We are so connected…in so many beautiful, functional, powerful, and expansive ways…within and without. Isolated? Not in the least bit…though we have certainly been taught that we are adrift in the Cosmos, on our own…good luck!

Back to awareness again…initiating the inner knowing that we are so much more, activating all of the immaculate connections to be in constant contact with I Am and I Am Expressing As Me. All available once you say yes to your design and turn your active gaze inward. Are you ready? Are you willing?

Let’s explore the components of the interconnected design, no part out of touch with another, available 24/7 through infinity and beyond.

Access to every cell
There appears to be a veritable instant capacity for cellular communication between all cells, like a moment by moment state of the body messaging. Yes, cells group frequency wise to specifically form and maintain the functioning organ, but, even these specialty cells communicate freely beyond their own framework. How does this serve you? You are never out of touch with you, updates as to the current status are in flow to your conscious self even, as you open up to that. Entertain that and start consciously sending messages to parts of you. DO so without expectations as likely, in the beginning, you will be looking for something to happen. That expectation can cause you to miss what happens, if you know what I mean. You are developing a design skill that is there but has never been taught. Start using it…

Your DNA carries your internal instructions, the original design, the expanded design, as well as elements of the learned design. The latter is where the communication may be the most critical, undoing the “damage” that has been temporarily programmed into your current expression of you. According to Kryon, the compromised DNA is template based with the current capacity to reassemble itself into the proper template needed for you. It is not activation that is happening but a freeing from an established imprisonment set in motion by incarnational living under the misinformation of the doctrine of limitation. The higher your personal frequency then the more quickly this is being ushered into form, even without your awareness.

Also, according to Kryon, Layer One of your DNA is the biological layer that is the primary communication layer for the additional eleven strands, most of which function multidimensionally. Through this antennae you are able to essentially interface with the cosmos without and within. It is the primary layer that simultaneously informs the other 100 trillion molecules about what is up via magnetic fields in each that overlap. Through a process called induction these fields allow the instantaneous updates. Your conscious intent sends the same message to all within. Can you grasp the significance of this? We shall start to work with it….

Conscious connect
This is the key to the ignition of you in the expanded physical. Your conscious self has been distracted for eons and has learned to be a lazy doubter who whines and wishes and hopes…regardless of the reason, the effect must be identified and overcome. Your consciousness must be redirected away from the shiny objects, the reality tv shows, the news, the drama of politics, the distortion of religion, the pressure of making a living, the mirrors of judgment and criticism…all of this. The focus must begin to align with the revealing design of you, amplifying the new awarenesses so that the skills can be unleashed and massaged into action.

There is no need for sickness or any compromise in the original design. Completely unnecessary and learned, it is an implant of diversion. So be it…move out of that framework and invest in your own revelation of the TRUE YOU, beyond the pathetic panoply of limitations you have been force-fed. I say this over and over because it is you who must make the decision to take the first action away from the way it was. You must activate the remembering. No one else can. Even the mighty influx of Cosmic energy is all but wasted on one who continues to resist by turning back to Gomorrah. That is not you…never has been…though it can be if you choose.

Your primary purpose right now is to redirect the conscious mind to see the amplified goodness of life and your design. And that will run in direct conflict with the way it has been. Nothing will make sense for awhile. Yet, you must be determined to keep your eye on the prize, keep your new beliefs in the design at the forefront, even if they run amuck with the way it has always been. It can be hard, yes, seemingly impossible, as you will keep defaulting back to the way it was…familiar and devoted comfort zone, pulling you back to lie in the arms of the fabrication of compromise, fear based, and headed for a sleazy part of town…always. Until you take the conscious action to do something different. Dammit, Bones…just do it!

Chakra interconnect/physical to Celestial

Each chakra functions as a Celestial/physical interface/portal, the place the where the Cosmic messages are introduced into consciousness and where the energetic debris is released to the the waiting hands of the higher frequency receptivity of the the Source frequency. Conscious use expands the functionality of the chakra and deepens the effectiveness of the cosmic relationship as it invites the design to do what it was made to do. With no resistance in place you reclaim the flow and experience the cleansing impact of you functioning as You.

