The crown chakra Second Ray vibration is overseen by the Ascended Master Lento.
Archangel Jophial and his cohort, Christine, tend the chakra frequency and characteristic components. The energy is dispensed into the Earth Plane by Elohim, Apollo and Lumina. Each of these are receptive to invitation and invocation. Songs for them as acknowledgement and to invoke their celestial powers are valuable.
The hormone gland associated with the crown is the pineal. The color frequency aligned is violet.
It is located at the top of the head in a cone of vibration, some say at the infants cranial soft spot that closes up by age seven, indicating full physical body incarnation.
Body parts associated with it are the cerebral cortex and central nervous system.
Animal associated with the crown is the butterfly.
It deals issues having to do with the regulation of spiritual energies and guidance necessary to activate our purpose. It is the center of our divinity, the place through which we know our unity with the Divine Source and all other spiritual beings.
When balanced one is in a symbiotic relationship with spirit and Source. There is an even exchange of energy coming in from the ethers and multidimensional sources. There is trust in the spiritual relationship and there is faith in the support given. One experiences grace and sees the world as a beautiful, supportive place balancing between the foundational strength and cleansing powers of the earth and the higher, expansive frequencies of the heavenly kingdoms. A knowing that all is well and one is not alone supports the moments of living. One has direct access to guidance and uses it as normal. There is sensory evidence of the expansiveness of the earth plane and one is willing to access and create relationship with all the kingdoms. From this open place one pulls the energies of the earth and from the heavens to center and live in the heart.
Chanting, mantra practice, and singing intentional music are sound vehicles that nurture and direct the crown chakra energy and reduce mental distraction..
Some symptoms of imbalance include depression, alienation, confusion, boredom, apathy, inability to learn or comprehend, immune system disorders, nervous system disorders, personality disorders, neurosis, headaches, dizziness, imbalance, lack of direction, over-
Open me up to Source and all the angels
Open me up to drink the Light that fills us all
Open me up reveal the path of my true purpose
Open me up to unify me with the One
Between the heavens and the Earth within my heart space
I shall dwell here in the Holy Land of Love
In the Knowing and the Grace
I shall find peace and I will place
The Crown upon this breath of God I Am…I Am
Click below to listen to the root tone as you read about it. Notice how each feels
A440 reference
A432 reference