As we continue to vision a world moving into place, we lay an energetic foundation that is filled with seeds of inspiration that you can take and personalize into fruition. We all are in this individually as well as  together as we bring forth the life that we deserve and the life that this dimension was truly designed for. You can see and feel and hear it weaving its way into form.

It is late September of the transformational paradigm busting year of 2020. Fall is upon us. We have weathered the Spring and Summer hosting a world wide virus (alleged?) That has shaken the foundation of the forms of the life that most would call normal. Now that in itself is a curious thing. Normal is learned. You and I are coerced into agreement so that humanity adopts the herd mentality to “survive”…always survive. Most were complacent incarnation after incarnation as the facade played itself out.

2020 has shattered the structure and scaffolding of that illusory facade once and for all, in my opinion. Thankfully, or for some, horribly, no thing will really ever be the same. The blossoming of the human awareness, recognition, understanding, embracing, and application of the truth within is only going to expand.

When you look and see the 6 billion plus permutations of the truth you realize that this plane we are in is in exponential flux to assist in inspiring the sweeping away of the dysfunctional that has defined the “normal” by the hands of one and all. Because, let it be known that if you want to reap the harvest of the waking up you have to do something, anything of a higher vibration…simply as a leap of faith, a show of consciousness, an act of will, an affirmative call to the Cosmos that you are in, or at least standing at, the door of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. This is what it takes to make manifest the new life. Conscious action. Are you ready? Are you willing? The step begins….Now!

We are witnessing the decline of the way it was. The transparency of the ship of fools exposes more each moment as the vibration of intention that floods the lands this day activates the forms that wil precipitate the necessary high vibrational changes that are so critical in this breath. And ready or not, it is hand will do nothing but accelerate. Once the mighty wings of love begin to flap then the same ol’ does not stand a chance. Anything unlike that frequency will be swept away in the etheric tsunami of Source clarifying life. And remember that this is personal and this is also collective.

Remember also that all life is in cahoots with Source frequency, made of it in fact. The Oneness does not exclude, it cleanses and clarifies and initiates remembering and reclamation for one and all…all of its children, even the “bad eggs”. Every human has been hurt, assaulted, abused in one way or another. And every one of us has been taught to swallow the energy of ignorance to keep being mortar for the brick house of the Doctrine of Limitations. And so it was…

The wake up is in process. Like always the first to be exposed is the pent up rage and deep, deep pools of anger that have festered in wait for so very long. Out to the streets it goes and explodes in a myriad of forms. The moment it hits, there is the reaction to control and squash and put it back in its place. Everyone of us has done the same thing personally, losing control and blasting out, and then thinking that we made a supreme mistake and, fearing amends, pick of the glass and the debris and act like all is just like it was. Notice that this is not happening this time. In the US one party does its best to fear people into submission and status quo, not because they care about the people, but because they fear the shattering of their slowly becoming visible facade, the lie that they sold their soul for…temporarily.

It is not going away. The threshold has been crossed and the momentum is building to make life beautiful, for one and all. And though it seems like a pipedream or a nightmare depending on your perspective, it cannot be viewed through the lens of the way it has been, for that is old, fake news. The new is taking form with each breath and each action taken. It is organic and grows in frequency as the 6 billion grow in frequency. There is no prediction except for sweeping change. The vision feeds itself through individual choice. We, as a collective, are experiencing the first dance with authentic power. Like a bucking bronco we at first, hold on for the ride. As we align with the wildness we find the flow and soon are in coherence and alignment with that which at first seemed so awesome and dangerous.

You and I are creating the new expression of higher frequency life, born through the choices made and the actions taken…over and over I reiterate this point….it must be embraced for that is the magic potion of conscious change. Become aware, make choice, take action, experience, adjust…wash, rinse, repeat. Questions?

Below are ten additional elements to breathe new life into, to launch into the growing fertile inner domain of you and me so that each can take seed and be created through your own essence into the form that shall bless us all. Let the play begin…

Law and Order

Oh my, let’s start with the one that is in chaos right now, in complete contradiction to what it means. You cannot resist the change, the flow, the flood of higher frequency jump starting the Cosmic Decree of Love through all.