By design, you receive the celestial input through the back side of the inbody chakra. Crossing the midline membrane between the front and back side then puts the information in motion, of course, filtered by the degree of energetic debris, your beliefs, and your willingness. If allowed, you are able to flow between the Celestial and the Earth physical, as the Highest and most adventurous expression of the I AM THAT I AM EXPRESSING AS YOU.

Take advantage of this amazing design.

Here is a brief amount about each backside port.

By clearing out the frontside of the chakra you are more able to access the Celestial guidance and personal information to assist in living in your frequency of wholeness. Responding to the chakra is a skill to be learned. Any sensation or hit of awareness can be attended to consciously. With an attitude of expected communication you can be in an ever ready state to receive and interact. Imagine the impact of this…no surprises, no lack of awareness, no interference to your choice actions.

Heart Connect

In these new times the heart center becomes the new root. In other words, here is where you receive the expanded support, sustenance, and information. Living from this center allows you to integrate the pure energy of Love into all of your moments of interfacing life. Bringing your conscious self to live in and through the heart center is the now charge for conscious living in these times. This is a skill that you must develop. You must ask for assistance on this. That assistance will flood the DNA and the back sides of the chakras for you to receive and utilize.

The physical heart has the point of interface that must be consciously activated. The Sino-atrial node is at 11 o’clock looking outward from the heart. This Point functions as the pacemaker, transforming the Celestial pulse into your own functioning heartbeat. But, like any technological marvel, it is designed for so much more. It is the portal that allows you to consciously travel interdimensionally, as a shaman does. It replenishes the supply of the Love Frequency, the basis of all life design, the foundational substance from which we all are fabricated into form.

Moving into and living from this place allows you to run all interfacing with life and form through the heart, where the higher perspective is inserted to influence your response. To develop this awareness you must begin bringing your conscious attention to the heart and the point. Do it with breathing. Do it when you think. Do it when you must make a decision. Do it whenever you communicate with another being. It will change everything, bringing all interactions to cohesion (as is named in Heartmath).

Here is an exercise to open that point, coming from the book, , by Jose Stevens.

The sino-atrial node— the tiny portal in the heart closest to the middle of your chest— contains three filaments, invisible to the naked eye, infinitely finer than the strands of a spider’s web. Like fiberoptics, these filaments carry an enormous load of information and power. Their job is to transport three key components from Spirit directly into your heart for distribution through your DNA. The first is truth, or the intelligence of the universe. Your body has the intelligence of the cosmos within it, because truth is piped directly into it via your heart. The second is love, also known as magnetism, which is the force that attracts and holds your form together so that your body has integrity; this is the same force that holds planetary systems and galaxies together. And the third is power, the pure energy that animates you and allows you to carry out all your decisions, actions, and movements. This is what we have already referred to as the action component of God— in the Christian and Hebrew traditions, the Word: the power to choose, to make things happen, to take the consequences of those choices, to have experiences. Without power, without the Word, nothing would happen. According to shamans, this power is neutral, neither good or bad. What we do with it determines its positive or negative influence, according to our experience. The Q’ero of the Andes call the positive aspects sami and the inharmonious aspects hoocha. Note that hoocha is not considered negative; the Q’ero say only that it is lacking in resonance with what will make us happy.

…The Inner Shaman is tasked with keeping the flow coming into your heart: the flow of intelligence, the flow of love, and the flow of energy. That flow never stops until the moment of death of your body; if it did, for even a fraction of a second, your body would die immediately. That is how important the Inner Shaman is to your life. It sits within your heart, and in a state of deep concentration and meditation it calls forth this action from Source, from the Spirit World, from all that is. You might be totally unaware of this activity, but with a little attention you may sense that something

 Take a moment to visualize this.

1. Visualize truth as the color of the purest gold, shining, glimmering, shimmering through infinite space and penetrating into the atoms, protons, electrons, and space that make up both the physical aspects of your DNA and its quantum aspects. Ultimately this combination creates the form of your body.

