19 The Gift of Endless Abundance and Prosperity to Claim

This earthly plane, this universe, this Multi-verse, in fact, is a sea of abundance and infinite promise.

Scarcity does not exist beyond the scope of the human mind. And, as a result of being there, it spreads into form by the law of manifestation to show up as our “reality”. Further programming, repetitive thinking,  and habitual action makes this flood the moments of our living. We tend to create our own scarcity.

Accessing the fertile manna contained in the ethers begins with thought and belief. Knowing there is no scarcity is a powerful position upon which to stand. This feeds how we are in the world. This results in fields of abundance before us and within us. Just as we were taught that there is not enough to go around, so, too, can we be re-educated into the realm of plenty for everyone.

The challenge for humans is to overcome the programming and its seeming incessant onslaught upon our senses and being. In the face of evidence that shows that we lack, we must begin to inform the body, mind, and spirit of just what is there for us. The epidemic of greed is born in deep wounds that leave one with a belief in not enough. They begin to perceive and believe in a limited world and hold on and horde through the eyes of fear and expectation of the same old result. From this perspective, there can never be enough. The hole is huge…and, unfortunately, no amount of stuff will fill it…though many try.

Healing this misperception is an inside job initiated by new information and a leap of faith. There is a river of giving abundance flowing ever into this dimension. It is up to us to receive it. And here lies the rub for many. Not deserving has us closing our open hand to reinforce our beliefs about worthiness. Throwing this away and acting as if we are worthy is a powerful step. These steps of faith ignite the flow. Once we choose to claim it, the rush begins. Manifestation can grow, especially in these times, into an almost immediate process. Open to receive and choose to claim it. Turning your back or closing your hands will give you more of the same life of lack…not worth it.

The gift of endless prosperity, when claimed, will bring us a stress free life of peace, joy, and contentment. Begin now to cast off the old beliefs and quit paying attention to the old forms. These established institutions are crumbling as new forms arise in alignment with principle. Jump into the river of abundance and receive what is rightfully yours by design.


Living in De Light: The Gift of Endless Abundance and Prosperity