Since society has been ruled by those who claimed power first so that they could control and direct and not have to deal with their own wounds, it has been the playground bully, attempting to force everyone into submission in a lemming sort of way. The Laws may have made sense to some at some time, but they have become tools to perpetuate preferences.  What is lost is that humans, by design, are good hearted and know how to be present and compassionate and connected. Laws made must be enforced. Enforcement needs enforcers. The enforces need somewhere to put enforcees…punish them into submission. The energetic hatred that oozes from such a system simply grows exponentially. And the system becomes a festering cesspool of anger. That anger gets played out in imaginary violence for a pressure cooker type release…just enough. Violence promotes killing which promotes the justification of war  which helps the wounded and abused children feel temporarily in control. The whole thing is a mess that has failed miserably and must be dismantled and recreated in a new unifying frequency.

Also, as a side note, most criminal activity is based around money and the unequal dispensation of it. When the monetary system is revamped and people gain common financial security to simply live a quality life, then the need for the huge law and order machine will dis-integrate.

SO, in no particular order, some suggestions to seed the new vision of the new world:

  1. Most human laws are designed to stifle life first and feign cooperation. They are the personal preferences of those who created them in the first place.
  2. Humans are designed to be self governing, capable of doing the “right thing” when allowed to function from the open heart space.
  3. The entertainment industry perpetuates the slow burn rage with all the shows about violence and police and law and rebellion. Though it provides some relief energetically, it also cements foundational images that ignite chaos and the need to control it…a veritable mind fu*k.
  4. Most video games are violence based and thus teach the player, mostly children, that violence and controlling others is just fine. Are these children being prepared for military service and modern warfare where the killing takes place from the comfort of an office chair and a far away distance from the actuality?
  5. There is a mass ignorance about the nature  of and the working with, emotions. Thus, the masses have no understanding about anger and fear and rage and the potential for crimes of passion.It is a festering cesspool of unexpressed energy that most live with. With no strategies to diminish the energy, most are just a stimulus away from acting out. Thus, the “need” for Law and Order and all of its forces of control.
  6. Too often, the kind of person attracted to Law and Order has deep issues that impact the way they use their”power”. Excessive force is just a breath away in most circumstances. As the forms of “Law and Order” transition it would be advisable to change the kind of person who enters law enforcement to those who are more loving, understanding, facilitators of cooperation, peace makers, etc…
  7. Societal inequalities and the rotten apple of the “American Dream” force people to yearn for a “better life…I mean’ more stuff” at all costs. Many people are a thought or two away from committing a crime to make things better…temporarily.
  8. Humanity has been taught that killing is a way to solve your problems (see movies and television and literature and video games). And yet, it poses as having a conscience that purports that the taking of another human life is the most punishable offense that will result in…the taking of a human life, in many cases.
  9. The Legal system that is supposedly built on the idea of justice for all has become a graveyard of principles that serve the human being. It is now only about money and power and diversion. The legal system functions too often on bribery and back room promises. Justice for all is waiting down at the bus stop looking for integrity to pull up.
  10. Law is convenience for the law maker. Order is a force feeding of personal preference for those with the gun or the biggest threat.. Neither serves the greater good because it is not designed for that.
  11. The inequities of personal life as it has been in most human societies make law and order literally impossible.
  12. Law and order shall come from meeting the personal life needs of all the citizens, no exceptions. The disgraceful disparities between the haves and have nots keeps alive the lie of “I am better than you”. As long as society and culture vomits self help panaceas to the masses there will be a need to control…because most will be yearning for something better with no real way to get there…can you say, desperation?
  13. As individuals reclaim their internal balance through information and change action within then the arena will energetically become receptive to remedying the dysfunctional. As it is there is no incentive . The way it is perpetuated is to keep changing normal. The practice of posing the well-to-do in the face of those who are not is actually criminal, as it simply perpetuates the need for inner and eventually outer, unrest.
  14. Most countries direct insane amounts of money and resources toward the vehicles of controlling…police, military, judicial, prison, politics, education, entertainment. A portion of all of these pools must be relegated to serving the personal basic needs of humanity, food, shelter, clothing, applicable education, meaningful activity that can include work. Lifting up the masses will severely diminish the need for the machine of control.
  15. The placing of judges must be via public election, not personal appointment. The practice of putting ideological favorites into the positions for later personal use is criminal and must stop.
  16. Community building from the ground up(family) must be a priority for all local  governments. Keeping people in a higher state brings creativity and function and cooperation and reduced problems by pulling in the collective inner resources of that community.
  17. Making personal integrity  a priority that is facilitated through a variety of educational resources is highly advised. Too many people are so wounded and f’d up by their personal history experiences and the holding on of pain that they only see controlling others as a way to be happy. Not so, my friends…
  18. The inequities and manipulations and bribery of the prison system must be exposed. Prisons keep “undesirables” , as deemed by someone's prejudices away from visibility.
  19. Making peaceful living, cooperative living, heart centered living societal priorities can change the focus and redirect the pain of all the injustices that have been perpetrated on our brethren.
  20. All humans must be celebrated, not just the few who did what they were directed. The exclusion of others based on a plethora of ever changing criteria a practice that must be redirected towards the celebration and witnessing of all life as beautiful and successful.
  21. Worldwide, the military must be disbanded. Universal Law shows that energetic focal points manifest in form. Focusing on [protection attracts reasons to protect. Clear hearts have no need for conflict. Basing life on its foundational frequency of Love will dismantle anything unlike itself.
  22. In the US a return to an expanded understanding and application of the Constitution may return us to a higher focus, not one so infiltrated with personal gain and runaway greed and control.
  23. Reestablishing the foundational tenets of human design like honesty, integrity, compassion, empathy, manners, respect, service to one another, community, cooperation, win-win problem solving, loving one another, looking for the best in one another, support, sharing…will go far to raise the collective vibration of one and all to facilitate significant external change around this beautiful world.

