique expression of PI, which equals 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252…and this is just the start…to infinity and beyond. Yes, you are a frequency that is unrepeatable.

When you take all the unrepeatable frequencies of life in expression and combine them in the Cosmic symphony then you are standing in the Sacred Ground of Oneness. You can’t have one without the other. Combine them all and you are left with the sound of OM. This is the still point from whence Oneness is birthed. Autonomous and ever connected we are. This allows us to be the unique expression that we each are and sets us in the collective arms of one another in ways that are just beginning to be revealed. Wow!

Now take a breath and let the sound out in an audible Oh. As you release it let the lips form an m and feel the resulting sound of mmm activate the crown chakra. In this OM you find your life as sourced expression…intertwined and immersed in the all that is and all that make up the All That Is…

Time to take a break…back with the Oneness in just a flash

Session Action One: The Illusion of Autonomy