I spent the weekend with forty teenagers who were on a rally event that was spiritual, connective, emotional, and expansive. Being a teenager is a tough time. It is the land of in-between, the limbo land where the child is loosing contact and the adult is beckoning…or so it seems. Stick in the middle of this the hormonal changes, the movement of cleansing of the in-body chakras, and the looming specter of moving away from family and home to start one’s own life…ready or not. These precious beings are impacted by the unprocessed imprint of what has been and the what-ifs of life ahead. The world does not look very inviting to most of them. The illusions seem very real and the idea of the adventure ahead is amorphous at best.

I sang songs with and for them and did all I could to reawaken an inner knowing that I know is in each and every human expression on this blessed planet. For awhile they allowed an opening, but as the end of the weekend neared you could see more of them clinging to one another, hesitant to return to the familiar and so called normal world they live in. What will be retained? Will the seeds that my songs and words planted sprout and trigger the so needed inner remembering of the true design? What kind of impact on the world they see and intend and experience happened over that 72 hour safe place experience? We shall see…and what’s this got to do with multi-dimensional living and the living large of this topic, anyway?

As I sit and reflect here I am in two places at the same time…bi-locating. And this is multi-dimensional travel basics. We have done some exercises already about bi-location. Getting comfortable with these is necessary to build the travel muscles.

Now it starts to get expansively interesting. Going back to the second is actually quite simple, but it can be much more revelatory. When you begin to interface with the natural world, trusting that the kingdoms are here for you and that you can be in direct two way contact, allows you to enter their world. It is not just having them support you, it is visiting them as well. This was the beautiful world of the child wonder that was messed with in growing up. You can reclaim it by first inviting the elemental beings and the animals to communicate two way. Once you make the request and extend the invitation then you will basically be making it up for awhile. But you have to do this as your good faith action is a vehicle that creates safety with the kingdoms. Visual sightings with the elementals is permission given to expand the relationship. With the animals you will start to notice that not only do they visit but they also give you attention and focus…step two. Engage them. Support them with energy, word, and action. Keep at it and soon you will be able to converse. Remember that animals are not really emotionally invested. They see you for what you are, beyond your life personal issues. We are not used to these kinds of pure interactions. Enjoy this. So, play with this second/lower third dimension energy until it becomes comfortable.

When you engage the fourth dimension, commonly referred to as astral, you will need a few precautionary actions in the early days. The higher guides and teachers and Ascended Masters are in the higher frequency realms of the fourth, spilling into the fifth where their etheric retreats are. In the lower fourth you have the wayward spirits, the in-betweeners, and the distractions of thought forms run amuck. In the early days it is necessary to keep your energetic umbilical cord active whenever you choose to visit there. This will always give you a way back to your physical body. Some say it enters at the belly button while others say at the solar plexus. You choose. This is one of the realms that mediums work in, making contact with ones who have passed, mostly, though they are certainly capable of interfacing with any life form there as well. Society has cast mediums as gifted, but in reality, we all have the capacity to do exactly what they do and more. If you desire that, then ask for it. Practice makes accuracy and fluidity.

If you choose to enter the fourth then be prepared for the unexpected. Time and space are much more fluid and things follow thoughts quite quickly. You kind of have to learn the rules of the road. Practice… a lot. Remember that if you encounter an energetic that is of lower frequency that elicits fear, then affirm the Light, asking, are you of the Light? Typically that is enough for the energy to leave as there are plenty of lower frequency beings to hassle. If not, then a “Be gone in the name of the Christ Light” will work. The wayward thought forms are rampant here. You can attach to all kinds of things and explore them, even finding some of your own thoughts and sending them on their way, thus transforming their impact upon you.

Do some research on the Ascended Masters and pick several you are interested in calling upon. You can begin creating relationship as you travel the fourth as you can be led to the entrance of the retreats ( unable to fully enter until you resonate into the higher fifth dimensional frequencies.) But, know that just by being at the entrance and intending entrance you can raise your frequency in quick ways to further facilitate entry.

Remember that each dimension has its own playing field rules of engagement. Your consciousness is involved here. Time and space are also involved as well as the movement in those elements. Each dimension is in higher frequency and will not allow the existence of lower frequencies in it. Thus, negative thoughts and the whole 3rd dimensional duality process are non existent from the 5th above.

