the creations of Mark Stanton Welch
Inner Child Mentoring Investment: $897
(payment plans available)
This is a nine week experience. It is fed by online pages with information and instruction and activities. You and I will have a one hour phone teaching session each week by arrangement. You shall also have two ½ hour phone sessions for check in and problem solving available each week by arrangement. Email contact will also be available.
The nine week coming home process will have the following sessions:
Please note, that though there is general information provided in the online information and activities, the process will be a very individualized experience based upon your unique history and unfolding requirements..
Inner Child Mentoring is for empowering one to reclaim their inner skills and talents. It is not therapy nor is it intended to diagnose or treat disease of any form. Please refer to a qualified health care professional for such requirements.
Upon completion of Inner Child Mentoring
you will be eligible to participate
in the advanced 20 session
Inner Child Mentoring Applied program…
Mentoring Session Topics Block One
Mentoring Session Topics Block Two
Inner Child Mentoring is about awareness of the child, communicating with the Inner Child Self, and establishing a relationship between adult and child.
Inner Child Mentoring Applied is deepening the relationship to clear our energetic blockages, applying the tools and techniques of the first level, establishing new understandings, re-educating, building trust, and redirecting the child to let go of unwarranted responsibility.
Together they form a one of a kind comprehensive process journey that will quite literally change your life in profound ways.
Investment: $1000
Ask about the new Self Paced Inner Child Mentoring program available soon. Get access to the information and exercises only, without the one to one.
email Mark
33% Discount from through
March 31, 2023