the creations of Mark Stanton Welch
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For over three years, starting in that pivotal year of 2012, I hosted weekly conference calls to work with the expanding world of sound healing Alchemy. These one hour plus calls started with just the in body chakras. I ran several cycles of these to address the ever growing audience. As I continued my studies I came upon the work of author, Cyndi Dale, who opened me up to the expanding chakra world. The higher our personal and collective vibration becomes the more we are open to receive the new information. And what a difference it makes to address the back side of each in body chakra as well as open to the chakras that are just outside of the body itself. The opening to External spiritual points established a direct celestial connection with our spine. What you have here is an evolution in the energetics of sound applied as healing frequencies. You get a collection of calls as well as the online link to the companion information page. You learn information, techniques, and get to practice to the chants and mantras as well as the original intentional chants that accompanied the arrival of the information. You can use these to clear energetic residue in cells, tissue, chakras, energy bodies, and energy systems. Very powerful stuff. Please note that these are the unedited calls. They are organic, spontaneous, and address most of what is on the support page, sometimes more with new additions. Download in mp3 file format. Get the free sample now to experience the flavor of the calls.
If you would like to have a powerful companion energy to support you each week for a year, you may want to consider this subscription. You receive the download of the chant or mantra, or intentional song with a link to information about it. Choosing to make it a regular part of your week allows you to experience and integrate the specific energy that it carries. You can opt to request a download of blocks of six chants or even the whole set of 52 at one time. Then you can use them as you like. Regardless of your method, get these as they will go far in clearing energetic debris in your energy system while you simply sing along to the music. Follow the link to the purchase choices, for more information, for a sample, and for the complete list of all 52 by clicking the button to the right. $57 for 52 full length recordings is quite the deal
Right in the middle of the Fall and Winter seasons the holidays occur, with their particular energetic challenges and opportunities. The season is about going inward and letting go of the debris that no longer serves you. In going home to self we reconnect with personal power and plant seeds of intention to rise up in the Spring. The holidays are about family, family of origin and family of choice, The issues related to origin often are stimulated for clearing during the Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year periods. Most do not realize what is going on and end up having more challenges than opportunities. Working with the unique frequencies of the season can set you into a balanced state that will allow you to flow through the unique forms that arise. Using established sound tools and activity you will learn to rediscover how you can rekindle joy during the season of jolly. This session has a single call download. Regular session download price is $15. Get it now for the reduced price of $10. Click the button to the left.
Once the chakras are brought back to a state of balance, then the whole in cooperation. It then becomes a matter of system maintenance. Ever oscillating energy impacts from outside the energy bodies. Loare drawn to your higher frequency like a moth to the light. It is necessary to regulate the influx of these frequencies by consciously setting and clearing your boundaries. Doing so maintains your personal frequency allow the whole system to function more as designed. Spoken word affirmation, chants, intentional songs, mantras, information, tones, and intentional activities are some of the tools utilized. Learn how to stay in your personal power frequency with this single session call. Regular session download price is $15. Get it now for the reduced price of $10. Click the button to the right.
Building upon the expanded knowledge of the chakra system, the calls moved into application with the manifestation process. The principles of manifestation were explored and then run through the front and back sides of each chakra. Empowerments opened up each in body chakra and moved to balance the system . The intention of the sessions was ““To establish the elements of manifestation process, activate Earth Star, Root, and Sacral, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra connection, reunite the front and back sides of all chakras, and to create foundation and framework for the three calls”. Using the, by now, familiar tools of chant, intention, guided imagery, spoken word and affirmation, mantra, intentional song, and more, you will have a strong, clear foundation upon which to apply principle to your moments of living. Package price regularly $45. Yours now for 29. Click the button to the left.
Cyndi Dale’s work also brought forth the existence of External Spiritual Points. This higher dimensional receptor points carried specific thematic information that was delivered to the spine at the vertebrae. The 33 spiritual points connected with separate vertebrae. Working the points could assist clearing blockages along the spine. Pain along the spine could also be traced to the point which would reveal the theme to direct your conscious attention to working with it. Some of the theme points addressed harmony, creation, freedom, vision, clarity, wisdom, peace, forgiveness, and grace. The 3 sessions, of more than an hour each, address most of the points with information and intentional exercise. Chant like repetitive songs accompany each of the points addressed. These songs will focus energy into the points and can be used to neutralize blockages.
Package price is $45. The package can be yours now for $29. Click the button on the right to order.
From the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 which ushered in the 25 year cycle that ushered in the true Age of Aquarius, our personal and collective vibration raised to high frequencies which opened the door for higher frequency information thatb we could energetically contain. Author, Cyndi Dale, introduced the information regarding back side chakras and fleshed out our understanding of the additional external chakras, 9, 11, and 12. The back side chakras were actual entry points for pure celestial energy that carried specific frequency based information that would interface with the front side. Too often the interface had been blocked at the spine through the repressed energies of living. These sessions address each chakra backside providing information, empowerments, chants, mantras, intentional songs, tones, exercises and spoken word to open up the pathway from back to front. You simply must experience the impact of these openings. Over nine hours in 9 sessions with online information support page. Package price regularly $135. Yours now for $97. Click the button to the left.
For the longest time the common perception has been seven in-body chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. Throughout 2012 as the completion of the 25 year opening that led to the actual entrance into the Aquarian Age, I facilitated chakra clearing calls that recycled these seven. As December approached the new awareness of the Earth Star and Soul Star chakras, each about 18” below and above the body respectively, was revealed. I facilitated calls for those new chakras right away. In this specially priced set you over 8 hours of session calls addressing each of the chakras. In them you will receive information, spontaneous guidance, empowerments, singing of chants, mantras, and intentional songs, spoken affirmation and proclamation statements, and more. At purchase you will receive a link to the the download page.
Regular price for individual session downloads is $15. Package price $120. Get the package now for $79.
Click the button to the right
For a limited time you can get an extraordinary package of Sound Alchemy tools to assist you in clearing your own energy body systems while learning applicable tools that work. Click the link above to view the contents of the resources and follow the instructions to order.