General Guidelines for this Genre

Western ears and nervous systems have been programmed to have difficulty with repetition. Though perceived as boredom, it really is the running into the energy within that is being released that cause the agitation to want to move away from the repetition. I say this because people may have difficulty in engaging your creations initially. Inviting them to trust and allow the repetition to do its work is important and recommended.  

Borrow heavily from the world music that is so available in these times. Feel the variations in the various cultures. Learn what pulses and rhythms do to you. Use this information in your creations. Discern the impact of instrumentation. Learn the subtleties of the language sounds and their influence. Incorporate them

Involve your spiritual journey in your creations. Expand your understanding of spirituality around the world. Certain deities and gods have certain qualities to dispense, which may be just the right thing for you. Remembering that what comes to you is by design and effort of your own Higher Self, pay attention to who and what calls you.

Certain numbers of repetitions have specific impact. 4 honors the basic compass directions. 7 expands that to include the above, below, and within…useful additions. 9 invites and initiates change by acknowledging endings. 5 activates and pushes into action and adventure. 8 establishes power. Study numerology to get more detail.

Research some spiritual phrases or statements from various religious practices. Turn those that impact you into mantras spoken or sung, chants, or intentional songs.

Align with various deities from all religions and begin to create and amass invocations for specific qualities, support, and inspiration.

Create or gather a repertoire of songs about and for nature. In these higher frequency times when the Oneness vibe is infiltrating the inner and outer realms we are opening to the true energetic relationship with the natural world. Spend time in nature with your digital recorder. Make note of the inevitable inspirations and suggestions coming through the nature spirits.

Catalog your own life and experiences in your chants and intentional songs especially. The energy that you are becoming is a powerful attractant to others on a similar path. They will be the ones who align with you most. Addressing your journey directly speaks to their vibrational journey. Trust this…