2. Visualize love as rose color, the most beautiful pink of the dawn, also streaming through the cells and atoms of the body and radiating outward through the DNA into an extraordinary egg-shaped halo all around your body, called the luminous egg by Toltec shamans.

3. Visualize power or energy as electric blue in color, the exquisite blue of a candle flame, radiating, pulsing outward, energizing your DNA, your body, and animating your luminous egg. All this the Inner Shaman chooses, actualizes, witnesses, accepts, and allows.

It is important to offer gratitude to the Inner Shaman for these three streams of vital source material, which it provides to you for free, twenty-four/ seven. Remember, if any one of them were to cease their flow for even a second, you would cease to exist. The more gratitude you give to Spirit or Source for each stream, the more Spirit will give you. This is how you make them grow. All the great saints discovered that by spending a great deal of time in gratitude for this bounty, they became infinitely richer by the day.

…Eventually, after working with these three streams, you will begin to understand that your body is no more than the seedpod, the container for the seed of who you are, which is absolute truth, infinite love, and boundless energy. This seedpod has a very important function and needs to be cared for and nourished, but when it is time for the seed to germinate, the seedpod opens and falls away revealing the real life within. This does not mean that you have to die to give birth to the seed; it simply means that you have to transfer your identification from your body personality to your true identity within your heart, the Inner Shaman, the seeds of creation— the gold seed of truth, the rose seed of love, and the electric blue seed of energy. These colors combined represent who you are; you no longer confuse who you are with the container that is temporarily holding them. These three streams are quantum, infinite, unlimited, and to be found everywhere, all though time, space, and beyond. As you identify with them, you begin to sense that you are unlimited and connected to the infinite source of power, love, and wisdom. When this realization becomes complete, you have achieved self-realization, samadhi, satori, enlightenment.
Lena Stevens ; Jose Stevens. Awaken the Inner Shaman: A Guide to the Power Path of the Heart (p. 23). Sounds True. Kindle Edition.

Nerve Plexus
A plexus of nerves is a bundle of nerves, a crossroads, a meeting place that focuses and amplifies. Each chakra has been considered a nerve bundle to some degree. There are three of the chakras that are, indeed amplified centers rooted in the physical realm, the sacral, the heart, and the brow. These centers are in relationship, sharing vibration and information to assist in directing you to clarity in decision and action. Knowing these three and calling upon them in unison gives you direct access to the vision (intent), the heart infused frequency, and the action frequency.

The belly plexus is a combination of second, Sacral, and third, Solar Plexus, as it is about putting feeling into conscious, guided action. The heart infuses the vision with the Love wash that automatically elevates the frequency of the intention into the highest good for all frequencies. The brow, along with the throat, are devices that formulate and refine the intention as vision that can then be placed into the etheric field for manifestation. The brow receives insight via the crown but also through the solar plexus intellectual perspectives (wisdom gained through living). The sequence of the informed Celestial Decision is to have the seed idea, which then gives birth to the clarified intentional vision. That vision is sent to the heart where Love clears and cleans to raise it to the highest frequency potential. From there is is sent to the plexus/sacral for the infusion of the feeling and wisdom that can then be molded into the threshold of action. That action is launched via the conscious, audible, clear expression via the throat/voice.  

This combination refines the frequency to be the most magnetic to bring forth the form that will make manifest to you. By combining the awareness of the three nerve plexus centers you can formulate the most powerful intentions into action. Start doing this and reap the results…


The bodies inner rivers and channels of interconnectivity are vast, from the meridians to the nadis to the nerves to the bloodstream to the cellular magnetic impulse. Such attention to this interconnectivity establishes an obvious importance to the communication that can/must take place. Our own symbiotic systems relies on itself to regulate the current form and subsequenct experience of the moment. And you, my conscious one, are essentially, sitting/flowing right in the navigator/adventurer/pioneer chair. If you are unaware then the ship is driving itself by feeling and historical influence (unprocessed energetic debris) and likely sputtering and flailing in some type of repetitive, slowly decaying journey to nowhere. As you become aware and assume the helm then the revelations begin. You are revealed to you as much as you can handle as quickly as you are able. In the big picture it would be a simultaneous download that gives you the keys to the kingdom, knowing you have all you need and more to make sense of it. Trouble is, we are undoing the baggage we carry…so be it. Every piece jettisoned ramps up your capacity. This is not a sequence of openings and revelations along a continuity….rather, it is a spherical expansion that reveals through its own revelation (you get in accordance to your spiraling opening up).

