A healing musician is one who consciously uses music to impact and
raise the vibrations of the listener. His creations are intentional and based upon esoteric principles and the physics of sound.
Songs are created
- to bring about a reawakening of inner truth in the listener;
- to trigger the cells to release lower frequency vibrations;
- to assist in reprogramming the subconscious mind;
- to shift the vibration of the listener into a state of health and balance;
- to bring about a peace filled vibration;
- to clear the mind, body, and spirit of energetic misconceptions;
- and/or to enliven the spirit and the will to action.
The healing musician is a constant traveler on his own road of clarity and health, open to guidance and new information from multi-dimensional sources. She is a trusting improvisor in the presence of those who require a change to a higher vibration.
The healing musician
- is well versed in musical style,
- knows a variety of instruments,
- has a grasp of sound and vibrational specifics,
- is comfortable with using the voice as a healing tool,
- is willing to move,
- has developed a significant repertoire of mantra, chant, and intentional songs from a wide variety of cultures,
- is willing and has confidence to write when needed,
- is a practitioner of gratitude, humility and service.