Session One: The Nature of Sound and Vibration

Sound is a wave that is created by vibrating objects and propagated through a medium from one location to another. For sound to be heard it must have a medium. Air, water, metal, wood, earth, stone are examples of mediums. Wherever there is vibration there is sound. In space there is no medium so there is no sound but there is still vibration. All of creation is organized through sound as vibration. Thus the entire cosmos is music. Our ears hear only a small sample (20HZ to 20000HZ) of the vibrational frequency spectrum. Yet, we are influenced constantly by the vast vibrational spectrum of creation.

What is important in regards to sound is the sheer sweeping intensity with which we are bombarded with sound pollution that can have the effect of lowering our particular frequencies of health. The 60 cycle hums, the background of road noise, TV, radio, iPods, machines...and that is just in the audible spectrum. Higher frequency electromagnetic waves from electronics, computers, power lines, cell phone waves...the list goes on. So much so for so long that we hardly notice it anymore. But what it does is to keep us from hearing our own inner soundings, listening to our own guidance, nourishing ourselves with frequencies designed to support us, like nature sounds of the wind through the trees, the ocean, the waterfall, the stream, the sound of animal life.

Many of the comforts and conveniences that civilization has borne has come with an energetic price. I am not saying it is all bad, but I am calling for more than moderation. To truly embrace the power of sound is to create the outer and inner space to actually consciously experience it. Only then can you begin to learn its characteristics and its capabilities and its gifts.

There are things that can be done to create the atmosphere and environment to explore the dimensions of sound and vibration. They will be given in the activities section of this lesson. For now, simply become aware of what is going on around and inside of you in your own home. How are you with silence? Is there really such a thing in your home? Do you hear sounds in your ears all the time? Perhaps something has been calling for you to listen...

You, as a human physical body, are a miraculous manifestation of vibrating cells and systems. You have a frequency of identification that, when in alignment, allows you to function at full capacity. You are a rhythmically entrained organism that is beautifully orchestrated by the Divine spark that ignites your I AM Self.

Not only do you have a frequency of identification, but each organ and cell has specific keynote frequencies that signal balance. Conscious attention to the external input will go far in your maintaining your tuned vehicle. Reducing the amount of dissonant noise in your environment is the first place to start.

Any interruption, conscious or unconscious, of your personal and necessary flow will result in a lowering of your frequency, reducing available energy and compromising your cells, organs, systems, and activity. Our bodies are resonating transducers influenced by all sound around it. This is why we are so impacted by certain environments.

The resonant, balanced frequency of the human body is about 7.8 cycles per second. So, too, is the resonant frequency of the Earth. We are in close harmonic alignment. This is why going out in nature feels so good. We are realigned.

The human energetic body is an intricate, interwoven system designed to function synergistically from Universal guidance and cosmic life force. Being energetic, every experience has impact. The resulting energy must be cleared. The body is designed to do just that, unless the natural order is interfered with. Interference often takes place as unexpressed or unprocessed words/emotion. The unreleased energy is stored by a willing body with the intention that it will soon be cleared. Often, this does not occur for a variety of reasons, including familial and socio/cultural patterns/training/programming. The result is that more energy from similar experiences is stored, thus reducing or slowing down the vibration of the area. The slower the vibration the more physical the energy becomes. Eventually, if it remains uncleared, a “condition “will occur.

This is an attempt of the body to get conscious attention to initiate the release. If ignored or medicated, the energy will continue its vibrational slow down until a dis-ease/major medical condition occurs.

This can be prevented with awareness and conscious maintenance of one’s vibration. Sound alchemy techniques can support the continuing tone of the energy bodies.                                         

This is a sine wave. It has frequency, pitch, and amplitude.

Typical wave forms that make up sounds, instrument timbre, and music. Listen to a samples of each:

Higher frequency waves are perceived as higher in pitch than a lower frequency wave.

Go to Page Two

Physics of Sound
Sound: Vibration, Frequency, and Wavelength
Sound, Vibration, Wave Characteristics
Human Harmonics: Chakras and Acupuncture
Seven Styles of Overtone Singing
The Sound of Space
Songs of the Humpback Whale
Wind in Trees
Color Sound
Spiral of Sound Crystal Bowl

Please take the time to watch and listen to these YouTube videos listed below. There is a lot of information about sound and there are many examples of vibration. Enjoy...

Nature of Vibration        Breath        Voice        Toning        Chakra Clearing        Chants        Mantras        Spoken Word          Energy Maintenance

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Sine Wave, Triangle Wave,

Sawtooth Wave, Square Wave

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