Questions, my friend, are a powerful entry point into communication. And this whole session is about communication with the inner and the outer. What? I’m not even sure I want to have that conversation…questions break the ice, the energetics in place. They shift energies and require looking inward. They are incredibly useful and a fabulous place to begin an interaction be it with our inner self or the outer world.

Questions open doors and act as a launch pad for conversational exchange with willing parties. But, do you want that? We are beset by social protocols in place for a very long time. These often interrupt the flow of any communication and leave us hesitant, even to communicate with ourselves or our own guidance. And that, in the case of fully opening to and allowing full two way communication on all levels, is something that we have to walk into and through. Breaking old habits is what it comes down to. Like so many of these elements in the Living As If adventure, we are invited to change/update a way we have been doing/thinking for a very long time, even lifetimes. It is entirely doable, but, are you willing? A fair question in that sometimes one is tired of needing to fix things. Of course…and, this is a smokescreen. Somewhere we established that the way it has been is a seductive familiarity that is so tempting. It takes effort to choose action and gather momentum for conscious change.

And then with communication, there is the answer one chooses to post to a question. How authentic will one be? In a lifetime of being put in place and having to choose words to placate another or avoid embarrassment or save face or even survive, what one says is important to consider. Authenticity opens inner and outer doors. We got to see this in the US this week with the Senate hearings regarding Judge Kavenaugh and Dr Ford. One exhibited authenticity while the other attempted to force a perspective on others without even answering the question at hand. We got to see the gross manipulation of communication as pointed questions were spoken by either side to sway perception. The Universe knows truth because it has a resonating frequency that all can feel if they step off their personal platform. Truth is fed by energetic evidence that shows up quickly. Once you have lived in being truthful and authentic consistently one cannot go back because the alternative is literally painful.

In opening up communication to the deepest inner and the Celestial outer it is often necessary to overcome the resistance of what has been in place. This opening is about laying that on the table of awareness so that it can be addressed up front as you choose to access these deeper realms to find your self. Clarity comes from shining the light on things. Learned resistance is not an excuse to choose silence over authentic communication. It is an invitation to see what is on the other side of that resistance, freeing it up in the light of looking at it. We have some ways established that no longer serve us. And here we are again…at a point of choice. SO much undoing…yes, true…but in the big picture of finding your true self that has been whitewashed and tucked away from access, it is necessary for awhile. Once the doors open and you get the growing taste of You then your inner beacon goes on and you are drawn home.

We are opening up a remarkable conduit here. The treasures contained within and the sweeping results that can be released by communicating with the cells and tissues and personal energetics are profound. For in it lies the capacity to consciously regulate our own life. Doing so removes fear and removes you from the runaway train of doing what everybody else does so dutifully. In this place you regain authentic power to show up to the moment honestly. That is a powerful resource for others as well. The energetic invitation is to draw on truth…and all life is drawn to that, sometimes kicking and screaming.

This form of communication is not just about conversation between you and me. It is about creating two way exchange between Cosmos and True Self. It is about removing shackles and blinders to finally see what has always been revealed. It shows us what is available to us, how things really work, and how we can can engage a flowing process. Through it we can access etheric beings without hesitation, listen with an open heart and mind, take action with faith.

We are invited to explore expanded communication and develop our own levels of trust and willingness to deepen the sharings. You can access the cosmos. You can call upon Ascended Masters for insight, training, and assistance. You can guide your cells into alignment, call yourself back into balance, clear impending blockages, love your whole self into balance, have spontaneous conversation with your own Higher Self, question the Source herself to explode your own understanding of your choice to incarnate in a Universe that loves you without question. You are invited to access, befriend, and use consciously all of your resources…all the time. Your design is revealing itself and in some cases, taking over. Allow it and then join in your own incessant flow to the good life you deserve and desire.  

Session Action

Elements of the Inner World

Session Action

Calling in Your Personal Posse

Session Action

Cellular Communi-
cation: It’s That Important

Session Action

A Listening Primer

Session Action

The Outer World: More than Meets the Eye

Session Action

Into the Angelic Realm

Session Action

Ascended Master Quick Course

Session Action

Completing the Circle of Connection

Some people love the linear path, the same way home every day, the predictable routines that can be completed in sleep almost. Yeah, the same ol’ is a place of comfort that asks nothing except to allow the neural pathways to fire like they learned to do. Let life live though me…do I even have to be there? I can watch life from that familiar place and disengage…smooth, no pressure, uninspiring…yeah…but is there a real price to pay? Maybe not…It’s all fine…just fine…until the colorful circus parade goes by outside the window of your well defended little box. And there you are…mommy, can I go out to see the parade? Please?!  Oh, my little man, no…you don’t want to get dirty…and something might happen out in that chaos. Besides you are all dressed up because your past is coming for dinner today…Yes….remember? And you know how much it likes you all dressed up and cooperative…so why don’t you came here and help me fold these napkins?

When was the last time you busted out of your own corral? Is that even a possibility? Or does an alarm go off that calls the inner authorities to usher you back to your own well earned status quo? How invested are you in things being familiar? How are you with change? What do you compromise when you say no to an invitation? What have you given up lately? What do you want really badly that you don’t have? Why don’t you have it? What holds you back?

Did you ever want to run away with the circus? What kept you from doing it? Do you have dreams of something else? Could you attain them if you chose to? Why don’t you choose to? What holds you back? Or are you unabashed about life? Are you a tumbleweed with not a care in the world? How healthy are you? What habits of yours are having consequence ? Are you a yes or a no?

Why all these questions?!?!

 Course Launch Point

Access Session 9A

Click Title to Access Support Materials Being Developed Separately

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Copyright 2018. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved