In all my moments and in all dimensions I am safe, secure, wise, courageous, resourceful, whole, creative and capable.

Some supportive exercises beyond the daily work in the left column

1.  Make a list of the things. Situations, and people you feel fear about. Once the list is complete spend some time with each and articulate the nature and experience of the fear. Determine the facts in each. Annotate your list and keep it handy

2.  Set up a scenario with each on your list and set them before you in any way you like to then say the words you have not said. Remind them that they no longer have any power over you. When complete send them on their way cutting the energy cords across the first through fourth chakras with a cutting motion with your hand and the Egyptian Huna empowerment, “Suh htep nah”!

3.  Keep a log of your acts of courage and bravery, how you faced off uncomfortable situations and succeeded in standing in your power.

4.  Remember to enter significant elements in the log at left in the Big Ones topic so you can spend some extra time clearing them if you choose.

Some Additional Strategies from Inner Child Mentoring