So, consider multidimensional problem solving. Identify your issue. Flesh out the facts about it from both sides (2nd dimensional action from a 3rd dimensional perspective). Now apply 3rd dimensional duality to list your options for solution from both sides and in between. Look at each and determine the actual impact upon you, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. You now have information that aligns with the energetic level of the issue. Next you can enter into 4th dimensional consciousness and play out your decisions in the accelerated time and space continuum to see potential outcomes, allowing you to weed through the list of original “solutions”. Now by taking the remaining list into the 5th dimension where there is no duality, only high frequency positive outcomes, you can set each into that energy and see which dis-integrate. Additionally you can access higher frequency guides and Ascended Masters for new possibilities, things you did not even consider. Keeping your intention to only high frequency options allows any carrying potential conflict out of the realm of awareness. Lastly, you can project yourself out x number of years and live out elements of the remaining choices. Running each through the heart will allow you to align with the one or ones that are ideal and poised for successful manifestation.

Interesting stuff, huh? In these realms you can remove your self from personal programing and limiting beliefs that pepper the domain. Thinking and seeing and feeling clearly allows the flow to happen. This reveals options unknown and invites in supportive forms to make manifest the highest good for all involved. Being open hearted and minded in the higher dimensions will invite inspiration and deliver expansive solution that in itself is multi-dimensional.

I understand that this is new thinking, but we are fast entering new higher frequency realms with expanded possibility and existing skills to be rediscovered. Faith in this unfolding and trust in the guidance behind it that is infiltrating your own expanding awareness is what is required here to launch the new ways. We all know how the old worked and can call it up for use at any time….if that is desired.

Consider also, that if your issues involves others you can visit and interface with them in expanded dimensions where they are separate from their current level of programing. You can interject new perspectives that very well may be brought back to influence them in the third dimension living to assist in diminishing resistance. Calling for support on any level will result in support arriving. You have to get out of the way to accept the support with openness and a willingness to act quickly…to see what will happen, being ready to adjust as necessary.

When the multi-dimensional doors open and you enter these rooms you remove any notion that you are alone. You quickly assemble a relevant frequency based community for you present for this current issue. Upon successful resolution the community goes its own way…to be called again as needed. Take action on these ideas! How? Here is a brief description of action.

  1. Know this is possible
  2. Call for support to one dimension at a time or make an open call to many (In this Now moment I call for aligned high frequency support from the _____dimension. I open to life affirming guidance to address this current issue.)
  3. Be open to receive. Breathe 10 breaths to the belly and allow your mind to flow and focus on the Solar Plexus. Close your eyes and speak your birth name four times to set your frequency field protection.
  4. Visualize a hallway with doors on either side staggered  and with numbers from 1 to 13 on them clearly visible.
  5. With your issues clearly understood take steps to walk down the hallway. If you know the dimension you want to access, then go directly to that door. Otherwise, walk forward until you fell a knowing in front of one of the doors that this is where you are to go.
  6. If you are drawn to the 1st, 2nd, or 4th dimensions make sure you intend an energetic umbilical cord directly to the solar plexus of your physical self before you enter. Make sure you do this so you can return to your body when you are ready.
  7. Now, enter the door with a breath and your name spoken and with full bodied awareness (so to speak). Everything has information. Interface. Ask questions. Exchange ideas and solutions. Ask for guidance and suggestions. Seek multiple sources as desired. With each make sure you  show respect and gratitude.
  8. When you have what you desire then leave. Visit other dimensions as you choose. You may want to keep a notebook or recorder next to you when you journey so you can record information, especially if you are visiting multiple dimensions for guidance and inspiration. If you do come back in between, start each new venture as if it is the first.
  9. When you return, remember to close off the connections and cut any cords that may have been set into motion.

This is only one possible way. Use it to get started and then be open to how it unfolds. The more you apply this then the more that will be revealed to you. It grows in a reciprocal manner. Take notes and talk about your experiences as you want to establish a new “normal” with lots of testimonials. And finally, remember that what you are doing here is something that you are designed to do, even in human physical form. As we are entering the time of dimensional consciousness, on the brink of in body conscious journeying, you want to be continually open and willing to explore the edges, take risks into your personal unknown, etc. You are always and in all ways, well taken care of.

Session Action Six: Living Large, I Mean, REALLY Large