It must be accepted that everything serves the greater vibration of Wholeness…no matter what it appears to be. Life is not a random act…nor is it a reliable program. The moment is the crucible where all is born into the current, fleeting, malleable form. Like it or not, there is no such thing as permanancy. It is an ongoing improvisation that seeds and feeds itself in a remarkable display of the Now in action.

By no means is the Boomer Generation the first one to arrive here…but they sometimes act as if they are the main event. And in some ways they have been, since they began to flood the Earth in 1945. We cannot look at life as isolated events, because so many forces are in play at any given time responding to the choices in the now of all involved. Wow…how do we even fathom that?

The Boomers arrived on schedule, so to speak, but with a catch. Preparation for the influx of a particular higher frequency of human was in play for a long time. Conditions had to be just right. The Boomers who arrived had been well prepared with a wide variety of incarnational experience that left them energetically prepared to assume the higher mantle of the responsibility that was to become theirs (just like any generation experiences collectively). But this one was to be a massive influx of Light that would precipitate the healing energy needed on the heels of two world wars and a global depression. Humanity was ready for some tenderness that only wisdom can provide.

But that was not to be as a singular event at the hands of the United States military would alter the course of us all…and know that this is not a bad thing nor is it a good thing…it simply is what was. The intended path had a wild card…the atomic bomb. According to my friend, Phillip Zemke, a Unity Minister, a Mandan elder, and an all around prime representative of the Boomers in action, he incarnated at the very moment of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This is the first time in the history of Earth humanity that so many souls left in a single instant. The fields were not prepared and consequences far reaching occurred.

The track of the Boomer Generation was shifted off course and the intention to create healing went askew. It became a survival frequency in the very early days. Eventually there was a calming and redirection onto a completely uncharted course, leaving the generation adrift without a rudder, so to speak. Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride perhaps. An even greater challenge was the collective wounding that all incarnates of the generation through the mid fifties were impacted by an un-namable sense of loss and a huge burden of guilt. They, in a sense, infused the vibration of the bomb’s action, both the intent and the result. That has been a huge burden that left us with a sense of ongoing dread and a belief that we had to do something about it…but no one really knew what it was and was about. Blind leading the blind. And looking back you can see the Long and Winding Road we have taken.

It has led to serious confusion and actions that became rebellious and blaming and controlling as well as highly spiritual. Looking at it now I can see it has been the perfect vehicle to separate the wheat from the chaff. The “healing of humanity” has evolved into a person by person series of decisions and actions and ongoing adjustment which led to a deepening relationship with inner and outer guidance to develop trust. This is the power of riding the wave of the now moment making the conscious adjustments that rise from paying attention to the subtle now moment. It has not been a generational assignment but an exercise in tenacity of choice of those who were hearing and responding to higher frequency calls…simply a matter of where one puts focus, not an insinuation of being better than others. Free will demands choice. The choices create the energetics to make manifest the forms that represent.

A sizable portion of the original Boomer incarnates accepted the opportunity to work the path as a Lightworker. It is, by no means, an easy path. In fact, it is very challenging at times and actually demands that one stands in the personal fire a lot. Without the personal cleansing of past energetic debris there is a disability in being able to hold the frequencies demanded to support these times. Do the work and “you get the rewards” so to speak. But these rewards are all about holding a specific space to infuse and dis-integrate the forms set in motion by mass humanity, many of whom have no clue of a big picture. Big job…but you were born to have the choice to do it. And thank you for making that choice. It really is paying huge dividends in these times…though so many of us who have held the frequency are on the brink of worn out. If it wasn’t for the huge influx of energy to those on the fronts, we would have become the remnant long ago.

Lightworkers translate Celestial input into a palatable, understandable form for the masses, or at least those who are waking up. Your job is huge…kind of like being a minister who must couch the single truth in a wide variety of forms to reach the ones who today can hear and respond and act. Thankless…for the most part.

