With all that is available for you it comes down to you making the call. Putting together your personal support posse is a grand idea. Making it inclusive of the natural world, humans, and celestials allows you to have a variety of resources who are from a wide swath of experience, knowledge, and perspectives. So let’s get started

Look at your relationship with the Earth. Determine what you enjoy about ir, places, settings, experiences. Then make a list of at least 7 different locales where you can go to make that connection and work your communication/guidance.

Now start looking at stones and minerals. This can simply be a matter of finding 7 stones outside, ones that seem to call to you by catching your eye, and collecting them to be cleansed by direct sunlight and water. These 7 stones can be intentionally cleansed with the water and sunlight, then set with intention by speaking your birth name 7 times to each one. Hold them as you do this then wait and listen or feel or sense. Let whatever comes come. If you desire then place these stones around the house where you can access them Pick them up each day. Know that the time together may be limited once they have given you the particular personal message they carry. You can also do this with specific mineral stones like quartz, amber, labrodite, malochite, jade, etc.

Secure a plant or two for the inside. Make sure to give them all they need to thrive. Tend them daily, visiting and being in their presence. Make a point to breath on their leaves with a nurturing exhale. Appreciate them by noticing them and witnessing them daily. Pay attention to what they bring.

Make a list of 7 potential power animals. Select one for a week and reflect on it. Find pictures and start looking for visits, in the waking or the dream world. Animals come with a message. You can refer to Medicine Cards, a animal based divination deck by Jamie Sams for additional insight to jump start the message coming to you. Additionally, pay attention to the animals that come to you daily. Notice them and listen to them. Seek and accept their message. Give gratitude.

Open to the idea of Elementals. Which intrigue you? Which did you have connection with as a child? Invite them in and start looking for them. It is a vibration and frequency thing. Yours…is what determines the contact. They will first appear via your peripheral vision. Get to know them through gratitude. Make offerings of good faith as well, corn meal, tobacco, shiny objects, etc.

Divination Deck

There are so many divination tools and decks available now it is borderline overwhelming. The decks can be very useful as direct guidance, a nudge, a possibility, an inspiration. Depends on what the deck is about and how you use it. My favorite deck is the Ancient Runes. They are very accurate for me. I ask a question and pick a Rune. It gives me an answer from the accompanying book as the Runes are just symbols. Some are reversed which gives different meaning depending on how you drew it. Most decks have a variety of complicated spreads that are just too much for me. Again, one question, one answer, quick and dirty. Start gathering your collection…get 3-5 decks or cards or tools, there are even some phone apps available. Use them. They can work well to give quick insight.


My friend Sonia used to say we need 12 people in our lives…good luck on finding 12 who are there with resonant frequencies and a willingness to be available in the deep dark hours…but it is possible of course. In the meantime, make sure you find those who get you and resonate with you and are willing to be honest and transparent with you. Their perspectives are useful for our own blind spots learned through the moments of living. I know someone who throws periodic appreciation dinners for her people, introducing them to one another and building a collective energy that is powerful. Find your way…bring in male and female as each have their frequencies and capacities that will serve to round out perspectives and experience. If you do not have them already, start looking into those you know as potential. Also put out the Celestial call to bring to you those who are clear and resonate at your frequency. Give gratitude first and create the energy of expectancy…they will find you if you actively look.


Angels are designed to be helpers. They are here for us on many levels. Some give a number to those assigned to us. It is a frequency thing. They do their best to help us feel and see that we are not alone. Angels are really good at specific things. This is one reason we have so many available to us at any given time. Available is the key here, for they are bound by the dimensional law to not intervene in human lives, only coming when they are called. Unfortunately, humans are not really very good at calling…too many I want to do it myselfers on the planet. What a shame…the angels are here to help. Call them…

They are not here to do everything for us, by the way. One angel expert I know uses angels, or at least the call to a wide variety of them, for far too many mundane tasks that angels honestly need to do. Be aware that your own wounds and holes in the soul and unprocessed debris can be a detriment to your angel relationship. You really have to show up for you first, then let them augment the experience when the honest need arises. Do some research and find the names for the ones you currently need and call them forth with an open heart.


These higher frequency etheric beings oversee a quadrant of the Cosmos much of the time, dispensing directives to the lesser angels to do what is needed for me and for you. But they can also show up for big tasks when called as well. Michael is a really good friend and companion to have available. Call for the energy of Michael every time you drive or fly in a plane. Call them in for inspiration and guidance as well…refer to session action 2 for more information on the specific archangels so you know who to call for…I advise the calling in of only one at a time.

Higher Self

This essential part of you that interfaces you with Source is always there. Do you have relationship with this vibration. The HS is your greatest incarnational and eternal vibration resource and co-traveler. The sooner you open up to this then the sooner the HS will be in flow with you, directing together the best life forms to assist in your personal remembering of the true You. Refer to the sub-session Contact and Guidance Session 2 for more information and suggestions about the Higher Self.

