Fear is one of the basic emotions. It is the response to real or perceived danger or threat. In our evolutionary history the dangers were more often real. Unless in a crisis situation, a war zone, or a urban gang setting, the physical threats are significantly diminished. What has replaced them, however, is the insidious imagined threat. The state of fear is pervasive in “civilized” culture and societies. There appears to be collusion in perpetrating this wave of fear that permeates the lives of so many. The media is completely invested in headline fear to keep people on edge. Accidents to killings to stock market crashes to super storms to asteroids to lawsuits to unsafe conditions to germs to animal attacks to fires to earthquakes to hurricane season to allergies to irritable bowel syndrome to old age to AIDS to mental illness to car wrecks to self protection to bars on windows…on and on and on it goes. The security level is orange…the sign spells out the consequences. If you break the law you will go to jail. Are you successful? Will you find a mate? I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! Terrorists! Gangs! Pedophiles! Murderers! Scary movies! The daily Dow Jones fluctuations? Nostradamus? Another end of the world…

Our nervous system is on constant alert and our adrenals are taxed. The stress level is off the charts. Many are fearful when they go to sleep, or when they wake up, or when they are doing nothing, or when they think of the future, or when they dwell in the past.  Fear is, mostly, an inside job. And it is from the inside that we can diminish our level of fear and actually create a calm state that invites and manifests peace within.

Our bodies are sensitive to energy because they are a vibrating mass of energy. With no awareness of how much we can be affected by suggestion and image and experience misinterpreted we are sadly, at the mercy of this ocean of fear that pervades society today. So let’s become aware.

The magnificent design of our body is that we have an experience, then a response, then a clearing, and then we move on. Emotion is a flowing energy that comes and goes in a wave. It has a beginning and an end. Our bodies, when allowed, will experience and process and release. Unfortunately, we have not been supported with information or training or support to let the wisdom of the body do its work. So we stuff and store the energy of the moment’s experience in the body. While the body is adept at attempting to get our attention by sensation, feeling, or pain, we, too often, ignore the callings for release and cleansing. In fact, most do not even know they are there or what to look for. So we are victims of ignorance and the perpetuation of misinformation for corporate profit. So uninformed, we become, essentially, helpless, seeking out help through product or session. It is a cycle of captivity that many have bought in to. This distraction interferes with the body’s natural process of self care. We are in a perpetual state of fear, storing more and more of the unexpressed energy, which only serves to heighten the fearfulness.

The second chakra 3 inches below the navel is the dumping ground and storage pit for the energy of fear. It impacts the lower back, the intestines, the kidneys, the viscera. Many dis-eases manifest when the storage has become too much and the body’s loving warnings and callings go unheeded. So, what to do? Let’s find out!

False Evidence Appearing Real

So much of fear is an imagined state based on beliefs, past woundings and unprocessed energy, unsubstantiated expectations, agreements about reality, unwillingness to take personal responsibility, and childhood decisions about safety and survival. FEAR is false evidence appearing real. Fear fades when facts are faced. The first step to stepping out of the cloak of fear is to start taking a broader perspective on what is really going on. Find the facts about your situation. How much of it is fear of the future or programming and expectation from the past? It is essential that you take a breath and, if possible, take the time to look at what is up. When you choose to do so, you quickly discover that there is more then first thought or felt in the initial visceral response to the situation. Gather evidence to shift the mind into problem solving and creative response. Remember, in the Wizard of OZ, the specter of the Wizard was frightening to Dorothy until Toto, the intellect, pulled back the curtain to reveal the illusion, that the wizard was a nice old man wanting to go home.

In the same spirit, choose to stop downloading fear vibes. Most of the fear we carry is simply not ours. It is the programming and the media barrage that feeds the beast. So, turn it off. There is little in news programs that is worthy of keeping in your consciousness. Newspapers are owned by a few who perpetuate helplessness to generate income for their advertisers or their political affiliation. Listening to radio talk shows, especially when asleep, is hazardous to your well being. Turn off them all. You can continue to be informed by choice…selectively.

When you turn off the supply then the fear that is left is from the past. It is a finite amount that can be consciously released through proper self care. You will be delighted with how quickly you can turn around the inner vibe and begin to experience actual stress free peace. If you remember that Nothing Is As It Seems, then you will have the tool that invites you to get the bigger picture, which will then reveal what is going on…probably a more manageable opportunity for growth.