Boomers have ridden the waves of the burden of the human choice in 1945 and have splintered to a large degree to become a combination of the conscious ones and those who embraced the old ways and amassed great wealth and the cloak of fear that often accompanies unconscious actions that manufactured the wealth. SO be it. It all works out in the end…This virus took out a lot of Boomers who were exhausted, who dropped the ball along the way and needed a jump restart. Amen to all…

The Boomers performed a Celestial service by re-introducing the wildness and sweetness of Love in the late Sixties and early Seventies. That was enough to literally seed the arrival of the first significant offspring generation, the Indigo Children, so called because for those with etheric sight, they are seen as having a glow of indigo about them, which represents the Third Eye capacity of vision and intuition and solid sense of self…and they would need it. They came into a world that was already sliding towards the seduction of a good time and all the accoutrements that accompany physical and sensual excess. Free Love was needed to plant the new generation. The parents of these new ones quickly lost the capacity to know what to do with them. That is actually a good thing, for these Indigo’s had a mission and were quite focused on getting it done.

These precious higher frequency ones came in unattached to the cultural forms and were heaven bent to undo the “mistakes” that the splintering boomers had put into motion. They came to force the world back to the track of doing all that was necessary to make the arrival of the Aquarian epoch a celebration. Like the Archangel Michael they came with sword in hand and began to make visible the shenanigans of the distorted Boomers who had essentially lost their way.

Know, now, that in the big picture none of this matters in that it was all sport that gave everyone opportunity to wake up at any time and choose to activate their own deeper reclamation of Holy Self. Just look at the new spiritual movements of the seventies and eighties, birthplace of the New Age Movement (at least the latest one) Free Love had seeded the hearts as well and people would not let go of Love, now that it had evolved beyond the casual hook up. It was leaning towards substance. And these Indigos saw the world differently and chose to interface from a growing position of separateness, as if they had to connect to survive.  They were the first of the ones who were noticeably different in action, communication, and sometimes, visibly. Truth is is that they were functioning at a higher frequency, like super computers who were capable of seeing, integrating, and knowing a whole lot in a very short time. But, like anyone perceived different, they were labeled and criticized. People…geeez… but that meant nothing because they were the first to remember life beyond the veil. They had the big picture tucked in their back pocket. Though they had to dig to find it sometimes, it was readily available for reference.

Just walk back and look at cultural phenomena of the mid seventies into the early nineties and you can see how a transition was in progress. Profound changes being seeded that would make themselves known in the times soon to come. Lots of Indigos became psychic readers or legal freaks that lots of influentials would visit on the sly. Silly people…look at the movies and the writing and the visuals. Look at the explosions in tech and how computers ramped up. But still, the system hung on and perpetuated stereotypes and classism and racism and judgmental controlling politics and the force feeding of misinformation and the generous rewarding of the growing sea of lemmings.  The business of you are less than was skyrocketing. And the Indigos took a lot of the heat…so be it. They simply turned inward and started communication with one another in telepathic ways that told the status quo that they must have something wrong with them…can you say the first waves of the new label of horror, autism. Must be bad because it has to do with someone on their own. People must stick together and force feed the standard doctrine for the sake of the greater collective…shut up…sit down…

No big, because even though there were causalities who were seduced back into the fold of the way it normally is, there were plenty who loved it out on the fringe…and they thrived. Just like the Boomers who held the high watch to seed the Indigos, so too, did the Indigos pave the way for the coming Crystal Children, so named because it was their charge to come in to the world of peace that the Indigos have forged ahead of them.

And so, just as the sun went down on the August 1987 Harmonic Convergence, the first waves of the Crystals began to be felt by those sensitive enough. The convergence was a statement of commit perpetrated by a handful of higher frequency humans who heard the call to hold space at the planetary power grid spots for one weekend…a show that there was a commitment that the Cosmos could count on…that humanity had enough good seeds to move forward with the infusion of the already sneaking in Aquarian vibration. When the actions of the few on that August weekend faded into memory the results began to make manifest. The world peace meditation began by John Randolph Price out of Austin Texas, ignited the power of the intentional collective to simultaneously hold focus on a specific outcome…a huge skill that would serve the upcoming transformation mightily…since it was actually the physical action of a Universal Law in motion…not much chance for a fail there.  And when the Berlin Wall fell and Apartheid splintered, the conscious masses celebrated the power of the active intention to facilitate the action of change of the higher frequency kind, that actually benefitted and raised the human collective.