Spirituality Practice

In theory, spirituality is one’s personal relationship with Source. That practice expands one’s experience with self and the Earth plane and with the Cosmos itself. It is often unique and personal. When it starts to spill out into the world with the intention of gaining allies to your personal path then it gets messy. That is a path that humanity has followed in creating organized religion. We all know and can see the lower frequency impact of such convoluted action.

The beauty of the personal relationship is diverted into a practice of separation where we “need” intermediaries to connect with a Holy fabrication that too often fits a group serving dogma. Just look around and see the personal and collective cost of such actions.

One of the offshoots of these current times of experiencing the first tastes of the Aquarian Age is that we are each getting internal calls to return home. Though we, as a collective species, have grown accustomed to the God outside, it has never really set well to want to be taken care of by an imaginary father who looks like Charlton Heston. We are re-tasting the call of our own original design that is in direct contact with Source via our own Higher Self in cahoots with our own Inner Child Self. All around the fallacies and smokescreen of traditional religions are being exposed and identified. The result is a widely diminishing attendance at tradition religious services. The corporate religious machines are in trouble…

People are turning to Nature and to small community connections that are mutually serving in witnessing the deeper truth within us all. And, just to remind, the stay-in-place time we are in has forced individuals, regardless of circumstances or form, to begin to look at who they have become to reveal a growing revelation of who they are. Group religion has been impacted by no group gathering orders. The coffers are impacted and some persuasions are teetering. All of this simply invites you to rediscover your own personal relationship with “God”.  And to this, I shall offer some ideas and tools to develop this connection.

