Back Side of In-Body Chakras

Information from Cyndi Dale

Chakra front and back connect at spinal energetic membrane

Back side chakras rotate counterclockwise

Pertains to our unconscious self, or extended reality, including imprints from past lives, alternative dimensions, and other worlds

Can often be experienced through dreams, mystical experiences, inexplicable awarenesses, or unexplained physical sensations

Contain data stored in unconscious/shadow self

Can change reality without a stimulus-response, cause and effect basis, allowing our world, beliefs, feelings, processes to literally rearrange themselves

Allows the intangible world to change our reality for us

Conscious world and forms respond to changes in the back side

Front energy must obey laws of physical universe while backside can bend and shape reality according to nonphysical prinicples/universal law

Can contain denied feelings, awareness, powers, dreams, premonitions and beliefs.

Hides repressed memories, unacknowledged knowledge, long held secrets, and unrealized desires which can be frightening to the ordinary consciousness

The back side is in process to clear and will keep making energetic demands upon consciousness to engage the clearing process

Often infuse the pure Source forms of energy that will infuse the front side and assist further clearing, once they are cleared and united themselves

Root Chakra
Located in a lower frequency dimension.

Contains all the beliefs and experiences we have ever held regarding our rights to manifest, create, and flourish on the physical plane.

Allow us to tap into core belief systems that affect the nature of our being.

Ignites the red kundalini energy opening us to passions, drives, and desires

Can heal physical issues and open us to abundance, worthiness, complete health, and the belief in our own sacredness

Assists in DNA programming. Regulates body’s chemical balance. Coordinates genetic passage of collective past. Functions as access point to globe of humanity

Holds key to beliefs about deserving physical life and well being. Reveals we are a manifestation of Source…thus deserving of all needed to live in that frequency

Serves as physical meeting ground of the sacred

When we open to Divine Source’s belief system rather than our own, we find the template that allows unlimited amounts of manifestation energy into the spinal system…this can be applied to heal issues in all the energetic body levels

Colors black, red, and white

Sacral Chakra
Contains feelings about ourselves in relation to holistic universe

Model or template for feeling body is contained here

Channels pure emotional energy

Transforms feelings into energy, powers, beliefs, colors and tones.

Receives healing and adaptation energy needed to cope with life changes

Pure feeling that is neither good or bad that, when embraced, supports healthy, whole, and complete feeling bodies

Opens us to creativity and experience and the supernatural

Prime starting point for healing emotional distress, birth, rebirth, and reproductive concerns, codependency tendencies, general compulsions, small back pain

Open to energies that soothe and heal rejection, disillusionment, apathy, resentments, and feelings from death and loss, grief and pain

Solar Plexus Chakra
An intellectual template where we gain knowledge of things seen and unseen  and tap into energies we need to make effective life decisions

Connects to metabolic center and affects general energy level and drive

Template through which all judgments are processed, accepted, changed, or rejected.

Space where we pattern thought forms that become beliefs about our relationship with external world

Leads us to totally accept ourselves, our purpose, and our drives.

When healthy and open we cannot participate in violence or war.

Erases doubt and allows our soul to serve as spiritual director, supplying concepts and impetus for self expression

Blocks stem from doubt and lack of faith

Provides information and knowing to alter feelings and perceptions about the world

Heart Chakra
Serves as the portal to the playground of our soul, our child like self to explore, learn, develop, test, and have fun.

Opens us to our true spirit’s desires

Opens us to Divine love Source that enables us to love without condition

Entry point for all physical actions we feel called to do

Through it we can receive the longed for support that is aligned and unconditional

Connects our physically based essence and attaches to our Divine Source based Essence

We experience the call of the child we are

Throat Chakra

Truths are made known via divine source, our own spirit, and the higher guides

Center through which we channel thoughts, ideas, and concepts from other beings, other dimensions, and other aspects of ourselves. We receive at the back of the neck and then pass it through the conscious vocal front side

Here we own the guidance we want and reject the other that does not apply

Serves as access point or doorway…thus we must use filtering and monitoring.

Affected by beliefs others hold of us as well as past life beliefs. Thus the presence of cords or energetic contracts.

Check in back of neck for cords. Mother entering left side. Father right side.

Serves as entry point for feelings we need to express

Access point for outside spirits and messages from our spiritual self.

Purifies expression of intentions

Put our beliefs into action via spoken word

Third Eye Chakra

Reflects our potentials.

Meeting point of front and back is pituitary, which serves as a prism that receives all potential visions and evaluates them according to highest purpose

Helps us visualize what can happen and what will happen if we stay true to form

What we envision becomes materialized in the physical reality

Opening to the path of Divine Source and own Divine Source self visualized. Commitment to follow changes life

Shows us beliefs we hold about our true potential…self esteem lodged in the middle of the pituitary. Affirming Divine Source itself, we automatically receive and select visions that will enable us to reach our highest potential.

The more open the back side the better we feel about ourselves.

Opens to the infinite possible array of solutions that allow us to select with clarity and purpose


Simultaneously located nowhere and everywhere

Opens us to realization of divine spark of consciousness

Point by which we can connect with all beings of the Divine Source, whether physical or not. This is the lifeline to all existence and truth

Channel golden kundalini, the lifeblood of our spiritual existence

Where Oneness makes manifest

Session Action One: Chakra Back Information