The following is excerpted from the course Tools for the Times

The Power of Breath, tears, and Flow

Emotion is energy in motion, as we have established. By the wonder of our energetic and physical design, the specific parameters of this Earthly Dimension, and the incoming frequencies that rain upon us daily from the Cosmic Source, we are well equipped to have a full life. When it comes to being emotionally literate we want to have access and feel free to utilize our most useful tools. The breath, tears, and trusting the flow are three such tools

The breath sustains us. It gives us oxygen for the cells and tissues and provides the life force, the chi, to sustain us energetically. Breath work facilitates emotional release and sustains the system to keep more clear. For this to occur one must breathe deeply to the bottom of the lung, at the abdomen. Doing so maximizes the intake. Practice doing this: full, deep, slow breaths for a few minutes. With enough practice you can retrain your mechanism to breath like this naturally, providing a myriad of benefits. This kind of breath relaxes.

If you want to support rising emotion or intentionally move some energetic residue, learn and use the Connected or Circular Breath. With this breath you breathe deeply without any pause at the end of inhalation or exhalation. This continues breath super oxygenates the system and eases the movement of emotional energy to clear more quickly. It will bring the tears out, move the symptoms of fear, release the rising anger, and nurture you through grief stages. It can make you light headed as you supercharge so self-regulate. Sustaining the breath for a minute to begin with and then expanding will support you mightily.

Tears are the salve for the soul. They are the physical manifestation of the hurt and pain in liquid form. Stuffing tears, as encouraged by society and cultures and families only backs up the pipes. Like never flushing the toilet, the toxic residue can expand in a short time. Tears are a powerful release of energy, stress, and stored pain. Allowing them is essential to maintaining clarity. I invite you to refrain from or resist the tendency to wipe them away, typically out of embarrassment. Letting them roll down the face under the chin, down the neck and onto the chest is a marvelous sensation and the perfect testament to self care…no fear, no embarrassment, no self judgment, no hesitation. Tears facilitate the smooth movement of all emotions in a cleansing wash. We even cry when we are joy filled, a sure sign that the happiness is clearing away lower vibrational toxicity.

Resistance creates stress and blockage. A healthy self is all about reduced blockage and the clear, unimpeded movement of energy. All systems require flow to maximize their capabilities. You can consciously choose to allow life to flow, choosing to not attach to the forms of the moment as much. Knowing that the form is the least reliable element in the moment, you can open to the bigger picture, the higher perspective, to ease your moment by moment experiences. Emotions must flow like the river. They are like clouds floating across the sky, ever changing, ever moving, disappearing from view. And like clouds you can influence them with your thinking. Think about and believe in the power of choosing to resist less. The moving and vibrating life is one well lived and enjoyed. Resisting emotion is pointless and doomed.

Session Action Two: The Emotional Me:  Release Trapped Emotions