- By Divine Decree, Under the Law of Grace and Love and in accordance with Divine Will, In the Name of God-Goddess-All-That-Is and my own Divine I-AM-God-Goddess-Presence, I call upon my Mastery that I have accumulated in my soul, from all of my lifetimes, past, present and future, across space, time and dimension, to return to me now and to be embodied here and now, with Grace and Ease, for the activation of my Divine Mission and the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth. And I ask for these masterful abilities and Divine Functioning to be embodied easily and gracefully and all elements hindering this mastery be released to the light, all necessary DNA to be aligned and brought to full function, all channels to be opened,and all vows, agreements and contracts rescinded, broken and released to the light. So that the power of that can be manifested fully in my experience.And so it is!
- “By Divine Decree, with the Power of my I-AM-God-Goddess Presence, I Command for the direct, easy and graceful manifestation of immense riches in my life. I Command and Invoke an immense abundance of money, resources, assistance and support, to flow to me constantly, easily and gracefully; to assist my awakening process and to accomplish my Divine Mission of the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth. And I command for every possible need to be automatically taken care of before I even know I need it.”
- “I invoke and draw upon my unlimited karmic bank account and the unlimited flow of divine energy, life-force and abundance for my life mission of the Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth. I command this with the Full-Force of my Divine Beingness and seal this command with the Golden Christ Flame of Love, and I call upon the Violet Fire to burn up all resistance to this Divine Prosperity.”
- From the Divine Love that flows within my Being, I am prepared and I accept the full integration of my Divinity throughout my Being. I acknowledge and honor all parts of my Being that have supported my journey in my physical experience, and I transmute those thought forms which no longer serve me into Unconditional Love. I transmute all energies that would interfere with my ability to declare my freedom and proclaim my Divinity, into the divine expression of Creative Love, and activate the Golden Light of Transformation throughout the totality of all that I am. And so it is.
- I Am Love. I am loveable. I give and receive Love freely without hesitation and without restriction. I Am completely open to experiencing the cleansing and healing power of Love in all my energy bodies, in all my moments, and in all my relationships. In my balance and clarity I choose Unconditional Love in all my interactions. I Love fully the Me That I Am. And so it is.