Once the perspective that we are our body was bought into then the fear based manipulation game was free to infest the mind, cells, and tissues of these precious spiritual beings called humans. The fertile soil was planted with intentional weeds that grew over the higher knowing of our true design.
Health care and medicine is a trillion dollar business. It is not the business of healing as was originally intended, even in the Hippocratic Oath, but, rather, a business of compromise, dependency, and manipulation built upon the human’s fear of death. It is about reacting to symptoms to buy a postponement of the mystery of annihilation called death. And, up until now, most have been willing to play the game of surrendering body, mind, and money to the hands of those who play gods and dispense diagnosis, prognosis, and pharmaceuticals.
In the very cells and tissues that medicine is pledged to protect and heal are planted the insidious messages that have perpetuated the conditions and big money diseases. For generations and all through the Piscean Age these messages have been shouted from the pulpit, the operating room, and the corporate tower. And most have simply acted like sheep and swallowed the pills that bought a moment of respite.
To examine the messages is to begin to see just what has been perpetrated us: (in no particular order)
- Death is inevitable. You have a certain life span.
- Doctors know best. They must be believed.
- Symptoms must be eradicated at all costs
- In the name of relief there is a pill for everything. It is worth all the contraindications just to feel better.
- Disease is from the outside in the form of germs, bacteria, and viruses that attack their victims randomly.
- You are prone to the genetics of your heritage and will likely get the same disease.
- The moneys for big disease research actually goes to the healing.
- Emotion has nothing to do with disease.
- Hospitals are safe places where you can heal.
- Statistics rule. Individuality is the domain of miracles.
- There is much to be feared in this world, especially the future, and extra especially, death.
- God will heal you if He deems you worthy.
- Thoughts have nothing to do with medical conditions.
- As we are all victims we catch things.
- Diseases are punishment.
- Some diseases are incurable.
- The FDA is a governmental organization put in place to protect you.
- The cost of any pill that works is justified.
- The AMA is about helping people rather than promoting its own interest.
- There is no money in prevention
- Western medicine saves lives, no matter the cost to the quality of that life afterwards.
- Doctors are prestigious members of society, better than others
- Doctors are not responsible for mistakes and death and they will make sure you sign a waiver to protect them from any liability.
- A sick person is controllable.
- The government wants universal health care but it will not be something that you have much choice in getting.
- Death is big business
- Your body is designed to age and decay and eventually give out.
- Cutting out something from that body is OK as long as it temporarily saves your life.
- You will get sick.
- Immunization is safe and necessary. It is what civilized people do.
- Mind altering pharmaceuticals are a savior.
- Mental disease is best served by drugs
- Recreational drugs are bad for you and illegal while pharmaceuticals, which can create even more problems for you, are championed and legal.
- Faith healers are quacks.
- Alternative medicine is not comparable to the AMA brand of medicine.
- Doctors save lives…at any cost
- Healing methods that work must be approved by a lengthy, costly, and difficult process run by the FDA
- Charity is not lining the pockets of those who run them. They do good work for their charges.
- Diseases have never been purposefully planted in other cultures to control and eradicate
- Maintain the medical status quo at all costs.
- Pharmaceutical and medical lobbies are just doing their job to keep people alive.
- Fluoride and any chemical additive is safe
- Sunlight is bad for you
- Force feeding a lab animal one ingredient to create a disease is a proven and useful practice.
- There are no panaceas
- A placebo is useless and does not support the body’s capacity to heal itself.
- Additives in water, air, and food are OK
- The miracle of GMO’s provides a sustainable food source.
- Organic must cost more
- Junk/fast food is a necessity of our day and age
- The food pyramid is accurate and well researched
- Overweight is a personal choice. It is not the result of foods that are void of nutritional value and cheap to buy
- There is no evidence that disease and death are purposefully manipulated as a means of population control.
- Stress is not really a precursor to disease.
- Changes in the fashion industry do not impact people’s view of themselves nor what the new norm is
- Some people are prone to disease.
- Regular tests to check for a potential disease are good and they have no impact on inviting in the condition
- Doctors time is more valuable than yours.
- We are better off than we used to be
- Corporate agriculture is a better way
- The better food looks the better it is for you
- Throwing away or destroying food that does not sell is justifiable despite the millions who are on the brink of starvation
- Business efficiency is a priority over personal patient care
- Its all about looking young. We do not want to look at all those old people. It is disturbing
- Alcohol is an acceptable drug of choice
On and on and on….
It is painfully obvious that there really is no such thing as truth in most of these old messages. They prey upon poor self esteem and personal body images to sow seeds of deep fear that compromise more and push people to give up more of their personal power. Fitting in is the most important thing.
No wonder so many are the walking wounded shuffling off towards death. The culture has brainwashed the deeper realities about the nature of the physical body and the bigger picture about life. Let’s look at some of the new information that is presenting itself out of the ashes of this drivel we have just waded through.