So much in Living As If is based upon letting go of old paradigms and beliefs and perspectives. It invites the reawakening of  imagination and wonder and expanded thinking. It is a constant act of trust and leaps of faith. These have to be consistent practices in order for the new to replace the old patterns and attract the new vibrations. This is a process of attention and action and adjustment. You are wandering in territory long misplaced and forgotten. Your waking up is an activator for the deeper truths of your original design to rise to the level of awareness so they can be chosen as first responses to the moment’s forms. You must be patient with your self and do your best not to find fault with your inconsistent choices and periodic frustrations.

And you must also make choices to move forward and take action on these seemingly wacky ways of interfacing with the world. Becoming emotionally literate and learning to flow with the emotions is quite different than working consciously in multiple dimensions simultaneously. Overcoming perceived limitations and historical programming is no easy task. The good news is that any move to take action on doing so is met by exponential Celestial support. The time it takes to shift is minimum compared to what it took to buy into and live under the old thinking/beliefs. As we move forward into Celestial play I invite you to have an open mind and heart while at the same time, paying attention to the nuances of change that respond to your choices and actions. It develops with a whimper and then gains momentum before it sweeps into action.

The perspective that each dimension has a level of consciousness that can be accessed is a fun place to begin. The invitation here is to interface with the level consciousness from where you are and begin to develop the capacity to consciously interface and communicate, both giving and receiving information. So, let’s play!

The first dimension is the Earth Consciousness (Sphere of planetary consciousness, Earth Mother, Gaia. The level of consciousness that connects us all. Related to the supreme grounding iron core of Gaia. Holds the records of what has been, information about Gaia and her children. Attune to this to understand our primal nature and our relationships with the planet and all other forms of life on Earth. This dimension is one of our primary sources of physical and energetic power.) Remember also that the Earth is also a 9th Dimensional Being of very high consciousness who has given herself in service to be the home for human…so, getting in contact can be very useful and informative. Here are several ways you can do this:

From where you are become aware of your feet on the Earth. If you can actually do so, then find a place where you have actually barefoot contact with soil. Breathe in several times and then focus on your feet intending a root to descend into the Earth to access the core. Observe and feel. Go with whatever happens. Send some Love to the Earth…gratitude, energy, etc. See what comes back as a feeling, a sensation, a knowing. Ask the Earth for a message. Ask to interface with the consciousness of all. Think of a time in history and ask Gaia about it, to reveal the records of that period. Again simply take the first thing that comes as information and connection. (Our mind is loaded with information and has been trained to mistrust. It does so by doubting. So, take the first thing as true…integrate the answer and then continue exploring with this communication process. You are building muscles of new communication. You are in relationship with the Earth by design. Doing this will develop a more personal relationship that will invite you to connect more often. This benefits both of you immensely. Giving conscious information and energy to the Earth is what she is in this for…

Remember, the Second Dimension is the consciousness level between Gaia and humanity. Contains the forces of Nature, guardians of this second level: elementals, nature spirits, faeries.  Includes the viral beings, bacteria, and mineral life. Work with it through ritual to attune to nature and heal ourselves, others and the world. Animals, wild and domestic, along with all plant life start to populate in this dimension. We have a direct access to the dimension to communicate with the various kingdoms, as we open to, and choose.

As we move up dimensionally so goes the vibration and frequency. At this level we can communicate more fluidly. Domesticate animals are particularly connected to us at this level. The loyalty, despite cruelty, is a confusing element of the animal kingdom. Remember that they are here to serve the human vibration…by design. Typically they do not retain hurts like a human would. Animals, unless repeatedly abused, will show right back up because they know you are so much more than your behavior. Beautiful…but please do not become complacent about this. They can and will turn if the behavior continues. As far as the plants go, we connect with the higher frequency nature spirits and elementals more, though we do not realize it. Every plant has a companion spirit. As children we had the capacity to see and also connect with the various kingdoms. Most have forgotten this. We have the capacity to interface with all of these living Earth creatures…so, why not do so. From the plants to the insects, to the animals, to fish, to the winged ones…we have relationship…develop it.

Start paying attention to the natural world and how it interfaces your moments. No encounter is a casual or even accidental one. The natural world is in symbiotic relationship with you, delivering messages, offering support, inviting you to expand your dimensional awareness. So, start communicating with it. Ask the mosquitos to leave you alone; tell the spiders to find a new home; redirect the ants to another location; listen to the bird songs that seem random (they are frequency based and delivering cellular information just to you); talk to the trees; sit in the woods and invite in the elementals; talk to and touch your plants, asking to meet their spirit self; thank your pets for their devotion and loyalty; you get the picture. All of this is action that acknowledges the natural world and invites communication and deeper relationship. When you show evidence that you believe it is there then you send invitation for growing validation…just saying…and this is all multi-dimensional. Your conscious self goes about its day doing the things it does while at the same time it maintains Earth connection and notices when the natural world interfaces. Respond to the calls and you will start to expand into the way it really is on this unlimited Earth Plane.