  1. We are connected with Source by design. There is no need to beseech the external to be saved. It is, and always has been, an inside job.
  2. Oneness, and all of what that means, is beginning to infiltrate our inner world and expressing in our outer. As we integrate what it entails we shall find the capacity to connect profoundly with all life, including human.
  3. Traditional religious dogmas promoting exclusivity and preference for their “brand of God” are dis-integrating as people rediscover their own connect, available to one and all.
  4. Staying in place has invited and even forced people to start ti listen again. That is the front door to a blossoming spiritual practice.
  5. To reconnect spiritually one only has to spend time in nature or be around a new born or sub 2 child. The restimulation of inner knowing is inevitable. Then it is our opportunity to listen and receive and act.
  6. Awareness and paying attention to the Now will deliver a direct connection to the spiritual essence of the all that is.
  7. Gratitude for the form of the moment before you is an invitation to spirit and an affirmation of good faith and absolute trust.
  8. Responding to feelings via body sensations lifts one over the threshold of internal fear based ignorance.
  9. Crying is the Holy Water delivered by the Higher Self and the Inner Child.
  10. Clearing one’s own energetic debris will deliver the open heart that allows spirit to thrive.
  11. Trusting that the form of the moment delivers the perfect tool for expanding inner awareness and spiritual connection is highly recommended.
  12. Choosing to reflect upon one’s judgments outward will deliver you directly to the source of the wounding that put those judgments in place.
  13. Nothing is as it seems. Breathe in the now and expand into the bigger picture to engage what is really going on.
  14. Engage in giving and receiving to activate the circle of the flow.
  15. Choosing to communicate with guides, teachers, angels, Ascended Masters, and even Higher Self  is a conscious choice that will deliver untold treasure….if you listen and allow receiving.
  16. Establishing a reflective time is like setting the table for a delight full meal.
  17. Engaging life and all her forms consciously, delivers a smorgasbord of spirit.
  18. Asking for insight and guidance is a foundational tool to insure the flow of insight and higher frequency information.
  19. Activating and using imagination and wonder delivers you to the holy crucible of creating…here you will find the I Am in expression.
  20. Becoming playful returns your inner child connection that then unifies you with Source.
  21. Monitor speech to keep it of higher affirmative frequency to magnetize the life of flow that you deserve. Your spoken word commands spirit to take shape in alignment with your request. Know you are this powerful and be it accordingly.


First heard the term oneness in the late 80’s. It was cycling through the New Thought movement shaking everyone up with just what the heck it meant. The closest we had was the Vulcan Mind Meld from Dr. Spock in Star Trek…and that never seemed to be a positive thing, let alone the gift of a loving Cosmos. Instead, oneness felt invasive at best, even impossible. We were too entrenched in our own autonomy, ego, separation, and wound protecting behavior to ever want to unite with another human for longer than a sexual act or two. There was simply no referent for what that would entail or be like. And so it roamed amorphously through new thought communities looking for a home.

In retrospect we just did not hold the frequency to really be able to integrate the idea, elevating it beyond what our current understanding was. And, yet, it was doing its work.  By the mid 90’s there was a growing use of the word. By the turn of the century, there had already been books written exploring the first impressions of actual connections in the spirit of oneness. Add to this the capacity of humans to feel connected in an open hearted way with animals and plants and the Earth…but not with one another so much. The wounds at the hands of our own brethren kept us uneasy and hesitant to engage for fear of additional, deeper woundings coming our way. Even close relationships still had the curtains of autonomy between partners. The frequency had not risen enough for that concept to blossom.

In some ways, the 1987 Celestial event The Harmonic Convergence was the in augural energetic act that started the movement towards understanding. At those gatherings, as in the one in Mt. Shasta, where I was, 2500 people of like mind and vibration came because they heard and felt a deep calling. It was like a beacon from the Galactic Center that was activated by Celestial Source because it was time…time for the change to begin. Everyone there seemed familiar. It wasn’t a 60’s love in my any means. There was separation and an air of confusion. And there was a whole lot of spontaneous smiling and a strong desire just to hang in one another’s presence. Not like we all became best friends and bought a town and lived together unified from then on. Not at all, the connection was brief, directed, and profound. I never saw 2496 of them again, as far as I know.

