One of the unique and significant things about the Earthly dimension is that it is based on polarity, or duality. This creates opposites and extremes as well as a sweeping continuum in between. The power to make choice, a unique element of this dimension as well,  is thus served by this structure. The impact of this set up is a subject strong debate among the human inhabitants.

Polarity makes life rich and juicy. The opposites of Light and Dark, up and down, left and right, man and woman, hot and cold, wet and dry, etc are the playground of human life. Make a choice dear one. The experience follows. From that experience we, through freedom of choice, can make adjustments towards one or the other of the polarities. Live life, make changes.

The polarity itself is one of the Universal tenets that allows galaxies to rotate as one around a central hub. The center of the spiral is two black holes, magnetically opposite. Their rotating dance keeps the billions of stars, suns, planets, galaxies, solar systems, et al, in relationship to one another.

It is this Universal dance that permeates the moments of life on Earth. Each oscillates between the poles finding the place of balance, hopefully. Often it takes lifetime after lifetime to find the sweet spot. Thus the flow of the infinite. The paradigm is that life is lived on the fringe. It is richer, adventurous, exciting, life threatening out towards one of the extremes. Or so it seems.

Moments of living bring us opportunity to reawaken to the truth of who we are. We incarnate with the knowing and without the language or ability to claim it. Soon, the memory is misplaced through  the influence of family, culture, and societal programming. The journey then truly becomes the journey to remember who we were when we arrived. The extremes tempt and pull. The mid point, the balance, the full knowing, seems empty, unexciting, boring, pointless, lifeless.

Until we see duality for what it truly is: the vehicle to ride to the place of balance. For it is in the balance that life reveals itself. Riding the crest of the wave gives us the best of it all, and the worst of it all. And from this point of I AM none of it matters. Stepping off the pendulum gives us the sweetness and open the hand of the Cosmos.

So, explore and oscillate in the polarity field until you reach the balance. Then start living fully, not dramatically.

  1. Take some time to reflect on opposites. Make a list of as many as you can. Then in a breath choose the one that calls you first. Here is a list to start with: hot/cold, young/old, tall/short, strong/weak, sound/silence, hot/cold, wet/dry, now/then, past/future, love/hate, happy/sad, open/closed, good/bad, rich/poor…keep making your list. Do some research and find as many as you can. Then circle your preference in each pair. Now explore the opposite. Really explore what it means to you. Why is it undesirable? Why do you prefer the other? Do this for all of the pairs. Make notes as necessary. Now find the beauty in the ones you did not choose. Look for and list elements and characteristics that are revealed to you. And now explore the shadow side of each of your preferences. Let the information reveal itself to you. Reflect. For these preferences, both sides, reflect more of the programming you received. Imagine yourself living with an equal amount of both. What would that be like for each pair?
  2. Polarity and duality create fertile ground for judging and criticizing. Has this been a problem for you? Make an exhaustive list of your “faults” Work until you are really done. Be very honest about it. Now, for each, consider the opposite. Is it truly a desirable place for you? If so, What would it take for you to claim more of it? Imagine being balanced between the extremes of your “shortcoming”. Would you be willing to live a life without preference, experiencing all as equal, all as elements of the dimension to be experienced. Could you stand in the center and be present, drinking in the juice of each pair, separate and together?
  3. Stress and struggle often rise out of choosing sides, having expectations, setting parameters based on the energetic influence of past wounds. The great game of this dimension of duality is to fully experience all of that and at the end of the day, choose balance because it is…life and death…day and night…for better or for worse.

As personal reclamation progresses we shall see a diminishing need to have the extremes of duality, so say anonymous sources. This is because in the clear and ascended state we can experience the full richness of a moment instead of just a taste, like we have been getting. Remember that statement, “nothing is as it seems”? In these cases this is where that begins to really reveal itself. In the clear state the senses are function more according to design, less dumbed down.  We experience more in dimensional expressions, simultaneously because we can access vibrational information on multiple levels. It is akin to leaving Black and White TV and entering the amazing world of technicolor…remember that time?  Real became really real.

Without the need for duality we can be less stressed and controllable. Combining this with emotional literacy and a knowing flowing experience with our beautiful emotions will take away the need for extremes to get our attention. And, of course, like all expansions, what has been will still available to experience, for old times sake and, perhaps, to compare so that you can be more discerning about how you interface and experience your life moments.

At this point, the evolution revolution is in progress. What you and I can do is keep the new possibilities in mind. Reflect upon them and look for any evidence of higher frequency in the nuances of the forms of your now. This is an invitation to awaken more quickly. The Cosmos will respond and deliver in ever expanding ways what it is like to experience the fullness of this Earth life moment.

Duality and polarity served its intended purpose. It helped us to open to the wide panorama of experience. The challenge of free will choice when taken from the frequency of held energetics of woundings set the stage for separation and excessive judgement via preference, prejudice, and oh so much more. So be it, it was educational. But the lower frequency eddy of that kind of world is no longer necessary. Entering the Aquarian Age we are all being invited to raise and amply vibration to enter the realm of higher frequency where we sense more clearly and have greater access to the wholeness of a moment. This is light years beyond our favorite polarizations. We will get to experience it all and discern what we have been missing all along because we chose from fear or anger or the wound de jour.

I am excited about this unfolding. One of the first indicators that the blinders are dis-integrating it that colors become more vibrant. Look for this and when you find it, give great thanks, for you are on the threshold of the greater sphere of experience…right where you belong.

SA8: The Opportunities Before Us: Duality/Polarity…See Ya Later