In the Third Dimension we humans dwell in consciousness for now. We are fast evolving into Fourth  and are developing an increasing separation from the paradigm of duality and polarity. This can result in being spacy, dizzy, and disoriented from time to time. The adjustment is impacting everyone as Earth herself is increasing vibration which is amplifying the effects on you and me. TO offset this transition time and find balance one can turn to the solid foundation of the Earth and increase the connections with the Natural World. This is what it is for, to provide the place of enhancing and clearing power to flow through every human. Those aware can really take advantage of it and move smoothly through the everyday uncertainty.  It can also be useful to set the dream state up to serve your vibration. By clearing your energy before bed and intending to access and remember the dream state, you can interface with the 4th dimensional guides and teachers and Ascended Masters while being solid in your body. The impact of such contact will infuse the energetic body and raise your vibration to assist the movement.

Finding and maintaining balance in the body is essential to navigating the multi-dimensions successfully. Thus, consistent Earth contact must be chosen. Your higher dimension experiences may be erratic and even dangerous if you forgo being fully in body as much as possible, especially in the pre-sleep state. Also practice intending connection and specific experience while in your dream state. Set up the ability to remember your journeys ( as we will discuss in the next session).  

Here are some 3rd Dimension actions to further allow you to become fluid in your travels:

Explore the idea that you can be in two places at the same time. Connect with where you are and then set your conscious attention into another place that is very familiar to you. Put yourself there doing something you have done before. Then switch back and forth between your awareness of self in the now with the other location. Back and forth you go. Soon you will begin to experience a blending together. Let it unfold and simply experience it for now.

Another experience is to connect with a friend and set a time when you will tune in to them. Do so and reflect on what they might be doing at that moment. Arrange to call them and relay the information you received. Ask them not to validate or invalidate but have them go do something else and contact them again in 15 minutes. Do this 3-4 times if they are willing. Rest in that experience and then call them back the next day to check on your accuracy. Do this multiple times even with other friends. Invite them to do the same with you. Your investment in these activities lifts the veil of disbelief…which is a huge impediment to expansion

Give some effort into communicating with animals as they are very open sources for grounded contact. The main block to doing this is doubt. Start with sending intentional energy to your animal. They receive better than we do in the beginning. Call her silently and see what happens. Play with this idea until you start to get results. When you do then start to receive and listen.You have to be willing to accept the first thing and then act upon it. This is the blind faith leap that will open the channels. Letting your mind mull over the contact is a recipe for closed doors. Once you have done this with a pet successfully then start with animals that come into your field. Start sending messages and then move to receiving. This is all just play…or so it seems…for you are building testimony and confidence and spontaneity and trust.

The Fourth Dimension is  the space of collective unconsciousness, the archetypal realm that links thought and mind/consciousness and unconsciousness, the dream world…beyond time and space. The world of imagination and felicitous movement and shape shifting, Thoughts and ideas manifest more readily that in 3D as it is less dense. Think of the shifting scenarios in the dream state. Accessed through story, song, myth and ritual. The energy of the celestial beings integrates into us via dreams, archetypes, color, geometrical shapes as vibratory activators to open us to the higher world frequencies. This is also a realm where one can get waylaid, distracted by new capabilities and a host of beings and energies seeking resolution from unresolved conflict. Best to look at this dimension as a bus stop along the way, a place to pause and gather energies to expand into more balanced realms.

This is a curious land, this 4th dimension, as it is the rough waters that prelude the move into the Ascension realm of the Fifth. It is exciting and adventurous and filled with a host of celestial beings…an actual prelude training ground of how to move about the in the Higher Dimensions. Creating separation from the third is an arduous task, requiring that one leave the land of limitations and all the beliefs that tether one to it.  This dimension is the go between when humans leave the physical body and is thus rampant with many who are unwilling to leave their body, wrapped in fear, confusion, and even terror. It is a place where significant guidance from guides, teachers, angels, and Ascended Masters is readily available. And it is also the place where wayward spirits converge, caught in the limbo of death, attempting to embrace what has happened…stuck in their lower frequency perspectives and beliefs about the afterlife. The energetic misinformation floats in the lower portions of the fourth and one must be willing to navigate that to become free of the influence of the 3rd. And, as stated already, it is the place where the fast moving, amorphous world of the dream state is played in. Keeping connected with the physical body via the energetic umbilical cord is a must if one wants to come back. So, what can we do here that would prepare us for even higher frequency dimensions?

