It is early June of 2020. The world has just navigated a virus, sort of, and has now found something else to do, sort of. This is complex…Celestial transformations always are.

Let’s look at what has transpired from a couple of vantage points, particularly the inner and the outer with a reference to the individual and the collective. It is useful right now to underscore a long standing tenet of this course, nothing is as it seems. For in this case, there is so much more than meets the eye. And, in review, we know that the now unfolds based on the moment before and the personal and collective focus held therein. Combine that with the thoughts, beliefs, the unprocessed inner woundings, the unspoken, the level of resistance, the feelings, the responses and reactions…and you can see that it is nigh on impossible to make a projection of what shall be from the current what it is.

OK, got it…but what is going on and what is going to happen, you ask…sigh…so let’s just make it up, because it might as well be so as it seems that whoever you talk to there is a spin. And, in a big sense, rightly so. This is about reawakening the individual I Am That I Am Expressing As Me. In the beginning it is messy and stumbles as those who have not interfaced with this part of themselves slowly get back on line. 6 billion simultaneous wake up calls…wow! And, while that is in progress with all the stirrings of the personal pots engaged, the whole lot is expected to interface and live together…or not.

Can you see why it was necessary to have a time out first? Put everybody in a supposedly safe place to allow them to integrate the influx of energies from the Cosmic level and let them do their cleansing work on the inside. And all the while, do your best to live what is anything but your normal life. For the normal is the problem, at least one of them. The sleep walk through normal has gotten us into this mess. Mailing in our daily life is no longer acceptable. In these new times there just will not be a normal. For in design, everything is a vibrating process of ever change. It is responsive to each participant. Sounds fantastic…it is…who designed this?! and you…yes, we are that powerful…always have been. And, oh, by the way, welcome to the new, expansive life that is unfolding as fast as we will allow it!

Things have been teetering locally and globally for the longest time. This movement in 2012 into that new quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy by our own solar system spun the top and opened up the door to anything goes. It is all new and it is all doing the in the moment response (notice I did not include react, for this is one thing that will be left behind. Clear and clean humans responding to the forms and energies of the Now Moment. This is called flow. The inner chaos, once jettisoned, will deliver flow. And that is where the true human adventure lies. What is, is…for now. Let’s do this! No matter what it appears to be.

Rather than attempt to organize a flow here, for the formless is quite unwilling to be harnessed, I will simply let flow what flows…in no particular order (though in the big picture we know this to be completely untrue). The order will reveal itself when the pieces are delivered and placed.

Entering 2020, a year of four, which says there will be a balancing going on here, where nothing is immune to the pulse that will force adjustment on all levels, things started to happen. In retrospect, there were simply a lot of things that were perceived as functional, that were becoming dysfunctional by the breath. And though not many wanted to acknowledge it, the Cosmos refused to be an ostrich. Politics had lost its rudder. Manipulation and lies became the doctrine and self serving individuals got to play rule makers, available to the highest bidder. Economics became a playground game of marbles between little boys (men) who wanted to be the king for a day and have the biggest pe**s… even if it was bought. These boys did not play fair and could care less about the ones who did not have the marbles. To the victor go the spoils, at least for today. Religion had failed a long time ago, putting wounded, dysfunctional people in places of power, acting like they had a moral compass. Again, players on the playground. Education was a sham as it only regurgitated the company line as it formulated an endless line of worker bees to be used to service the ones who had the real power and the biggest marble collection. Medicine had become a pawn of the pharmaceutical demon, serving only to keep people sick and compromised and to quietly keep population in check so those ones with the marbles could do what they want when they want. Corporations became the institutional behemoths only interested in their own bottom line at the expense of those worker bees. And, all of this was held together by a media prone to sensationalism and ratings to do the bidding of the conglomerate owners and keep the people afraid and stupid. Entertainment was simply a distraction and perpetrated violence and rage and fear as the way it is…glitz and glamour and a parade of plastic people who kept the people yearning to be better and seek what they were told to use to become beautiful or young or virile or accepted or normal. And relationships…don’t get me started. Let’s project that there is a Disney like person out there that will make our dreams come true and sweep away all of our pain and discomfort. But, we will perpetuate the fallibility of relationships and love in gobs of movies, music, books, and daytime TV fodder.

Are you beginning to see this charade that has befallen humanity and why there was a Celestial necessity for an intervention…in my opinion? Good, because until further notice, that is what is in process…

A world up for grabs…in a sense. The important point here is that this is by no means a random act of ignorance. When the Cosmic template put free will in the pic and then made an agreement with Gaia, against her will by the way, to reflect the current state of the human collective, they knew that a roller coaster ride would be putting it mildly. The thing that got lost in the design was the Celestial knowing that all life is benevolent and compassionate and serves the design frequency of Love. The emotion influence was also a wild card. It is amazing and colorful and juicy when it flows as it is designed…but when it is swallowed and stockpiled then inner and then outer chaos is a likely result. And that is what we have seen.