In the Body

As stated, fear lives mostly in the sacral chakra of the lower belly. It is felt when you get frightened, those butterflies in the pit of your stomach. The hair on the back of the neck stands up. The breathing gets shallow and quicker. The moisture leaves the mouth. The legs get shaky.  The heart rate speeds up. True reptilian responses that are preparing you for fight or flight. The palms get clammy. The vision sharpens. The body crouches a bit. You may even have some of your own responses. Perhaps your forehead fogs over. Perhaps you start to tremble. Perhaps you become hyper vigilant. Perhaps you make sounds. Perhaps you get visions of previously fearful situations that amplify the response to this one. Perhaps you start to see things or imagine terrible events happening.

These are all signs, messages from your body that the emotion of fear has been triggered. Remember, emotions are temporary and flow through our physical self like clouds. It is in the mind where the perception is held and the fear is perpetuated and expanded upon. So, it would follow that when you recognize fear symptoms that you make some choices to retain your focus and awareness and take action to alleviate the symptoms to stay in balance.

Breathing slowly and deeply is a perfect antidote to stress and fear. Consciously do it until you notice a reduction of symptoms. You can also exaggerate some normal fear responses: shake on purpose, I mean, really shake to encourage the energy to move more quickly through you; move the hips and release the reservoir of past fear that is stored; make the oooo sound and let it move in pitch as this voices the energy and helps the flow; move to keep the fearful energy flowing; force your body to stand erect and open up (tendencies to get compact for protection or to cover the body center with hands, arms, or objects only serve to keep reactivating the primitive responses to the perceived fear. Basically, if you are not in an actual dangerous situation that threatens you physically, then make choices to embrace the fear through these and similar response choices.


Whenever I feel afraid I whistle a happy tune…remember that song? Singing actually helps to shift the perceived fear and refocus the mind. The melody impacts the chakras and invites release of stirred energies. Make up a song or a chant…Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!…I feel the fear and do it anyway…who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?…

A shout or a scream may very well be the vehicle that releases the old wounding and diminishes the fear. Staying contained with the voice is always a recipe for future release work. Use the voice to name the fear out loud. Describe its dimensions. State what you are afraid of. Remind yourself that the fear has no power over you. Send it to the Light. Call for etheric help. Your Guardian Angel is aligned and assigned and will show up to intervene and protect without even calling. Other beings must be called. Archangel Michael will be there to protect you if you call. State the name strongly. Making sound that accompanies is a powerful way to move through the moment and also release the residue energy of past fears.


I am currently doing some very powerful inner work called Somatic Experience. It is releasing the very physical energetic memory of events of my early life. I have done a lot of clearing work in my life and to realize the physical memory of events over 50 years ago were still held in my physical self was sobering. It reminds me of how important to stop putting fear energies in my body. By paying attention and using the tools provided you can keep clear of fearful energies so that you will respond in alignment with the stimulus. Not adding to the reservoir of fear will allow the eventually draining of all that old stuff. It will free up your vitality and creativity and joy and passion. As if taken out of chains, you will move freely and flow with the unique forms of your life.

Pay attention to your inner world, especially the signals from your body. These,signals, remember, are the callings that the emotion is present and that most likely there is energetic debris that is triggered and moving to clear. Just this awareness alone lifts you out of the victimhood that so many are engulfed in.

Frequently clear the second chakra with sound. The pitch to use is D and the phonetic to focus the pitch is ooo (cool). Sustain the tone for three minutes to bring the chakra back to the wellness pitch for you. In doing so the old energy is released. Daily practice will keep the chakra purring and the fear out of your field.

Staying unattached to the media and the blitz of fear will also help you stay in center. Attend to your own life and the moments that unfold for you. Be connected with people and do what you can to remain open in your heart. Begin to see the beauty of life and people and seek always the highest perspective. Noting is as it seems will allow you to look again at the scene before or within you. Affirm yourself as safe daily. Remember, like attracts like. A fearful person attracts fearful events. The magnetic power of thought and energy will only attract support for its the thoughts and energies held.

Be aware of your energetic boundaries. Set your energy field before you leave each day. Speaking your birth name seven times will put a cocoon of Light around you that will sustain your frequency, preventing lower frequency energies from entering your auric field. Additionally, clean up at the end of the day. Showering will bind any lower frequency energies in the water and carry them away down the drain. Stay squeaky clean energetically. You will soon notice how the flow of life and the forms of your moments shift to reflect this focus.

Fear is mostly a choice, a response to a stimulus. Being clear allows you to make peace-filled choices that maintain your energy field to be open to experience life to the fullest. You deserve it…

Some Additional Strategies from Inner Child Mentoring

Listen to and download several songs addressing fear, I Feel the Fear, and the mantra, Shanti Praschanti Sarva Baya..

Explore also the song, If I Weren’t Afraid

Emotions One: Fear