This is how it came down. We had to step slowly into the new vibration, shaking off the past debris and the misunderstandings and the lies and the indoctrinations of drivel…to birth what was simply an opening…still a profound demonstration to the Cosmos who was looking for any sign of Love in these human war monger separatist holier than thou arrogant children of God. And in this spattering of sacred sites around this blessed Earth enough showed up and looked straight into one another’s eyes, and sang and drummed and shared in a meaningful way…and ushered in an affirmative yes to the future of humanity. I like to think that Bill and me and the two others from Unity of San Luis Obispo, California were instrumental in giving the wake-up wings. If we hadn’t gone, perhaps we would not be having this course and I’d be a retired Elementary School Teacher who still played 60s through 80s music in the clubs, wondering why I chose not to go to that hippie event in 87…

Celestial sources say that there was a good chance we were not going to make it through 2012. The passing through the Galactic Center spelled annihilation almost up to the moment of occurrence. Then the Source governor signed the stay of execution…and off we went blessed with a new vibration that would impact everything. Most of the world has never been supported in learning to see the big picture. Rather, they are invested in how does this effect me or what is in it for me…shadow behaviors born out of fear that holds in the energies of any number of impactful wounds. If one sees through a cloak of fear, anger, and a diminished sense of self, then they will attract that vibration in spades…and they do, as you can see it everywhere. But,this is not the true nature of human beings…as we shall see in this next decade.

Oneness is not so much a direct human to human unification as it is a human to Source integration. As all are an expression of Source then all are connected to one another, autonomous to some degree, but experiencing a more expanded and profound connection that will dissolve the need to separate. As many seek a partner to establish a relationship that will last and keep one from feeling lonely and without value we shall see the growing energetic immersion that unites us in ways not even seen yet…only hinted at. In that unified frequency we have such a deeper connection. It is not a fear based one at all, but, rather, is based on the immersion into the frequency of Big Love. That vibration has not been a part of human life for thousands of years, though present in a Celestial way in the early days of life on earth. We are, essentially, waking up to our beautiful expanded family that is free of dysfunction.

The Oneness is empowering, expansive, intimate, inspiring, safe, comfortable, creative, infinite…and requires only that you be you. When we arrive en masse in this state we shall be incapable of lower frequency emotions for very long, and will almost immediately, be able to clear and reestablish a more loving higher frequency that will function and sustain incredibly well. So, how to facilitate this? We are still in the early stages so let’s ask Spirit to make some suggestions about how to assist in ushering in this Divine state:

From this moment forward affirm and act from your interconnected state. No act by another can create an attitude of separation if you choose to stay in alignment and immersed in the One. Rather, see the act as a clearing process and be the witness for their cleansing and waking up.

  1. Daily intend and anticipate opportunities to expand your understanding and experience of the Oneness
  2. Consciously interface with all around you, animate and inanimate. Seed love and respect in all you do. Bless your computer and your electronic devices, your car, your home, the weather, the passerby, the world situation. Know that all is well, no matter the form. Visualize that knowing infiltrating out to immerse with all who come into your own energetic sphere.
  3. Choose to communicate as if it is simple. Just do it. Talk to Source. Talk to the kingdoms. Talk with others in the silence and work to establish a palatable connection.
  4. Affirm the Oneness with all you meet, verbally or as thought. Phrases like “ You and I are One with the Whole of Life”. “In unification we are”. “I see you”. “Namaste”. “ Connected through the heart we are”. “Welcome back. SO good to be with you again”.
  5. Interface with Nature. Develop and massage the connection with the trees, the water, the fire, the air, the Earth. Do so by attention, focus, acknowledgement, and affirmation.
  6. Imagine the threads of connection, filaments of energy that flow between you and all others. Consciously send messages of love and respect out along those cords with no expectation. Do it 7 times a day to knowns and unknowns.

Simply open to doing what comes to you. Once you engage the intention to explore and expand the Oneness, opportunities will flood in and to you. Do your best to engage every single one. Share the experiences with the rest of us via the blog. Even if there is nothing, make it up. That is a powerful tool as well. We are building a new world that is founded in and on the universal faith that permeates all forms of life

Click on each of the following to access the information and actions.

Planetary Connection/Alignment

Personal Integrity


Becoming Peace Full

Duality/Polarity…See Ya Later

Session Action Eight: The Opportunities Before Us