It is curious that the human became so easily swayed to march into and along with the carrot in front of the donkey…being normal. Since there was not a great understanding due to lack of experience, the cost of retained unexpressed emotional energies was unpredictable. In retrospect, it has been volatile and wrought with catastrophic potential. Look at the historical atrocities and you see damaged little boys and girls doing horrible things…trying like hell to fill up the energetic hole of the swallowed wound. Oops…a design flaw? Not so much…because in the big picture Source wanted to experience how it all plays out in you and me and Adolph and Donald…

SO be it…here we are in 2020, with June fading into the distance and the American season of independence knocking at the door, about to make a grand entrance. Is it an accident? Hell no! The very energy that precipitated the decisions and actions to start a new country in the first place are looming once again, 238 years since the first wave of independence was signed into form. Deja vu all over again. Timely…and incredibly necessary. The cosmos has seen that wounds do not heal themselves. They keep influencing the thoughts, beliefs, and actions, pushing the individual into the land of attempting to regain some sense of value…no matter the cost. And that is where we have devolved to…the land of no matter the cost. The hardening of the heart ( can you say runaway heart disease) and inner disintegration (cancer) and minds simply saying I cant take it any more I’m out of here (Alzheimers) and sorry but trying to sweeten everything to make it palatable (diabetes) just ain’t working any more…though they really never did.

The new generations no longer resonate with the way it was/is. They are designed for so much more. The current forms are limiting…and frankly, boring, to these super computer minds arriving to usher in the new world. SO, it looks like they are just f’ing everything up…because most are looking through their own filtered eyes and view it through the same level of limitation that they call life.

They are laying the ground work for the great evolution/revolution that is dropping in from the dimensional wisdom. Humankind needs a new operating system, the one that is already there but just needs the password. The password is lovecompassionequalityjoyconnection.

It is right there for anyone to copy and insert in their old clunky personal device. Do it now. The reminders of what has failed are everywhere, showing up in flashes on the streets faster than the news establishment can photoshop into manipulation and fake news. There is no more fake news in the hearts of the people waking up en masse.

There simply needed to be a catalyst to trigger the lava bed that was boiling and seething and ready to erupt. That catalyst was George Floyd. And it is not like there have not been other catalysts that could have been used…but the vibe just wasn’t ready. Force the world to stay at home while who knows what is really going on. Watch the systems fail and teeter one by one as we witness the main system(business) pulling the strings to save itself and actually see profit at the expenses of the billions of common folk who were told the check is in the mail. Pathetic. Cruel.Sin full. Heinous…you name it. Those Mother F**kers!

Enough! The world says as it watches the life kneed out of this celestial volunteer, who was courageous enough to go forth and do what must be done. Images so in humane that they cannot be unseen. They become the triggers that activate the lava pit into uncontrollable flow. And this they have done. Even the insertion of paid violence activators to skew the view were not enough to slow the flow of life freeing itself from a collective bondage. The systems, so bloated with their own grotesque excess throw up every imaginable smokescreen only to have them fall on deaf ears.

The tipping point has been reached. The days of reckoning are at hand. The subjugation of peoples has run its course and is in the process of being dismantled, by its own hands. Well placed Light Workers within the institutions themselves are activating their own Celestial awareness to become the tools of change. The best of humanity is immersing in each of us…yes, even in the perpetrators themselves. Many within the institutions that have evolved control and excess are seeing themselves in the mirror of Big Truth and they are revolted by what they see. Jumping the sinking ship they are…and not even the twittered threats of the bloated man who would be dictator, er, king, er, facilitator of the end of the way it was, thank God…can stop the mighty tide. Sure, call in the military, big D…they are filled with the very youth who are the perpetrators of Light and higher frequency change. Do you think they will bear arms on their family…sure, threaten them with death…they already know the big picture that life is never ending…and it is coming down to this…you have no power over them…or us…

The House of Cards is toppling…scary?…sure…what is on the other side? Well…

You are. The best of you is there reaching out for your current shaking hand reminding you that you are and have always been so much more…so much more. Your current task is to say yes…that is all. The guidance will flood in and direct your mind, hands, and feet. We are all in this together. Everyone is essential…even those who resist the resisters. It is our collective coming of age.

Equality is the current clarion call. Yes, the atrocities against the black, brown, yellow, and red peoples is despicable. And they must be rectified. The whites responsible shall be held accountable along with all others complicit in the perpetuation of the false life, of all colors. At the very least it is a very consequential personal taking stock and facing the truth of one’s own choices. There is no escaping the personal hell of how you have caused suffering to your fellow human. Your money will not shade you from the truth that is rising from within you as I write.

Inequality has been the signature of humanity since the first Pleiadians left lemuria to the hands of the locals. What is it about power? Well, it’s obvious…little children with deep wounds and no way to express them…they turn them upon others just to survive. After a while it becomes a habit and kind of cool…funny how the mind can make any action OK…for a while. Thankfully, that while is up.

