The Power of Witnessing

To witness is to see completely as it is. To heal is to be witnessed as whole. Healing is that simple. It starts with the capacity of the one inside to claim and act upon the true and whole design. No matter what the current form it is necessary to hold to the wisdom of and the simultaneous existence of the design template. Doing so is a good faith move that activates the magnetic energies necessary to make manifest the vibrations that call forth the healing.

You are first your own witness. All of the lifetimes, the incarnations, the panoply of wayward beliefs, the discordant forms of the experiences in each expression lived, conspire to keep you unaware and perpetually wounded…until you choose otherwise. The forms are falling as the new energies replace the Piscean with the Love wash and the impending Oneness realizations.

Your attention activates the forms of your moments. Your response to those forms seeds the next moment’s form. This is not rocket science, it is the simplicity of the cosmic design and the wisdom that seeds it. Your investment in suffering pays no useful dividends anymore. Turning your back on the illusory man in the mirror will start to reveal the hologram of I Am that has always been trying to get through. Being seduced by the way it has been and the comfort zone you are wedded to is simply foolish. Yes, you know better.

Witnessing the truth in you even when it is yet to reveal is a manifestation of believing eyes that are the precursor to the revelation of the I Am Expressing as You. Yes, it  must happen to open the portals of form to release the necessary cosmic energies that will seed the actualization into the now. Good faith is a must here. Living as if life is already glorious is a useful tool as well. Claiming your I Am Health is essential to the makeup of the Truth as You in this moment and in this dimension.

From the revealed You you are then able to witness others. It is not a posturing or a look at how cool I Am and how much I can make your life better energy, rather it simply seeing all as the I Am in Expression. You can do this with conviction because you have reclaimed it in yourself. It is a knowing that floods through the eyes and activates the inner knowing of all it sets its gaze upon. This is how we are born to serve one another and the greater manifestation of the Oneness. Are you in?

The Power of Witnessing