The human voice is a marvelous instrument, capable of producing a startling range of sound, texture, and pitch. It’s power as a healing tool is obvious but mostly untapped. With focused intention it can be used with precision to clear energetic conditions, change vibrations, and move the impacted and unexpressed energetic past. It can be used to seed the moment with the intended future, thus being an essential tool in the universal process of manifestation. It is both the vehicle of creation as well as destruction.

For the healing musician, the obvious use is in the vocals of your song. Becoming aware of its potential allows the expansive application  in songs and music without words. Vocal drones and melodies can be even more powerful than words as the vibration is not interfered with by interpretation or prejudice for the words/language.

Intention refers to the mental focus put into your creation. It energetically immerses the select vibration and frequency of what you desire into the project itself. The vibration of the intention then becomes an energetic magnet to attract the specific of manifestation from the cosmic soup. Becoming clear at the outset of your creation allows the mental sharpness to seed your creation with the exact elements to assure manifestation. With every creation it is advisable to breathe and immerse your clear intention into your song. It then becomes a powerful vibrational changer for each and every listener, whenever the song is heard. Intend your songs, your words, your sounds, your visions, your ideas, your actions…

Let us explore the voice and discern how it can be utilized by the conscious healing musician.

Healing Music Musician Training

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Session Seven: Voice and Intention as Power Tools

Sounding the Chakras

Voice and Healing Music Apps

Body Resonance Chambers

Being aware of the entire vocal mechanism may not assist in writing great healing songs but it will help you to utilize and care for your own instrument to make it the best it can be for your intentional creations.

The stomach muscles and the diaphragm assist the lungs in accessing air and supporting the vocalization process. Breath support is a key to maintaining pitch, correct articulation, sustaining a tone, and making sound. Learning to breath to the abdomen is the single most powerful thing you can do to not only help your voice but also to pull in more prana to nourish your whole body and assist in clearing old energetic blockages. Learn to breathe!

The voice box, as shown below, contains the framework, muscles, vocal cords, and membranes that produce the voiced sounds. Knowing it’s working will allow you to be the best singer you can be. Ongoing training and care are essential elements of the healing music musician.

The throat and mouth and cranium are the elements that shape the sound of the voice. Knowledge of placement and articulation are necessary to explore the wide variation of healing sounds.

Specific Activities to enhance the vocal mechanism

Recommended Vocal Mechanism Care

Vowels and Consonants

Consonants contain the vowels. They are like gates. The vowels are the vehicles of emotion: open, sustained, flowing soundings. Language reflects the emotional life of the culture. Some languages are hard, exact, closed, throaty, with emotion contained by the strong consonants: English, German, Russian, etc. Others are open and flowing with the elongation of the vowels and the soft use of consonants. They are placed well in the back of the throat for a rounder sound: French, Italian, etc. The singer/composer has the luxury of massaging the pronunciation of words no matter the language base. Keep in mind the power of elongating/extending the articulation of the vowels to amplify the healing capacity of your composition.

Each vowel is placed differently in the mouth and can pretty much be sounded by changing the shape of the mouth and lips. Very little tongue placement is needed. In fact the relaxed tongue, laying on the bottom of the cavity with the tip against the lower front teeth, is the best position for sounding vowels. In English the main vowels are A, E, I, O, U. Slowly pronounce these vowel soundings and notice the movement of the mouth and lips. AAAh-AAAAy-EEE-OOOhhh-OOO-UUUh. These basic sounds make up the more complex vowels sounds of I and U. I is iiiieeee while U is eeeeoooo.

Vowels are the building blocks of language. The exploratory utterances of the infant in all cultures as they discover the parameters of their vocal mechanism are all about the vowels. It can be said that the vowel utterances are a necessary part of the original design to allow us to process and move the vibrational energy of emotion. It is when these spontaneous soundings are disrupted that the path to dis-ease begins.

Note that the extended sounding of the vowels produces specific harmonics for each. It is these harmonics that play a significant role in healing sound. The fundamental focuses the sound on the intended area while the harmonics massage, clear, and repair the multi-leveled, multidimensional structure.

Compositional Note: Using the vowel sounds as melodic elements in a vocal instrumental peace is a powerful use of specific sound. Background vowel sounds can set a frequency and a vibrational intention.

Vowel meanings

Consonant meanings

Vowel/Consonant Combinations

Listen to a variety of vocal soundings to show you what you are capable of doing…

Session 1  l  Session 2  l Session 3 l  Session 4  l  Session 5  l  Session 6  l Session 7  l Session 8  l  Session 9  l  Session 10  l  Session 11  l  Session 12