Shadow Selves

This is a curious one. In the influence of the duality/polarity elements of this dimension we have grown to look at parts of our own selves as undesirable. We criticize and find fault with them when they show up in a stressful situation in a way that can appear overwhelming. I come from the knowing that there are no mistakes in our design and that if, left alone, would function perfectly to give us a beautiful flowing life that we could fully enjoy.

But we have been taught to withhold and not speak truths and have stored a lot of energetic debris. This energy shows up in an attempt to clear and return us to equilibrium. Additionally, there are behaviors we have learned, born in survival choices. They seem intense and counter productive perhaps by themselves. But when we can look at the big picture we are able to see that these energies, these behaviors, these actions/patterns, can actually be quite useful. Yet, they live in the shadows and only come out when a situation needs them.

All of my, included the learned parts, have a right to be…yes, even the ego, that blessed and entertaining personality of our making. In this spirit, I have grown to call these parts of me that show themselves at the “wrong” time, shadow selves. They have skill and purpose in situations, but are not useful when they try to run the show. So, I communicate with them and educate them to wait to be called. In the meantime, I give them alternate responsibilities to give them value. For example, often when I return from extended trips, I need a break. And yet, I have so many projects I am working on that I can start finding fault with myself and add unnecessary pressure.

This part of me is the task master, pushing me to always be creating, working on the next thing to make a living. I communicate with this part of me, Andy, and invite him to make lists or do some research about one of the things I want to do. He stops pressuring me and allows rest, during which time I peacefully make a list or two or do some casual research…with Andy in charge. It is akin to engaging all of me, even the parts I might have judgment about, That integration brings about a calmness that is well worth the effort. So, start looking for your own shadow selves and talk to them to reframe and set alternative skills.

Ascended Masters

It is wise and prudent to have connection with these powerful ones. Refer to session action 2  for general introduction to them. We will use Session Action 6 to explore them in depth and establish a functional connection relationship in two weeks.

Inner Child

The sooner you establish conscious relationship with your child self the better off you are. The how to’s are a simple sequence that must be consistent and have duration to be effective.

  1. Acknowledge that the inner child is there
  2. Gather old photos and childhood memorabilia to create a sacred space for your child, a place you can visit and tend daily.
  3. Consider that your child is present constantly and start communication like she is there…out loud and with casual ease. Include him in your actions and start doing something daily that is child like special to bridge the gap of long separation that has likely grown.
  4. Pay attention to and respond to body sensations and aches and pains for they are the callings of the child self to be witnessed. The moment you will open the door she will start testing you because he just does not trust that you will be there for him. You, the adult, have to prove her wrong with action and focused attention.
  5. Start writing to and receiving from your inner child self. On paper you ask a question with your dominant hand (adult self). The child self answers with the non-dominant hand. Sure there may be a legibility problem at first, but give it time. Each session will show improved legibility. This is a critical tool that can honestly change everything. It is the first place where your child can feel heard and witnessed. The goal is to get her to surrender the need to control and let go of the survival patterns that have been in place since childhood. This is a devotional process that takes time to bring the kinds of changes in the relationship that make life blossom.

The importance of re-establishing this relationship cannot be understated. It is essential for you to reclaim the balance of the original design. I strongly urge you to consider embarking on the 2 part Inner Child Mentoring process with me, a one on one weekly phone interaction with online support material and specific progressive activities.  Inner child Mentoring Applied can only be entered after completing Inner Child Mentoring, a 10 week experience that develops the adult/inner child relationship with loving hands. For more information about this mentoring visit this page. As a participant in the Living As If Course you can save $1000 off of the cost of the individual exchange for both mentoring processes. This is a serious and life changing journey.

Let me know if you are ready…

Cellular contact

When it comes to generating and maintaining the full bodied healthy state, there is nothing like going to the foundational structure to begin. Your capacity to communicate on an individual cellular capacity is an unexplored skill contained in your original design.

The first step is to get familiar with your body physical. Either online via google or securing a book on anatomy, start to explore your own design., Right down to the cellular level. Doing so will open the door to profound communication within.

Once familiar, simply choose an area in the body and start talking and listening. In the beginning it all seems like you are making it up. But, like most of this course has shown, the more you move forward in good faith action the more things open up and reveal the deeper structure and capabilities present.

I have decided to devote Session Action 5 to Cellular Communication. This is a pivotal connection that must be established. So, we shall do so in two weeks…

Bottom line is you are not an isolated being at the mercy of the solar winds, a victim of the whatever comes my way. No you are actually in direct contact with th expanded inner and outer worlds to provide you with an ongoing state of the being update that you can either interface with or not. Your level of dissatisfaction in life is really in your own hands. You have the capacity to catapult out of the doldrums if and when you desire. Communicate with you on all levels…this is where you build the perfect relationship with all of you…

Session Action Four: Calling in Your Personal Posse