Your meridians (energetic rivers through which chi flows along with in the now information and codings interface with the organs and chakras. They are meant to be clear, unobstructed, and flowing. When they do you do not experience dis-ease on any level. When they are blocked though belief and inaction and suppression, then you are called to pay attention and clear out the debris. That is your job. It shows up often as sensation, pain, or condition. If you continue to subscribe to old medical models of decay, genetics , and limitation, then you will be sending the message for the “callings” to intensify. So…no brainer here…clear the meridians. You do that through inner connectivity and responding to the callings you pick up through the sensations. Talk to the sensations. Ask them what they have to tell you. Ask how you can clear them…then take action in good faith. Monitor and make adjustments…or go to an acupressure or acupuncturist to augment the clearing of the energy blockage.

The nadis are the channels that carry the higher frequency energies to clear and sustain chakra health and also run interference for the launching of the kundalini process through the central nadi called the Sushumna. Yogic or Pranic breathing is a primary tool to keep these channels unobstructed. Researching breathing techniques is time well spent.   


An organ is a specialized gathering of resonating frequency cells for the purpose of performing a select and essential body process. Organs, though unique, are also part of a system which, in itself, has a primary function to maintain health. The twelve systems are Integumentary System(skin, hair, nails which covers the body; regulates body temp; creates structures for sensation); Skeletal System (basic framework of the body, protects & supports, made up of bones, joints, cartilage; Muscular System (skeletal muscles attach to bones; maintains posture; helps us move); Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves & sensory organs); Endocrine System (contains glands that secrete hormones; chemical substances regulate body activities); Circulatory System (blood, heart & blood vessels…pumps/transports blood; carries to all body cells; carries waste away from cells); Lymphatic System (lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, lymph & other lymphoid organs provide fluid balance; defense against pathogens & other foreign material); Immune System (an elaborate defense system; protects from pathogens, allergens & our own cells that have gone awry. (cancer cells)); Respiratory System (lungs & other structures that carry/conduct air to & from lungs); Digestive System (made up of organs designed to ingest and digest food. It breaks food down into substance that can be absorbed; eliminates the rest as waste); Urinary System (kidneys & other structures which helps excrete waste; controls water & electrolyte balance in the body); Reproductive System (organs & structures that enable humans to reproduce).

Knowing the location and purpose of each system and its organs can allow you to listen to and respond to callings from them. Energy unprocessed becomes energy stored. The remarkable body storage system  is thematic and can quickly be interpreted and addressed to clear out the blockages. Again, inner, conscious communication through response is a powerful and effective tool. Respond to the organ calling by talking to it, writing to it, receiving in writing, making sound spontaneously from it, sending higher frequency energy or intention to it, etc. We shall explore these techniques in a later session action.

Energy bodies

Inner Child

The importance of the inner child cannot be stressed enough. Regardless of your thoughts about the existence of your own inner child, this essential energetic and dimensional part of you holds many keys to your own place of foundation, balance, and flow. The inner child part contains your history, the expansive as well as the incarnational, where many patterns and learnings have been implanted as a result of the moments of living. Therein lies a doorway to a place of peace.

The child’s communication with you, the adult, is historically through the body sensations and the emotions. Both of those vehicles have been censored by society. We have been taught to ignore both and replace with stuff, meds, or fantasy. And, as a result, the wounds of the child fester and so grow the intensity of patterns and misinformed beliefs.

Until you establish conscious communication with that part of you, you will be living a double life, estranged from the very essence of your I Am connection. And that, is a tragedy that can be remedied by choice. Start communicating. We shall look at some additional ways to do so in another session action.

Session Action One: Elements of the Inner World