The early arrivals of the Crystals were actually premature, if that actual makes sense from these perspectives. Not an accident but an action with some consequences. The human dance of Free Will proved to be an adversary to waking up…because being a sad sack who used up the earth resources and blindly invested in controlling others for sport and profit was a popular past time in the early 90’s. This energy of individuals interfered with the pure intent of the Indigos and the Light workers and the first arrivals so much so that these new ones almost came in undeveloped frequency wise. Not completely but enough to water down their frequency. Instead of arriving as Crystals they arrived as hybrids, a combination of the sword wielding Indigos and the gentle peace keeper Crystals who saw only Love in all. Two opposing forces active in one set of individuals. SO those born into human form from 19990 to 1995 were infused with the double vibration. Holy Moly!

Was this a horrible thing…nothing is that in Celestial eyes. It is simply what occurred. But to those born in that time there was a long adjustment into the intensity of the inner push pull that was their lot for the formative years. And you know by now that the Cosmos would find something useful to do with this.

Humanity, though we do like to polarize and pick a team and play favorites, is a Celestial collective that embraces all sides, all shapes, all forms, and all permutations by design. But, to get from the way it was to what must be there were some serious hurdles to cross. The battle for humans blazed on as the Indigos kept forging new pathways to get to the Peace Land, ever behind schedule, because of expressions like Reagan, the Bushes, Dictator A, B and C,…on and on…free will…that glorious pest. SO, it looked like peace would have to be earned through the efforts of the hybrids.

Those born in this brief window have had serious challenge in knowing who they are. They are all things actually, capable of taking significant stands and also bringing calm to the most explosive situation. Heaven and Earth and a taste of Hell all rolled into one glorious one of a kind being. They were the ones born in circumstance to handle the transitional frequencies and energies of the change necessary to transcend the millennial end of the world… that up until the eleventh hour was a forgone Celestial conclusion…thanks for the memories humanity…see ya… without the ones with t) while being in peaceful inner and outer space we would have given up the ghost as a species.

But these Indigo-Crystals held the space and became the bridge that slipped us into the next century. And for all that they have taken on and suffered for it, we owe them the highest honor and blessing that could be forged from an open heart…thank you my beloveds. And they did it being only 5-10 years old, still connected to Source and still beacons of clarity keeping clear and clean the energetics of the times, absorbing serious low frequency energy and transforming it into a useable resource for the tired and worn Light Workers who stayed out on the frontier manning the posts that would keep the hoards at bay. And, as a result, they became active empaths at a time when this was not really understood. They knew how to run energy and process it and release it. It was a deep process that did not require conscious awareness…but it had its impact and they too often took on the energetics of others and could not discern what was theirs and what wasn’t.

In a way, habits were developed that were amplified by the excessive energetics of the teen years. By the time they reached adulthood at 21 they were the card carrying empaths who absorbed and processed and were too often confused and overwhelmed. But those times are diminishing significantly as they approach their late 20’s and early thirties when the sacral chakra has completed its own clarifying and cleansing cycle and the Solar Plexus chakra begins it revisit. The fairly consistent release of fear and anger has been a price paid for their competence at being the bridge. Thankfully, the clarifying sweeps of Celestial vibrations are diminishing the remaining reservoirs of energy that is not theirs at all.

So, through it all, these hybrids impacted the collective capacity to integrate high and low frequency to give us all a new skill. And as a result, they have begun to find the peace they were intended to create, within their own being. And that is wonderful news. Cleansings and releases still happen, but now with understanding. And with an eye on consistent boundary keeping and daily cleanse release of all energies they have come in contact with they are finding a smoother flow that honors them. As high vibration beings with proven and tested capacities they stand to serve the next waves of integration that is showing in these transformational times. So, enjoy the in between my dear ones, for your remarkable power, presence, and wisdom will called upon again to lead the new vibrations.

A little bit more about the Crystals and the mid 2000 Rainbow kids will be briefly explored in the next session, followed by the exploration of the Millennials and beyond.

It is important to become aware and understand, with much gratitude, this procession of higher frequency generations. This is not a static playground, but rather, a launch pad for the transformational frequency beings to come. They are all a part of us and owe their arrival and established collective purpose to the work of you and me and those like my daughter, Gabriela…pioneers and adventurers riding the edge of life to pave the way for a smoother journey for the ones who follow. Well done, my Etheric brethren…well done…

Session Action Four: Boomers, Indigos, and The Early 90’s In-Betweens