During the Piscean epoch of 2150+ years there was a masculine driven energy that was controlling, using fear, judgment, criticism, social ostracism, etc, to keep people believing that they were limited beings and, thus, in their place. Most of us have had many incarnations under this influence and, as such, have carried the experiences and beliefs in cells and tissues…incarnating into the energy time after time. It was a challenge to see beyond that doctrine until these current times of recalibration and waking up. Our intent is to step out of these beliefs and seed higher frequency life-affirming beliefs that can result in an expanded life of love and compassion. Doing so is essential to reclaiming who we are by design. That we are of this Earth plane means that we are still influenced by these old beliefs. But, clarity becomes a tool that allows us to make discerning decisions about the use of these old beliefs. This is a part of these transitioning times. What follows is a list of some of the widespread beliefs used to restrict our personal power. One of our adventurers wanted to see more of this doctrine of limitations…so here ya go. Ah…remember the days!

  1. We are limited beings
  2. Men are superior
  3. Others who have it tell us how to get it
  4. We need an intermediary to contact Spirit
  5. We get weaker as we age
  6. We are prone to disease
  7. Pills will make everything better
  8. Feelings are not to be trusted
  9. The more you have the more desirable you are
  10. Money is power and brings happiness
  11. Humans kill and that is ok if it keeps the peace
  12. Leaders are mostly immune from consequences
  13. Do not trust
  14. Be afraid and protect yourself and your family
  15. God is a big white male who lives in the sky and is vengeful and plays favorites
  16. Religions know the truth so do what they say
  17. Worship heroes and then knock them down
  18. Drugs, except for prescription drugs and bad for you
  19. You will never be good enough
  20. If you pay enough you can get all the answers
  21. Lying is necessary, cheating is celebrated
  22. Winning is everything
  23. Abuse is acceptable and often necessary
  24. Women are inferior and deserve less for the same work as a man
  25. Certain body types and looks are best and desirable, for now
  26. Artistic expression and creativity are only in the few
  27. Imagination is less important than coloring in the lines
  28. Do as you are told or there will be consequences
  29. When you die you go to heaven or Hell
  30. Sex is dirty, passion must be avoided
  31. Spirituality and money are not compatible
  32. War is necessary
  33. Being killed for your country is noble and desirable
  34. Some are more worthy than others
  35. I am better than you
  36. It’s fun to laugh at the misfortunes of others
  37. The government will keep us safe
  38. Freedom has a cost
  39. The doctor is always right
  40. Famous people are more important
  41. Banks can be trusted with your money
  42. Democracy is fair
  43. You have only one life so you better live it right
  44. There are chosen ones
  45. Schooling is necessary and will guarantee a bright future
  46. You are a hopeless sinner
  47. Trust authority
  48. The FDA is there to protect citizens
  49. Reduction of symptoms is more important than prevention
  50. Promise anything to get what you want
  51. Your word means little…do what you need to do
  52. Stay quiet and do not speak your truth
  53. On and on…..

  1. Piscean Age Characteristics
  2. People are born with limitations and flaws
  3. Life and society are hierarchical
  4. Survival of the fittest
  5. Haves vs the have nots
  6. Scarcity
  7. Power is control
  8. Power is a commodity that changes hands
  9. Power is controlled and maintained by force
  10. Emotion is weak
  11. Have to improve yourself
  12. Fear based and driven
  13. Majority rules
  14. Always yearning for something better
  15. Military industrial complex is a necessary evil
  16. Good vs evil
  17. People are victims of life
  18. Life is about doing/getting results
  19. You are judged by wealth, looks, and power
  20. Immediate gratification
  21. Past and future based
  22. Male dominated
  23. Filled with misinformation, lies, deceit,manipulation, cheating, greed, and abuse
  24. Culture and society in the Piscean Age have impacted our viewpoint about work and purpose. We are taught that there is a life’s work. We are taught the value of a day’s work. We are directed to work hard. We are taught to believe that hard work will create the desired result…money, and all the stuff and leisure it can buy. We work to gain wealth instead of working for fulfillment. The employment system is hierarchical and results in too many not making enough. The control is given to the few. Others are left to work just to stay alive. Of course, there are a host of variations in between.
  25. Society based on money also convinces the worker to value credit, immediate satisfaction, living for tomorrow, etc. The seduction of the worker results in large debt that can easily overwhelm, dishearten, and enslave the worker. We are seduced to focus outside of ourselves, viewing the acquisition of stuff as the ultimate goal, believing that money will buy happiness, though the evidence to the contrary is prevalent.