that defined you for the longest time. Does that bother you? Some of this is completely out of your control. You said yes a while back…and the cosmos, your Higher Self, your Inner Child, your own Source…believed you. How are you with out of control? Do you like the edge? DO you like to jump off that edge? Are you afraid of remembering who you are by design? Are you concerned that accessing your power might dis-integrate you? What do you want for you right now? How much of your treasure are you willing to leave behind? Does the thought of Wholeness make you rush into the world at every chance? How are you with the Earth? Do animals walk up to you? Do mosquitos ignore you? Does the rain bother you? Where is your heart in all of this? How much Love is in your world? What bothers you these days?

Taking stock is a revelatory experience. Looking at your own ways of thinking, beliefs, doing things, level of self care, communication with others, fears, angers, hesitations…humbling it can be…shattering your personal brainwash enough to let you see your own Light. Leading edge wave riding is what is needed here. Nothing to fear when you surrender to allowing the wave carry you. Looking honestly at you is an opportunity to refine the edges, chop the weeds, change the sheets, empty the trash, open the blinds, feed the kitty…are you ready to do it. If you are not then the multiverse will have its way with you…tossing and turning like a sock in the dryer. The Cosmos wants your best…always…and only you can do the actions to deliver that in the moment when it pushes into you.

Trusting life is the direct conduit to nirvana, to the hem of the garment, to the seat next to the throne, to the answers you have been hungering for. Take stock…

Make a list of you, what works and what doesn’t. Then do it again and ask to enter the shadows and get to the rusty parts. Go into the mechanism that has run you for as long as you can remember and pull the plug. That action will dismantle the unnecessary and free you to thrive in the rising design that aligns inner and outer. Take stock and look honestly and lovingly at the you you have become. Peel back the layers and put your hands in the tender tissue that contains your greatest hits…relinquish any doubt that you are divine. Find the resistance and drop it in the well with a hearty thank you. Take your judgments and put them into the Violet Flame…purge, my friend…purge. Take stock and let Big Love sweep through you and reveal the misinformation you bought into, the diversions, the shiny objects that stole your focus. Do it…or you don’t stand a chance out in the cosmic dimensions! It’s easy to be an also ran…and reflect on that for lifetimes of almost made it. But that is not who you are at all…believe me! Take stock and identify the bullshit. Kick it in the nuts and turn and walk away. And after all that, make another list of you, of what works and what doesn’t. Then do it again until there is not a piece of you unwashed by the Holy Light of I Am That I Am Expressing As You.

It is a good day to die…to rise up…to thrive in the Wholly Truth of You…what are you waiting for? Take stock…the multi-verse awaits with open arms…

This is my moment the new life begins

Surrender my self  let go of what’s been

For out of the chaos my Essence does grown  and I Am Reborn and placed in the Flow

Let there be Light

Let there be Love

Let there be peace for all….
from Genesis, c. 2000. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved.

Session Action

Celestial Distinctions and  Other Basics

Session Action

Dimensions 501 and the Planes of Existence

Session Action

Accessing and Activating Dimensional Levels of Self

Session Action

 Dimensions 101

Session Action

The Amorphous Nature of Reality

Session Action

Living Large, I mean, REALLY Large

Session Action

Grounding the Ascension Train

Session Action

E-Ticket Portal Adventures

How much do you trust life? How are you with letting go of the old ways and beliefs? How are you with the unknown? What is your current level of fear? How upset are you with the way things are going? How much love is in your world? What is your relationship with wonder and imagination? Any thoughts about an Inner Child Self? How your comfort zone? How devoted are you to that comfort zone? Do you tend your energetic boundaries? Do you clear energetic debris at the end of the day? How are you with decisions? Taking action? Changing course in the middle of the stream?

Questions…questions…checking in…we are 10 sessions into our journey of waking up. How much of what we have explored do you use? Is your thinking different than it was when we started a year ago? Has your life changed in any way? Could you devote more time and effort to this course?

We are on the threshold of expansive exploration into the inner and outer cosmos. How ready are you for this? If there is a load of debris still tagging along with you it will interfere with your Celestial fluidity and inhibit your dimensional explorations and experiences. Does that matter? Or are you still so invested in the way it has been that the remarkable adventure at your fingertips doesn’t seem that appealing? Just checking in…you cannot leave this dimension unless you are ready on all levels. Sure, you can vacate the physical and reenter the wheel of coming back in ignorance…but you have tasted something fine and you would not settle for that…believe me here…trust me when I say you have already ignited the inner knowing and it is fast replacing the muck

 Course Launch Point

Click Title to Access Support Materials Being Developed Separately

Personal Care and Empowerment

Enhancing New Life Skills

Contact and Guidance

Embracing and Integrating
     the World Community

Celestial Design

Expansion Activity One: Grounding
Expansion Activity Two: Energy Work
Expansion Activity Three : Chakra Care
Expansion Activity Four: Tuning Fork Therapy
Expansion Activity Five: Mantra/Chant Support
Expansion Activity Six: Color Therapy
Expansion Activity Seven: Aroma Therapy
Expansion Activity Eight: Mineral Therapy
Expansion Activity Nine: Sound Alchemy
Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys
Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments
Expansion Activity Twelve: Gratitude Practice
Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts

Copyright 2018. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved

Access Session 10