Education must be redesigned to serve the ever evolving capacity of the new generation. It is to amplify the design and deliver the capacity to access and utilize and master all the skills we have. It is not to deliver the shrouded manipulation of history to perpetuate a self serving doctrine. Imagination, wonder, and spontaneity must be allowed to thrive. Creativity must be massaged in all to allow them to thrive within and without. Literacy on all levels must become the standard, reading, writing, speaking, math, and connecting.

Business must finally leave the playground. It is not about who has the most marbles. It is about the collective quality of life, the embracing of the paradise the earth provides incessantly, the ever expanding capacity of abundance and prosperity there for all of life. The definition of success must be redesigned to include joy, and personal fulfillment, and connecting with others, and helping and service…life for profit must cease as soon as possible. The equal distribution of wealth will serve to have a massive sweeping effect on all of life. Crime falls because there is no scarcity. With no crime the need for police diminishes to really just providing support services and enforcing laws of cooperative living, if needed at all. Truth is that you and I, when allowed to be our truth in design, are quite effective in policing ourselves to be a loving citizen of humanity.

Reawakening the critical knowing of the remarkable healthy design of the human body is a must. Keeping people sick for profit must end immediately. The demonic pharmaceutical industry must stop its addiction for profit tactics and actually make sensible preventive medicine that affirms and sustains life. The medical industry must be about prevention and celebrating health. Integration alternative natural health sustaining actions is the new medicine to affirm life on all levels.

Religion must realize that we have our Source connection by design and stop posing as an intermediary for connecting with the all that is. The better than you, holier than thou posturing that is so much a part of the only way religions, must cease and desist and become all about reacquainting humanity with the bigger picture of personal relationship with God.

The well learned doctrine of limitations must be dismantled immediately to allow us all to reboot the inner wisdom that lifts us into our spiritual being having a human experience capacity. The treadmill of self improvement and finding value must be cast aside along with the program of normal and becoming better and good enough…shut that up now!

The exploitation of Earth and her resources as well as the manipulation of humanity for personal profit must be jettisoned immediately. Cooperative living in an equal state with all resource of abundance and prosperity available to all is the new framework on which to build the new world.

Politics must be reimagined. Everyone is a leader and does not need self important people telling them the best way to be. Politics by under the table lobby “donations” and kickbacks must be tossed. The forced prejudice of democracy as the highest must be dismantled (49 % of the people are unhappy and unserved by the very definition of democracy). Government by the people and for the people must be re-established. Government must return to the process of serving the common good, not enforcing laws designed to control others and pad personal pocketbooks.

The color of life must be woken up. The beauty of all beings in their glorious equal expression is the new paradigm.  races, all peoples, all walks of life, all sexual preferences must become the rainbow of the new world. Reflections of the true vibration, one and all, none better than the other, none overseeing the perpetuation of prejudice against another.


An overhaul of the misinterpretive capacity of the psychosocial industry to label and medicate those outside of what is an arbitrary normal must take place. The irresponsible use of pharmaceuticals must stop. Controlling another is not an option. The ever changing normal is an antiquated paradigm. There is no normal in an ever changing world of vibration. Even the energetics of the dimensional polarity and the polar opposite consciousness must be let go of. It does not serve the new vibrations of these times.

The ways to get clear energetically are essential to these new times, foundational to energizing the changes I have been talking about. It must become common knowledge how to recognize and clear personal energetic debris held in the body energetic system. Each must learn to become clear and clean with a balanced thorough understanding of our emotions and how they interface and influence our physical selves. The ending of abusive behavior will help to wash the slate clean. All must become capable of staying in the balanced stay. Knowledge of the big picture has to become the new life curriculum.

Just a taste…of what shall come. All this or something more magnificent. These early 2020 days have forced us all to take stock of who we are as individuals and as the human collective. The way it has been is over. Out of the debris of these days rises the phoenix of higher frequency vision that will amplify all life to be simply that which it has always been…holy. All of us really have no qualm with one another. We have been taught to live in separation… enough!

This new life must be born in the world wide succession of nows that stem from each citizen of life. All are essential in creating the new world. It will rise from choices made in moments of living by you and me. If it is not life affirming then it has no worth any more. We view through the heart of equality from now on…all with the same capacity to be the all that is in individual expression with all of the rights and resources provided by the magnificence of life on the living planet, Earth. As we each recover our own inner wisdom and take action to immerse with the trusting flow we shall see the Light reveal the new forms that will sustain and elevate all of us…far into the far beyond. It is in your hands, my friend…do your part…for that is all that is required. No one is here to save us all…that is an old pressure filled manipulation. Don’t fall for it any more.

Pay attention to your reactions to the forms of now. Within them are the seeds of your own antiquated programming. See your self as the Light you are…in this frequency we shall make manifest the original intentioned design…at last.

Thank you bug…you have served us well.

Session Action One: The Global Inner and Outer Impact  of the 2020 What Is…