”I give great thanks for the progression of technology, as evidenced by the rapid evolution of the home computer that has given us access to so much information and learning, that has allowed us to create in ways never before possible, and that has brought to manifestation so many visions. For all those involved from the idea to the acquisition, thank you! Thank you!”
Often I fly into Los Angeles. I recall one of the first times I looked down at the lay out of the streets and homes and I saw a computer circuit board staring back at me. Just wondering if the same scene inspired those pioneers to create the technology that has transformed the civilized world and opened the flood gates to information over the Internet. I marvel at the technology that has transformed the experience of humans. Regardless of your own opinion of the results of technology, and, indeed, they are debatable, we have to extend profound gratitude for the creations that have freed many to explore the domain of creativity into new dimensions.
My home recording studio is outfitted with equipment that allows me to duplicate or create any sound I desire to use in my music or my sound healing work. It gives me a palette of sound that is truly infinite. My studio computers allow me to record track after track to layer sounds and performance far beyond what I am capable of doing in a live context.. I am so grateful for these creations. When I duplicate CDs and print out covers I continue to be amazed at how the communication between computer and printer makes this happen…and how the printer take my words or pictures and gives them to me in hard copy to share. Wow…
The incessant march of technology improves on yesterday’s state of the art, smaller and smaller and more complex. Every 6 months the technology is obsolete. It, quite frankly, is a remarkable achievement. And on and on it goes. Even to watch a jumbo jet take off or an ocean liner sail away is a mind blower. In a sense, it comes down to the awesome capacity of the human mind to manifest a vision. It is limitless.
Some say that the technological jumps that have occurred were implanted by inter-planetary seeding, star people visitations, shared technology, giving us leaps and bounds over the way it had been for quite some time. I find this intriguing. And if it is accurate, then hallelujah that the sharing of information between planets and civilizations and dimensions has given birth to the many inventions and advancements….we simply are not alone in this quadrant of the universe…
It is easy to take for granted what we have today…it changes so fast, and to reflect on the changes we have seen in our lifetimes…boggling. I used to get by on the time it took for my 1 meg of memory and my phone modem. Today, unless it’s just shy of instantaneous, I grow impatient. Technology is closer to mimicking the human mind and its capacity to deliver billions of bits of information.
This week as we reflect upon and observe and celebrate the technology that builds these amazing machines, simply take time to look around your home, your desk, your life, and see what is really there. Open up something and see what is in it and give gratitude for all that led to its manifestation. When you listen to your MP3 device with 8000 songs available at the press of the button, reflect on what it is providing for you and silently thank the countless minds and hands that went into its delivery to you. When you explore the Internet and discover things you never knew, that those who put the vision into motion.
Reflect also on the technology that does not really serve you. Do you really need to automate tasks that you could do by hand? What is the cost? Are you growing lazy? And are you prone to getting the next best thing when the one you have meets your needs? And what about the idea of planned obsolescence? How do you feel about that? The invitation is to use it but be in balance with your own being. Reflect on it.
But it is technology that has opened up the world and beyond. There is really nothing we cannot access. Celebrate this today and every day. It is the stuff of dreams and dreams are coming true in a breathtaking pace…it is a good day to fly.
The above was taken from my Weekly Gratitudes book and is from the mid 2010’s. Here in 2020 I want to add some updates that reflect these Aquarian entry times. Initially I want to express the growing progression of how technology has moved from large to small to the almost infinitesimal. Is the atomic and subatomic next? And it doesn’t take a large leap to see that the movement is and always been leading to our own design capacity to do what the technology allows us to do…without the technology. Is the Internet a model, a practice pad, for our own growing capacity to internally access the Akash where all information in all dimensions in the great time and spaceless sphere of I Am is readily available to us by request and focus?
As we access our truth from within and the design comes on line then we shall become the spontaneous interface for all information, selected right out of the ethers at the moment we need it. Creativity will go through the roof!
Currently much technology depends on an external power source. In these days when the dependency on fossil fuels is draining away and alternative renewable sources like solar, wind, water, and hydrogen are coming on line we are seeing a rapid growth in new designs that make us independent of the grid with our personal tools of technology. Again, the rapidly rising independence capacity is, in my opinion, leading us towards the days when the technology has become obsolete to our internal capacity to access everythin g that we need.
Going further and borrowing from Sai Baba, the Hindu guru, who manufactured jebuti right out of the ethers into form, are we heading towards the capacity for spontaneous creation of the form in the physical? Already 3D printers are manufacturing substance into form. Houses are being build via these devices that form the “wood” from the plastic and other sources. I have a tooth in my mouth that was created with a printer while I sat in the chair reading on my iPad. The next step is to reach to what Sai Baba did and gather substance from the ethers to make that which we envision. We are smack dab in the realm of science fiction (which, by the way, was created to house the fantastic and the expansive visions to come so that they would be given time to vibrate into form). In the infinite Cosmos anything is possible. As we expand in this Aquarian exponential candy store we shall see the impossible right before our eyes. The more our design comes on line then the more quickly we shall see the solutions to any of the challenges of humanity burst forth from the fertile minds and hearts and hands of the humans, one and all.
Thus, finally, the new generations , who arrive at a higher frequency aware of that which the current habitants are not. Bringing the eternal information and awareness in with them, they are. They are incredible resources now. They have not come to be molded into the image of our fathers before us. They are independent and knowing and highly capable of instituting the higher frequency changes that this Aquarian Age demands. They are to be nurtured and cultivated and allowed to blossom and thrive for the good of all. This is one of the great challenges of these times…change how we interface with the new generations. This is why we are seeing arrogance on parade in the endless movie drama before us in politics and culture and society. We are all seeing it for what it is and has always been and are finally able to see its impact and decide whether to subscribe anymore.
The now and the future are fertile and bright. It is perspective and focus. See magnificence and support the change even though there may not be a form to support yet. Be open minded, open handed, and open hearted.
And just start doing the things your devices have been doing for you. Rediscover talents and set the stage for personal expansion. Build it and they will come…trust the times and know that you are being called to make leaps and bounds to enervate a profound transformation for you and all. Show up, my friend…
There’s never been a better time to be on this Earth…