Start in the dream state because it is a familiar place. With the new awareness that it is a dimension that can be consciously explored, you can start setting pre sleep intentions to do just that. Put  a pad and pencil next to your bed and develop the habit of writing down what you experience. Consider your smart phone or a digital/tape recorder to record experiences as well. This is all prep for what we will explore in greater detail in the next session.

The greatest challenge to exploration in the Fourth is what we have learned to fear from movies, stories, preachers, misinformation, etc. Sure there are low frequency energies here but most are simply looking to make some sense of their unexpected death and difficulty to let go of the 3D life. You can actually serve them if you redirect their perspectives and invite them to go into the Light where they will get answers by remembering who they are and what is actually going on. If, in your journeys, you do meet an energy that is confrontive or uncomfortable, ask it  “Are you of the Light?” If they say nothing or say no then command them to the Christ Light and say begone…you have no power here (thank you Glinda Goodwitch).

You can enter the fourth to seek information, to practice flying, to learn how to navigate, to set appointments with loved ones who have passed, to purposely assist others, to go to classes at the Ascended Master centers…get the picture? This is really a less weighty 3rd dimension where you move by intentional thought. Start to practice and develop the capacity to move between the 3rd and 4th with ease. This will prepare you for your 5th dimensional adventures as well.

The Fifth Dimension is the dimension of Unity and the collective consciousness or Oneness. Here we experience unconditional love, the Christ Consciousness. A major goal of those on the ascension path. Where all paradoxes are resolved in a sea of non-duality. Here we become conscious of ourselves in all times and places, all versions in all of our lives past, present, and future. Through initiation and spiritual practices we open the heart to the frequencies contained in this dimension. Ascended Masters are the strongest allies in this dimension, available to us by request and invocation. Here you are beyond shape and form. The Pleiadians are the guardians of this dimension.

In these current sweeping times of Celestial intervention many of consciousness are setting sights on the 5th Dimension as it is free of the drama of the duality in the 3rd. It is a place to relax and enjoy the connection with all. The challenge is that many want to get there so they do not have to deal with what is still unresolved here in the 3rd. That might be a bit foolish, this running away for a better place. The cost of such a desire is that you leave behind the body in turmoil. And the body, the physical, is one of the greatest gifts of human life, especially when one is completely conscious of what it is capable of.

In my opinion the most profound choice lies in remaining in the physical while you simultaneously inhabit the higher dimensions of the 5th and beyond. And that is what is being gifted to us in these remarkable times. Of course, you have to want to do such a thing. If you are feeling worn out and just want to get away, that is fine…take a vacation. Clearing energetic debris and reconnecting with your original design and all its glory and capacity is a far more expansive alternative to running away. It will feed mightily your own I Am That I Am Expressing As You, giving Source a wide range of experiences. Do your energetic work…for it will pay off handsomely.

Here are some suggested play ideas for exploring the 5th:

Make a list of questions you have about you, your life, your history, your mission, etc. and take them to this dimension. Get quiet and settle in to your breath and set the intention to access and enter the 5th. Then allow. Maybe you will have to make it up at first…you already know that this is one sure way to jump start the expansion. Intend to access the expanded you who will be available to address your questions. Make notes for you are working on being in two places at once. Remember, also, that trust is critical as a catalyst for both sides. Take the first responses to your questions and move on to the next. When you are complete, ask to take a little tour of the place. Pay attention to what unfolds. Everything you see and interface with has information and meaning to the you of Now.

Consult the 5th for solving issues you have in this life. With the absence of duality here you will be able to access perspectives that are aligned with you, not with a variation of you.To keep the momentum choose to act on the guidance even if it is just to see what happens.

In the 4th you gained access to Ascended Masters. Now you can spend purposeful time with them in intentional classes. Call them by name and intention and simply ask. And then see what happens.

Many current seekers of High Frequency have Celestial roots in the Pleiadian culture. Since they are the overseers of the fifth, why not explore your history. Ask to meet them and be prepared to ask questions. You will get answers that may very well lift you into an expansion that is both familiar and intimidating. Seek your history as a Pleiadian. Ask to relearn some skills for getting around the Cosmos.

All of this is a good start to your multi-dimensional living. Remember to always touch base with your physical self. We are in uncharted waters here as this is the first time humanity is being given the keys to conscious in body travel. You are pioneering the future here so please pay attention and keep notes and reflections. And have fun. Developing these muscles will open many doors, doors that right now are unknown. This is a loving Cosmos so there is truly nothing to fear. Enjoy what you have created and are becoming.

You are on your own to explore the dimensions above this 5th. There are a growing number of resources becoming available from those who are channeling the higher wisdom that reveals road maps for you to follow. For our purposes the first five dimensions are the ones that currently have the most punch for humans. Become fluid in your conscious movement and travel….

Session Action Five: Accessing and Activating Dimensional Levels of Self